When I caught a contagious disease and had to quarantine for a week, I thought I'd get seven days of peace & quiet. But it turns out that ponies are immune to human diseases and love to help...
Few words are as terrifying as 'You're a car guy, right?' Minty's Mustang II is on the fritz and she wants an 'expert' opinion. If she wanted that, she really should've called an expert. Instead, she's stuck with me.
The downside to having a birthday that falls right before the holidays is that it tends to get lost in the shuffle. Everyone always has other things to do. Minty doesn't usually have a lot going on, so she should have some free time today... I hope.
In Equestria, it's Nightmare Night. On Earth, it's Halloween. For ponies on Earth, adapting to Halloween wasn't difficult. Costumes, spooky decorations, and candy? Same old, same old. Trunk-or-treating? Okay, that's a new one...
Coconut Cream started working a new job in Philadelphia at Gustave Le Grande's Filly Cheesesteaks, and I just 'volunteered' to drive Toola Roola to Philadelphia to see her best friend. Me and my big mouth.
Ford Mustangs are made to be driven. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania is filled with scenic covered bridges. And little ponies love Mustangs and quaint, picturesque landscapes both. Cruising through the beautiful scenery of Amish country is a given.
Upon returning home from his business trip to New York City, Mr. Jones makes the decision to move to Equestria. His journey takes longer than he thought, and whoever said getting there is half the fun didn't have their teenage sister tagging along...
'R' and 'E' are right next to one another on keyboards, so I dismissed 'Mareiott' as a typo and booked my hotel room online. It was only after I found a pony waiting for me at the airport that I realized it was, instead, a horrible pun.
When I heard ponies had opened a car wash, I had to stop in and investigate. Under normal circumstances, nobody washes my Mustang but me. Considering these abnormal circumstances, is it time to make an exception?