
Viewing 181 - 200 of 223 results

Dr. Who & the Ponies · 4:32am Apr 9th, 2018

So here is a thing; I am working on a longer story arc. A much, much longer story arc. If you've read my previous posts, you already knew that. However, I think I've finally gotten the first series fleshed out. There will be twelve stories in the present storyline, with a trio of sort-of bonus storylines, one detailing the adventures of a past Doctor in Equestria, one as a side plot that didn't fit in neatly anywhere else, and one as a nice, light slice-of-life break from the adventure and

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Every Album I Own (For the most part.) · 2:48am April 8th

The two things I've enjoyed the most over the past year are, well, the obvious, and music.

I started getting into both at about the same time, which wasn't a coincidence. I don't have the space to talk about it here, though.

These are all of the albums that I own that I actually listen to, and I will update this list when I obtain more.

(Please only look through all of this if you're actually interested enough.) Sorry that the pictures are gigantic.

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State of the Human, October 2017 · 3:06pm Oct 3rd, 2017

First off, pony movie soon. Super hyped to see it, and if it gets spoiled for me I'll be devastated.

Now that that's out of the way, a quick update on where I'm at.

I put out an entry to the Barcast's Rarity contest on Saturday, which was immediately buried by the Saturday flood of stories. Check it out, I'd love to get some feedback.

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So I've heard this song and I've gotten a great idea for a story for Unique to be in! · 11:08am Aug 15th, 2015

I was really really surprised to learn that this came from the Power Rangers TV show. No, seriously! It's from the Wild Force generation, and I remember hearing it before so it's really cool I've finally found this song again.

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Downvoting stories without reading them - quality control or prejudice? · 12:24am May 14th, 2018

Okay, normally it takes a very special FIMFic story to move me to either upvote it or downvote it. Askre and I have talked about this subject a few times outside of FIMFiction, but in the context of snap judging a story without reading it. I’ve expressed my extreme distaste for people who hit that thumb up/thumb down button based on their own bias towards the subject matter. I am sure all of us have been there…seeing some tags just push our buttons the wrong way, whether it be on the subjects

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Christmas Advent Calendar 2018 Day 17 · 5:46am Dec 18th, 2018

On the 8th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me... 8 dead bodies hanging from a tree somewhere in Japan...


Random Ramblings CCCXLVIII · 3:55am Jan 20th, 2019

So, I just checked something today. But first, enjoy some Eagles.

I saw five juvenile bald eagles in a tree near my home a couple days ago, but that's as may be. Follow me…

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Go Read This Story · 6:31pm Oct 18th, 2020

TIn Colour
Blindness, contrary to what Rainbow had always imagined, was not like being in a dark room.
Seer · 1.9k words  ·  205  6 · 2.2k views

Those who frequent Quills and Sofas know that I can be pretty demanding in my critiques. It's not often I give stories a 5/5 rating, even if they're from very proficient authors. Even when I do, it's very rare that I don't have any improvements to offer at all.

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more what if art highlights · 4:07am Jul 26th, 2022


Some Plugs: Medical Fund Raisers, Story Recs, etc! · 5:26pm Apr 15th, 2019

First: IF YOU NEED A ROOM FOR BABSCON PLEASE HIT ME UP! My friend and I have at least 2 spots open for up to Thursday night through Monday morning.

Okay, so, this is a great community, and from time to time we come together to help each other out.

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Procrastination, we need to talk... · 2:20am Mar 25th, 2016

Procrastination, I'm afraid we can't see each other anymore. I know that we have had many good times together, and those are times I will never forget... However, I think we both know that this has been a long time coming. I mean, I would have gotten to it sooner, but let's face it, you've rubbed off on me quite a bit, Pro.

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Is there really a point to these hands? · 2:47am Jul 24th, 2015


I. Regret. NOTHING!! · 3:23pm Dec 21st, 2015



I Went to the Dentist and I Was Sure the Anesthetics Would Do Wonders to my Dignity, and Oh Fucking Shit Was I Right · 9:41pm Sep 4th, 2016


Five Years of Horsewords and Human-Horsewords! · 11:15pm Jul 23rd, 2017

Half a decade now. Five years ago, I made an account here on Fimfiction to indulge in reading horsewords and trying a feeble attempt at writing them.

Now it's become quite the opposite. Here to write and feebly attempt to read.

My, how things have changed. Below the break, find one of the two times of the year where I freely talk about what I accomplish when I'm not being lazy. I've learned and discovered so mush in these years, it's hard to imagine sometimes.

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Random Late Night Blog Post #2 · 7:06am Jan 5th, 2019

So I spent most of the day looking at reenactment stuff, which is definitely something I have a problem with. I want to spend way too much money. Basically, whenever my unit sends out a call asking for people to do something, if I don't have it, I look into buying it.

Basically, I almost just bought a service uniform like the one below before I even got my field uniform squared away, with a major D-Day event in Ohio coming up in August, which I still need to get $600+ in gear for.

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So it's super late and all, but... · 9:19am Dec 13th, 2015

...I think I've fallen back into SombraPie shipping hell. Again. Like, it's been kinda lowkey for the past while, but damn, I got hella inspired after that review for the finale and now I got a whole AU situation going on up in here. I get that the whole "Evil ruler and soldier from the opposing side" thing isn't the healthiest dynamic, but it has got me interested... Also, I've been listening to Halsey and Maroon 5 for this AU, and it oddly fits...

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Guess where I am · 11:20pm Jan 22nd, 2016


Should be getting my first of many (hopefully) Unique posters tomorrow. · 2:12am Oct 5th, 2015

I just hope it looks good. I paid extra moneys to have it made with a professional material finish to keep it from wearing and fading away. Like a plastic wallet basement nerds put their super-duper-ultra-mega-hyper rare limited edition superhero comics in.

If anyone reading this is one of such people who do that, we (that's Unique and I, by the way) would like to apologize to those people who were offended by that comment.

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Happy Thanksgiving. · 2:46am Nov 27th, 2015

Now, I'm gonna get back to watching Batman: The Animated Series. I've been liveblogging it on tumblr for the past couple days and I'm honestly having the BEST TIME. It's not only been a trip down memory lane, but also fun to watch because omfg there were so many bad puns I LOVE IT. I'm not as far as I want to be, but I'm close to reuniting with a childhood favorite of mine:

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Viewing 181 - 200 of 223 results