• Member Since 4th May, 2017
  • offline last seen 52 minutes ago

Cackling Moron

"Fluff" in the same way what collects under the sofa is fluff.


Anon and Rainbow read books on a sofa. He's knackered though, and she may-well have an ulterior motive.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )

As far a fluff goes this... is on the light side which isn't a bad thing, kinda works better when it comes to RD fics.
I would like to see the event that led to her falling in like with him, rather than a summary or a slice of life with this anon?
So far 6.5/10 of the two stories of yours "not counting the thing that is beans on toast" their not bad. RD's acting like RD no ooc there, anon isn't annoying, he's an idiot but that's to be expected after all ya can't have a smart male lead when it comes to anons.

Thanks for that. I'll take a 6.5 given this is pretty far outside my wheelhouse and mostly I'm throwing stuff out and seeing what sticks.
For a guy who's a big fan of the "slow burn, eventually payoff" breed of fic I'm pretty bad at reproducing it.
Speaking of which what about beans on toast! I mean, it's 20k of 300% hot garbage but apart from that!


Comparing these stories with beans on toast... is like comparing Ant man to Avatar the last airbender... the movie. Ones an alright movie which stays pretty true to the source material and can keep someone pretty interested despite it being nothing special. The other is a pile of shyamalan with characters that barely resembles the originals characters "your super ooc sunset" with dialogue and writing that makes me wanna through a shadenight fic at someone.
Pretty apt descriptions for both stories.
Your beans on toast started good I was kinda on board with it despite the tool mc, unfortunately you added sunset who was an unneeded add on to the story considering the story it was based off of anyway.
I was expecting a slow burn of a story where Adagio slowly opens up herself to tool-kun by coming back to him cause he's really the only one she can rely on at the moment. What I got wasn't the amazing story I had hoped for but...I got beans on toast with a 3/10 review.
but these RD fics are a step in the right direction so props.

I liked it. :twilightsmile:


Cute. ♪♫:rainbowkiss:
And potentially awkward. :rainbowderp:

Cute. I like it! :twilightsmile:

There is indeed Cuddles. There should be a tag for that. Like the story quite a bit.

Awwww! This is just so dang adorable

This is so cute and adorable

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