Can't Sleep ? 254 stories
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In a world where ponies see in grayscale until they meet their soulmates, finding your soulmate is a momentous occasion, where the special connection between you quite literally colors your life. When Twilight began dating Rarity, she didn't mind that she couldn't see in colors.

Or, so she thought, until the day Rarity suddenly could.

RariTwi Challenge fic meant to be a different take on one of the many Soulmate!AU prompts circulating Tumblr.

Chapters (1)

With Maud settling down in Ponyville, Marble studying in the Crystal Empire, and her parents finally deciding to retire, Pinkie Pie wonders if Limestone is going to be okay running the Pie Family Farm all by herself. She's never done well on her own, and her cold demeanor probably isn't going to get her a boyfriend anytime soon.

Luckily, she knows an equally lonely human who is perfect for the job!

Chapters (1)

After a strange alien creature named Anon suddenly showed up in Equestria, it was only natural that Twilight Sparkle would want to help him adjust to his new environment. To do so, she enlists the help of local school teacher Ms. Cheerilee. With her guidance, Anon should be able to learn how to do things the "pony way," and before he knows it, he'll be another friendly face in Ponyville's growing community.

Unfortunately, Cheerilee isn't exactly a fan of the new human in town, nor is said human particularly happy to be under the tutelage of an elementary school teacher.

Is there any hope of them getting along?

Chapters (12)

Learning how to control your magic can be difficult for anyone. Especially for Flurry Heart, around whom things tend to explode.

Just as well she's got a Spirit of Chaos to help her out.

Cover art from the gallery of Submerged08. Edited by Cursori. Honorable Mention in the 2019 Everfree Northwest Iron Author competiton.

Spanish translation, by SPANIARD-KIWI.

Chapters (1)

In the gift exchange Rainbow Dash got Applejack. If only she'd listened the first time there wouldn't be much to comment on... But it doesn't seem she did.

Breezie written for Deparnieux, Jinglemas 2023.

Chapters (1)

Starlight is Trixie’s friend. And being Trixie’s friend means she deserves a great gift fitting of the great and powerful Trixie herself. But what gift is worthy of such a title? After much deliberation, Trixie realizes that only one gift will suffice.

Too bad it’s still the wrong gift.

Written for GoldenDoodle for Jinglemas 2023

Cover art sourced from some random show screencap on Derpibooru (it’s even got a watermark)

Thanks to Heroic412227 for looking this over.

Chapters (1)

Snowcatcher sleeps off a teleportation migraine.

My entry into the Ponyville CiderFest 2023's Iron Author contest using the prompts: the space between, injury, journal, legacy.

Characters: Snowcatcher, Dewdrop Dazzle

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is one of the most powerful Unicorns in Equestrian history. But how would the events of the show change if Twilight, the Element of Magic, was never a Unicorn? Would she still be able to wield the element? Would she still make the same friends? Would she even be Celestia's student at all?

A small story. Don't expect a super long story out of this. Inconsistent updates is my specialty. Especially due to college. Have fun reading this cutesy story!

Chapters (12)

It has been a decade since Twilight Sparkle was crowned sole Princess, and Equestria is at peace.

The Crystal Empire, not so much. King Sombra is apparently unkillable, despite all efforts. He returns several times a year to be destroyed, leaving behind his horn and always swearing vengeance. The jaded Crystal Ponies, some literally jade, have grown used to their tyrant attempting to return. Princess Cadance rules with her husband Shining Armor, while their daughter Flurry Heart excels in school. All is well.

All seems well, until Cadance begins to suspect that something is wrong with her daughter after the latest battle with Sombra. Flurry quite literally walks off a blast of concentrated dark magic. What Cadance discovers will shake her family to the core and upend everything she thought she knew about her daughter.

Flurry Heart is evil. If Cadance cannot save her daughter, she must stop her before it's too late.

Chapters (9)

A storm knocks out the power to Luke and Moonlight Zephyr's house. She doesn't realize the implications of it until she tries to make herself a smoothie.

Not having electricity is, for her, a minor inconvenience. Not having her smoothie is a tragedy, and the obvious solution is to fix the wires.

Luke is not on board with this plan. Power lines are dangerous.

She's not convinced, and she can fly.

Chapters (1)