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Fanfiction masochist. :B She/they https://ko-fi.com/presentperfect

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  • Friday
    Fic recs, October 11th!

    I am about to eat delicious donuts, but never let that stop me from doing stuff for y'all. c_c;

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  • 1 week
    Fic recs, October 7th: Under 3.5k edition, part 1!

    Not long ago, someone — I forget who, hopefully they'll shout out in the comments — posted a blog asking what was too long for a fic. I, perhaps in some sort of mental haze, half-cheekily answered "3500 words :c". So here's everything off my RIN that's no longer than 3500 words!

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  • 1 week
    Fic recs, October 4th!

    No One and Nobody has done a reading of Masterweaver's Delayed Reaction!

    And Lotus Moon has done PonyThunder's A Cold Winter Morning! I almost deleted my entire notes document while typing that out! :'D

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    Oh hey, he's talking about us

    You know all those MLP fanfics where ackshually, Equestria has some kind of dark, seedy underbelly? Not just a rougher side that doesn't come out in the show, but some actual evil, perpetuated or at least maintained by usually Celestia, in order to make pony society peaceful and harmonious?

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    State of the Writer, September 2024

    God, I feel like shit.

    My computer's fucking dying.

    I don't wanna do anything.

    That's all for now. :c

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They finally fucking did it · 4:59pm Sep 1st, 2018

This garbage fire shit show of a season finally produced an episode I actually liked.

And not just liked. I liked The Parent Map perfectly well, no complaints whatsoever. But it's not a great episode.

This was great.

And it's all thanks to best horse girlfriends, plus another entirely misaimed pop culture reference. For those not in the know -- and I can't blame ya, in this day, age and fandom -- this episode is an homage to the Road To... movies, starring Bing Crosby and Bob Hope. I can't say I've actually seen one before, but the moment they started singing (gj Starbutt, great "too cool for school" lampshading), I got it immediately. And I was immensely pleased.

This is the kind of shit that made the first two seasons great. This is like the best of the last two seasons. Trixie is best pony.

Now for everyone to calmly explain why I'm wrong. >:V

Comments ( 37 )

meh this last season until G5 become a thing and people will flock to that so i'd enjoy it while i can

Which ep? They've all been released somewhere by now. >_>

Yes! I'm irrationally glad you liked this one. There are a few authors who don't watch the show much anymore, then randomly picked a bad ep from this season and thought the worst. This is a very good season, especially since we should all be well practiced on ignoring the bad episodes by now.

Who could possibly explain to you why you're wrong about saying that this episode was great?

And thank you for saying what the reference was. I knew there HAD to be a reference because Family Guy used that exact style of song a number of times in Stewie/Brian-centric road trip episodes. I just never bothered to look up what the reference was.

What I think their doing is that they're writing bad episodes for Season 8 so that Season 9 should apparently be "something to look forward to".

For your cultural enrichment:

Nope, you're not wrong.

Now, you go read my "Season 8 Autopsy" blog and tell me I'm wrong :raritywink:

Wait what? You didn't like The Parent Map?
I mean, it's okay to be objectively wrong.
Faust has been off the show for over six years, it's time to accept that the first two seasons are hot garbage and move on.

The absolute madmen they actually did it


He literally said he did

This was indeed a great episode

Yeah, that episode was absolutely amazing

I liked it, and being old I got the reference too. Not my favourite of the season, but in the upper echelons. Just plain fun, really.

This garbage fire shit show of a season finally produced an episode I actually liked.

Yay and LOL!

For those not in the know -- and I can't blame ya, in this day, age and fandom -- this episode is an homage to the Road To... movies, starring Bing Crosby and Bob Hope.

Like Pepperidge Farm, I remember. Please tell me they run into a Jerry Colonna pony.

While I think you're being a bit harsh to the show as a whole, I agree that today's episode was fantastic.

iisaw #17 · Sep 2nd, 2018 · · 1 ·

I think I must have watched The Road to Hong Kong about half a dozen times when I was a kid! :rainbowlaugh:

Being a huge fan of gypsy wagons, I was hella sympathetic with Trixie's emotional state when she learned that Starlight Goddamnit Glimmer traded hers away. Sympathetic. With Trixie. :rainbowderp:

I don't agree with your assessment of this season in general, but if you claimed that this episode was the best of the lot so far, I wouldn't argue with you.

Have you not seen episode 23 yet? Spoiler: it's great.

"Now for everyone to calmly explain why I'm wrong. >:V"

Alright if you insist.

From the first frame of this episode, I knew it would be garbage.

The absolutely pedestrian story, the off model animation, the grating music, and the absolutely lackluster payoff should make it clear to ANY idiot that I haven't even started this season yet and don't even know what the episode is about I'm just fuckin with ya

Author Interviewer

Which is a bad idea. Even if they're saving the "best for last" in terms of episodes this season, that means we had to sit through... y'know, all of that to get to something worthwhile.

