Just a little help · 9:26pm Jun 10th, 2024
Hey gang, I'm thinking of putting up character profiles for the Crystal Prep bimbos that have been featured here in the story. Just some basic info with additional things that come with this world. They're all based on this image here https://derpibooru.org/1365769?q=artist%3Aannon. The problem is it's only these half-body drawings that I could find. I was wondering if anyone here has full-body images for all twelve of them? That would be immensely helpful. I had already asked Annon if they had
I probably won't be going in that direction with TPB. I did have the thought early on of Twilight needing to "relieve stress" from Spike, but I decided not to. If Twispike is what you're after, then check out my other story The Witches of Everfree Manor. There is only the one chapter with it so far.
Does power bimbos have twispike in it or not I just wanna know
I seriously hope everything is okay, we haven't heard any updates in a while
Glad to see this story is back. I was concerned when this story seemed to disappear.
Glad you like and I do love you're Power Bimbo story so far. Also thanks for adding my Piggy Pie story to your favs as well!