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State of the Lemur - 03/13/2015 · 5:36pm Mar 13th, 2015

The above vidya is brought to you by gravel-mouthed reindeer extraordinaire FloydienSlip, an author, a Jurist, and a contest writer. Aside from chilling and being all-around awesome on Fimfic, he runs a Youtube Channel called Songs Done Slow (y'all marsupials may have seen Raz blargh about this already).

Anyways, in the words of the Pink Floydist elk himself:

Songs Done Slow is a dedicated channel for songs of all kinds, slowed from 45 RPM to 33 1/3 RPM. If you have a song that you'd like to hear slowed down, comment on a video saying so!

No ad revenue is gained from this channel. All songs belong to their respective copyright holders.

Pretty nifty, huh? He was nice enough to edit Immigrant Song for me and Separate Ways for Raz (or at least I think it was for Raz; I doubt it was for Ariel). Looks like he's open for more requests! Go and drop a comment on his blargh or channel if you, like me, wanna hear what Thom Yorke sounds like after sucking on an animal tranquilizer. (Inb4 the fecking zebra requests tortoise!BobDylan)

Y'all might remember how last week I brought up yet another Skirtsian failure and how a supremely awesome marsupial made a crazy-ass musical composition in dedication to said failure?

Well, I had asked y'all about the potential fruits of posting such a train wreck. Ultimately, I've decided to employ the winning philosophy of "fuck it." Have yourselves some gloriously purple, gloriously melodramatic, gloriously unfinished pile of 2013 Skirstian drivel, ya melon fudges. I mean, why the Hell Not?

I've posted it to Short Scraps and Explosions. Right here, to be exact. It's about 52,000 words short, and ultimately one-third of the overall vision I had in mind for the story. It was also written in a fashion that, if legitimately posted, would have been in tiny 300 - 1500 word chapters. You'll understand if you glance over it, and it would make for relatively easy digestion, should you be suicidal enough to check the shiet out.

The problems with this story are too many to number. Basically the format--while interesting--is self-defeating, and it sucks the tension out of what is otherwise an insanely grimdark story. If I went back through it, I'd either add in a bunch of "Vinyl Segments" or I'd do away with the epistolary style altogether. It's hard to say. After two years, one's enthusiasm for an unfinished epic tends to wane. Perhaps you can imagine what four years will take out of one soul... f'naaaaaaaaa.

Funny. Back in the day, 50,000+ words was about the length of an epic Background Pony chapter. These days, I struggled to produce barely 1.5k every twenty-four hours. For those of you who subscribed to me, let it be known, the Golden Age is long gone. Can we eke out a living in this apocalypse?

'Ayyyyyyyyyy... that's the spirit, funny girl.

Moving right along.

Oh Blessed Abinadi, Nooooo!

So, yeah. I've got a new obsession. And, just like with my writing, I totally and utterly suck at it.

Which is all the reason I need to help set up a huge-ass game involving a close-knit group of brony would-be world conquerors. Sometime last week, I was talking to this sexy thang. Oops, no, my bad... THIS sexy thang, and we decided to set up a game of ten or so close chums so that we might all chum it up online... with barbarians. That'll happen about nine hours after I finish typing up this farce of a blargh. Even if we crash and burn or never finish the friggin' match, it'll still be awesome to butt heads with fellow lemurs I haven't chatted up in a while, including faces both fresh and candle-sticked.

Here's hoping for several more diplomatic/military engagements in the future. I mean... hell... there'd better be. After all, I'm not the only one who's shelled over $30 into expanding this dayum game. Am I?

F'naaaa. Maybe Propsy will have captured pics/footage from the match tonight like he subtly implied he might. There's one way to leave your mark in time.

No, Best Frecklepone, not that kind of a mark...

Have I mentioned how friggin' lucky I am to get as much fan art as I do? There are way better authors out there who deserve it a lot more. But, one way or another, so much art stuff floats my way. Such as Sharpieboss' nod to the classic and immortal =BIG=DUMB=OBJECT= right up there^^^ (Wow, these blarghs are just ripe with dead elephants, aren't they?)

Turns out BDO wasn't the only thing that inspired Sharpieboss to craft digital pone. It would seem as though Hello, Sedna struck a special chord, judging from these two works of art:

These, of course, rubbed my ego the right way, so I began following Sharpieboss on my deviantart account. And, over the course of the following two years, I couldn't help but notice something on a monthly, weekly, and even daily basis. Sharpieboss was getting good... I mean... really friggin' dayum good. It's gotten to the point that now, on a regular and persistent basis, they're putting out friggin' surrealistic masterpieces like nobody's business. I mean... just take a gander at some of these dayum thangs:

Now, I might understand that the style of the pony designs may not meet everyone's fancy, but there's something about the emotional expression that just perfectly appeals to my gaping chest vacuole. What's more... just look at those friggin' colors. An artist must have a special throbbing gland deep in their brain in order to come up with shiet like that. It just friggin' astounds me. Plus, Sharpieboss is producing this stuff every week (and sometimes everyday), which only further adds to the awe-factor of the whole portfolio.

One night, on a whim, I commented that they should check out the works of Zdzislaw Beksinski. Lo and behold, within 24-friggin'-hours, THIS came out:

Odds are, Sharpieboss will practice an artistic humility that will deny the magnificence of their talent, and I think it's a crying shame that more people don't follow or subscribe to them on a daily basis. So, let it be known--here and now--that this lemur is one awesome dude/dudette, and that more marsupials should be checking out their art. I can't really put it into better words, but that's not really the point of illustrating, is it? So go on over to their deviantart page and relish in thousands and thousands of vibrant and surrealist "words," y'all.

Last but not least, this guy did something. And each minute you spend not checking out that something, a space lamanite kills a celestial kitten. F'naaaa.

So hop on over to Ponky's blargh and check out that something, and I won't hunt you down to the ends of the earth. All it takes are some uranium and a few missiles and--

--and thendajfalfjal;kjfdalk;fjda;ljfalk;jfFUCKIIIIIING BARBARIANS. F'NAAAAAAA!!!1111

Comments ( 19 )


Lol. Love ya, Skirtsy. And if you(r friendly neighborhood imploding colon) need(s) to take a week or two off at the end of Yaerfaerda to chillax and recharge, we'll completely understand. We have your back! :rainbowdetermined2:

Oh, Skirts. You're so funny.

Totally following Sharpieboss, that stuff is amazing.

Sharpie just needs to do an AppleDash, and then perfection will be achieved!

Oh man. Today is a good day to die stay up all night playing Civ.
Heck yeah, I recognize that Sedna pic. Possibly from one of your blogs? Another awesome artist to follow.

There are way better authors out there who deserve it a lot more.

I love Cold in Gardez, but I love you best.

Unrelated but important is that the hiccups I have right now are really pissing me off.

Tcherno pls :(


A SotL on mah birthday? :pinkiegasp:

Have a heart. :heart:

>mfw someone is downvoting all your comments

2873800 See? Haters hound me! :(

2873868 Nah. I just didn't like you calling milady a "wench."


mostly referring to this~

Author Interviewer

>tfw Vimbert

Well if any game is distracting you from churning out ungodly amounts of poni novels, at least its a 10/10 game like Civ V. Good choice.

I would have liked to have joined y'all in Civ V. I know I was being negative... Maybe another time, another game. I really hate my Internet, but glad I have it.

Why aren't any of those nightmares in AppleDashery yet?

Also, much respect even if you do wind down your writing. You have helped introduce me to new and interesting individuals(including yourself) through your expressive writing. I would like to keep the contact should you do ever decide to part ways from this site/fandom/mu.

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