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  • Featured 24784 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Izzy is smiling. This is a constant fact, a basic truth of the universe. The sun is warm, snow is cold, and Izzy is smiling. But there's a truth behind that cheerful mask. She smiles because she has to, or so she's sure.

Done for a patron, scheduled for one update a month until done (or they change their mind).

Chapters (3)

It's cold. Keeping inside and trying not to think about this is Phil, a human.

Outside, trying to get rid of her rubbish is Plum, a pony. But she's having issues.

Phil helps Plum, and in helping her encounters further issues.

Then there's soup. Or not.

Chapters (1)

Anon and Rainbow read books on a sofa. He's knackered though, and she may-well have an ulterior motive.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Default

The local human has a lot of time on his hands now, and time proves itself unkind to him in its abundance.

Not that he can do a lot about it.

Still, it's just one of those things.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Mistakes were made

With the local human having ceased wandering and causing ruckus he attempts - with Twilight's ever-patient assistance - to calm down, make it up to those that he needs to make it up to and generally live his best his life.

His greatest obstacle in this, as with most things post-arrival, is his towering neurosis.

And maybe the uncomfortable fact that he can't stop growing larger and more resilient with each passing day. And that not being belligerent to the wildlife gives him sufficient time to fully contemplate the breadth of his situation as a lone and isolated example of his kind in a world entirely not his own, try as he might to just ignore it and stop his brain from eating itself with irritating doubts and fears.

Other than that he's having a whale of a time.

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to You Can Go With This

Much to her surprise, Twilight receives an invitation to the Dragon Lands.

As it turns out, she is brought there under false pretences. A monster has moved in recently, and despite the best efforts of the locals they haven't been able to shift it. Could Twilight, being as how she has monster experience, have a look?

She has a sneaking suspicion it may be a 'monster' she's familiar with.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Scary Monsters

Following on from his jailbreak the local human finds himself in something of a rut, and decides that this is due to his nagging feeling that the previous matter had not been resolved to his satisfaction.

He decides the best way of rectifying this is to break into at least two castles, get locked up again and disappoint just about every single entity he happens to encounter.

Often while naked.

Chapters (1)

The local human, finding himself possessed of strength beyond measure in this strange world, decides to be a brutish nuisance. You know, running around half-naked, stealing cider and that sort of thing.

When his behaviour lands him in jail he casually breaks out and - more on a whim than anything else - breaks out the other jailbird too. Because that's mischief, and she had to have done something wrong, right?

They then run from Twilight, sit around a fire and sleep in a cave.


Ahahaha I got featured and I don't even have a picture what even is this.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Things That Happen When Your Attention Is Diverted

Following his accident, the local human is in a bit of a bad way. Fortunately for him Rainbow - his bestest friend in the whole of Equestria and, indeed, his whole life at this point - is insistent on nursing him back to health. She's adamant, in fact.

And such an extended length of time spent together can lead the mind to wander...

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to This Is What's Meant to Send Me Home?

Rainbow couldn't get a day off so instead just tried to get her work done with as quickly as possible so she could spend time time with her favourite human. The only human available, in fact.

Unfortunately, things often go wrong when you're not there to notice. And this is what has happened.

As she discovers.

Chapters (1)