
Viewing 2041 - 2060 of 3,020 results

Darkest Of Days In Celebration · 9:38pm Dec 22nd, 2023

How much longer will it take to complete this task?
How often do I think about that? How often is the question not, what am I doing? Why am I doing it? But: When am I done?
Yet, sometimes, for very few tasks, this melts away. Everything revolves around the what, how, and why. And in those rare moments, if the question of when comes up... the answer is the same: There is no after, there is only this.

Happy Filthy Friday~, and Happy Darkest night.


A Year Ended in Sickness · 12:02am Dec 30th, 2023

Treading towards the end, watching the cobble of the path fall apart, but the rocks staple together beneath my feet, each step progressing as if nothing happened, as if everything was right. But then, before the fall, new pathways converge, cobble clatter together, and before I have a chance to look down, the path is the same as it ever was.
And so it will be, until that fateful day.

Happy new Year~.


Burdens · 9:42pm Jul 28th, 2023

At times, there is a certain relief in letting go. I get used to burdens as they accumulate, as their compile and insinuate their presence in my life. Despite the loss and pain of letting them go, despite the agony of what I fear life would be without it, there is a wonderful sensation in being able to take deep, long, breaths.

Happy Filthy Friday~.

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Half-Life and MLP mash up: G-Sombra and Dr. Sparkle · 8:58pm Dec 5th, 2020


WTFIWWY-A Leg and A Leg · 9:14pm March 24th

This week the life lessons we learned are:

-Do not impersonate cops, they don't like it and will arrest you.

-You could be minding your own business going to the store or walking down the street or whatever and suddenly naked stranger...and you know it's never going to be someone you want to see naked.

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WTFIWWY-Captain Underpants Begins · 12:10am April 1st

This episode just has a lot of people being assholes unnecessarily.

On this episode, the life lessons we learned:

-Don't steal cars or attempt to steal cars. If you do, choose something better to conceal your face than a underwear.

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Rousing learning · 11:52pm April 5th

I look upon the fruit's grandeur: its shell vibrant with a scintilla sheen of its hues. Within housing pods of nourishing, supple syrup. Each pod holds a seed, the intended recipient of the fruit's benefits. Were it not for the seed, there would be no fruit, were it not for the seed, there would be no plant. And yet here I stand, holding the fruit, claimed for my own. What right do I have to it? Other than that which I attributed to myself.
And yet, I am playing right into the tree's trap.

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Happy All Ass Day~. · 10:16pm Feb 14th, 2020

What is it like to come to terms with one's conception? That brief moment where void and existence married, the instant our lives began. What was before? A question often left by the wayside, and yet as relevant as what happens afterwards. Most conclusions draw back to the moment, where we are simply happy to be.
I am happy to be, and I will be happy to have been, for that brief instance in my future.

Happy All Flanks Day~.


Well, if that's really what she said... · 5:22am Aug 30th, 2020

Sister loses the bet,
You take her to bed.
Sister wins the bet,
She gets to choose whose bed it is instead.

Now, what would you bet,
That "Take me to bed,"
Was what she actually said?
That only tears of joy and ecstasy were ever shed.
And that in all the years since there has never been a single regret.
That in spite of the ties we cut, on the day we fled
To be together, under false names and hoping perhaps for even a chance to wed.

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And so we spinn a new wheel · 2:11am Jan 4th, 2020

Perception and interpretation: Key to the establishment of connection, between living beings, and said beings to their surrounding. Two creatures holds different perspectives, yet if they share the same interpretation, they can communicate and relate to one another. Perception is grown from birth, the moment we gain an understanding of the world around us. Interpretation is taught, and lays as the foundation for our communication and triumph.

Happy new decennium~.


Finding a Haven - SockPuppet (Random Recommendations in <50 words #11) · 6:32pm May 15th

TFinding a Haven
When a unicorn infant is born in Zephyr Heights, young Crown Princess Haven must carry it to Bridlewood.
SockPuppet · 4k words  ·  226  5 · 2.7k views

[Technically Advanced]

Overall. Emotional adiabatic lapse rate in excess of safe levels! Delivery of baby unicorn essential to stabilise.

Best lines:

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WTFIWWY-Everybody Was Kung Fu Skating · 3:08pm May 26th

Life lessons we learned this week:

-If the police are chasing you and you hide, they will find you, life is not a video game. Though points to this guy for creativity on the fly as who would think to look in a dryer? But he loses points because the dryer had an acrylic window in the door.

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The Good Life, chapter 4 · 12:53pm Saturday

"I'm sure you had your reasons."

"Maybe I did. But they seem stupid now. When I left, I think I was expecting to die. As far as any of them are concerned, I did. Yet, here I am, still waiting for it."

"You could always go back."

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I Think I've Made Myself Clear - new story! (Unpublished Pre-read / Feedback) · 7:43am Monday

Invisiblestia pranks Luna during a lesson with Starswirl.

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Battle for My Free Time · 12:15pm Sep 25th, 2015

To say I have an eventful day tomorrow is putting it mildly. Let's break it down:

8 AM: Friendship Games airs.
11:30 AM: New pony episode airs.
12 PM: Battle for Zendikar prerelease.
5 PM: Weekly gaming session I've been unable to attend for the past two weeks.
Update: 8 PM: Friendship Games airs.

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[Scene Writing] Bon Bon Pranks · 9:33pm Nov 7th, 2015

Bon Bon yawned as she walked into her house. The stars were dancing high above, and she could feel her eyelids getting heavier with each step, but first the dryness of her mouth needed to be attended to. She turned the lights on in the kitchen and pour herself a cup of ice and water. She sat upon a stool at the counter and took a sip, her throat chilling in relief as she drank. Then she looked across the counter towards the living room and noticed the television was on.

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053 Annoucing: Arcane Realms update! · 2:08pm Sep 4th, 2015

053 Annoucing: Arcane Realms update!

Remember that one story about Spike at Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Individuals? There's more to it than just the original chapter, soon to be revealed! Pics or it won't happen, you say? Very well, then!

Yes, you're seeing this right!

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Holy Fucking Shit: 100 [SPOILERS] · 6:46pm Jun 13th, 2015

Bon Bon: I really can't believe it. Your darkest secret is that you ate my oats? Really?
Lyra: Yup!
Bon Bon: So you haven't done ANYTHING worse than that?
(Lyra's expression goes blank, the vague sounds of helicopters and machine guns in the background)
Oh dear sweet Celestia! They blew off my hooves! I can't feel a thing!
Don't worry! I gotcha! I gotcha!
O-Oh fff... Lyra... a-am I gonna be okay? What's happening?
(gun cocking) D-Don't worry... I g-got you...

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044 Frenemies Talk: Slice of Life feat. Skeeter The Lurker · 6:10pm Jun 14th, 2015

044 Frenemies Talk: Slice of Life feat. Skeeter The Lurker

Welcome one and all to the show - surprisingly, we're on time! Imagine that.

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Ain't Nothin' Not To Love About Us · 7:23pm Jun 16th, 2015

but castle, wut do wee do in Off Topic?
What don't we do in Off Topic, because we do what we like and we like it like that. Of course, anarchy never works, so there still are a few rules for you to follow. Just follow the rules and don't paint your pants brown with butt-cream just because there are admins. We're a friendly bunch of peeps.

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