I like it, it's just not a great episode. It's not something I was really excited about. It sat, lukewarm, at the top of my episodes list for this season up until right now, not because it was great and worthy of inordinate praise, but because everything else was just so much worse.

That list, for the record:
The Road to Friendship
The Parent Map
the one where Fluttershy is a goth for some reason
Grannies Gone Wild
The Mean Six

And that's it. I won't even pretend I like any of the other episodes from this season.


Like Pepperidge Farm, I remember.

If anyone would... :V

Your recent blog post actually gave me one thing to criticize about this: they didn't really build up the importance of Trixie's wagon.

I mean, I was willing to go along with it, don't get me wrong, I've read enough fanfiction. :B But this isn't even her original wagon; that was destroyed back in season one. I think there's a scene, or at least half a scene, that could have been cut down in favor of her expounding on just why that wagon meant so much to her.

But even with that in mind, this is still fucking perfect. :D

Yeah, no, that's definitely a description of pretty much any other episode this season. :V

This line of conversation really bothers me, so I'm gonna duck out now.

You have a point. Rather make good content, but take a long time... rather than rush and end up with it being crap.


the one where Fluttershy is a goth for some reason

Oh, I remember that one! Fake It 'Til You Make It.

Yeah, just a line or two when the Saddle Arabian first offered to swap would have cemented that.

Oh, and the other thing that I don't think anyone has mentioned yet is the gorgeous backgrounds in this episode. The layout people really did a superb job!

This garbage fire shit show of a season finally produced an episode I actually liked.

And not just liked. I liked The Parent Map perfectly well, no complaints whatsoever. But it's not a great episode.

This was great.

Ooh, this has me optimistic, since it sounds like you've had at least a slightly less positive take on the season than me. Better stop reading so I can go in fresh. :V

Author Interviewer

Thank you! I don't know why I can't remember that title.

It's ok, that can happen with some titles.

Also, you're welcome.:twilightsmile:

Huh. If you liked it I might actually finish it! I’ll have to check it out.

Wait. No. It’s a Trixie episode. I just lost any fucks I might have given. She should have stayed a walking amalgamation of all of twilight’s insecurities and never come back in s3.

Uh, which episode are you talking about?

I'm completely lost in the erratic "this episode has been released in Klingon already, but it actually airs over there in English a week earlier, so if you stay up all night you just might tune in" schedule.


Nah. It's the inevitable result of the last few seasons, and employing a writing staff who have accepted "it's just a kids show, it doesn't have to be any good" as a level of quality to target.

They're probably not wrong. The orginal target audience grew out of it, and the ones watching now haven't seen s1 and don't care to.


What a surprise, account named after edgy trashfire character has edgy, trashfire opinions.

Author Interviewer

I'm following the real release schedule, and also I named the episode in the blog. :B

Oh it's in the post tags :facehoof:

Well, I'm not one to judge. I started watching the show after Season Five ended, so I might not have noticed the pros and cons of the latest seasons. Season Six, on the whole, was terrible in my opinion. But I did see S8's Sounds of Silence being released earlier than it should have been and that by far is one of my favourite episodes. I can understand your point, though. I don't think anything will beat Twilight's Kingdom unless the writers really up their game.

But that's my opinion on the argument. I'm no pony anthologist. :twilightsmile: Still, great to have a debate now and then.

I can honestly say that I dont think I've loved an episode that didn't contain Gilda since S3.

I could, in fact, write a gigantic blog post about how this episode is mediocre and does not follow any kind of real story structure and doesn't make good use of its characters whatsoever and you are emphatically wrong. Except I'm finding it harder and harder to care the show even exists as time goes on because of the above reasons.

"It was better than some episodes" is the most faintly damning praise I can give it. :facehoof:

Not going to say the episode was without its problems (cringe, the continuing fact that the Friendship School isn't actually a priority), but damn if it wasn't fun. Probably in part for one of the few reasons Matter of Principals wasn't completely irredeemable: assholes being assholes* to Starlight Glimmer is great. And it lets her operate in her natural and best form: the antagonist. Also this might have been one of the cases where the show has been forthright in acknowledging how awful Starlight often is. And it might be the first time she's faced meaningful consequences for it (even if they are resolved by the end of the episode), and it really feels like she learned something.

*Actually applies less here than with Discord, since Trixie is pretty justified in a lot of what she says and does.

Author Interviewer


I'm finding it harder and harder to care the show even exists as time goes on because of the above reasons.

Yeah, no, feeling this.

"It was better than some episodes" is the most faintly damning praise I can give it

From you, this is a glowing review.

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