News Archive

  • 209 weeks
    Downtime & Server Move

    Hi all. Firstly, apologies for the extended period of unexpected downtime. Obviously any kind of downtime is non ideal, but unexpected is more annoying all around.

    On Friday morning (GMT) we experienced a hardware failure on our database server. To our knowledge there is no data loss of any kind. We have fairly regular backups hosted off-site, regardless. The exact cause isn't entirely clear at this time, but instead of wrestling with trying to get the hardware sorted (it was a dedicated server) we decided that this was a good opportunity to make a server move we've been planning for a long time over to Digital Ocean.

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    236 comments · 15,509 views
  • 286 weeks
    BBCode updates

    Performance improvements

    Over the last few days I've been working on improving the performance of the BBCode parser. I've managed to implement a few major optimizations, reducing the run time in common cases to around 1/4th to 1/20th compared to the older version. This has reduced total server-side render times on some of the more complicated test pages I've been using to around 50ms–70ms, which should be a noticeable improvement.

    New features


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    49 comments · 4,991 views
  • 308 weeks
    Recent Changelog

    We've done various unannounced changes of the past few weeks so I thought I'd group up the things we've done so you guys know what's changed.

    • Added account linking page for Patreon / Twitter
    • Added ability to cross post stories, blogs and bookshelf additions to Twitter
    • Added twitter userpage module
    • Added account deletion page
    • Reorganised user toolbar dropdown to better fit more items
    • Added session management page to see logins and active sessions on your account
    • Added new articles system and moved some existing ones into it
    • Redesigned PM page a bit to be cleaner
    • Increased font size in major places across the site to improve readability
    • New cookie consent controls for EU users and updated privacy policy
    • Recommended groups list on groups page - WIP
    • Tooltips in many locations around the site with helpful tips

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    114 comments · 6,086 views
  • 309 weeks
    Help Articles

    Something I've worked on the last couple of days is adding the ability for us to add arbitrary "articles" to the site which we can use for various things. Sort of an extension on the manual articles we've added in the past like the bbcode page, writing guide, etc.

    So far I've added 3 guides:

    I'd love to know if you guys have any idea for articles that would have helped you out when starting out or anything else that comes to mind.

    65 comments · 5,245 views
  • 337 weeks
    Night Mode

    I've been working on it for ages but only really got the impetus to finish all of it off over the last few days. In the "settings" dropdown at the top on desktop, or the bottom of the slide out bar on mobile you'll find a toggle for night mode. Enjoy!

    Oh, and although I've tried to cover everything there is a 100% chance I've missed styling some things so apologies in advance for any funky pages.

    246 comments · 6,885 views
  • 338 weeks
    Additional Search Update

    Hey folks,

    Over the last few days I've added a few things to the new search system. A lot of people were unhappy with not being able to filter various things as quickly as they used to be able to. To that end, I've added a little filter dropdown to the right of the search box which effectively contains everything the old sidebar used to. It even has some niceties like quick word count filters and a highly rated filter.

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    132 comments · 5,379 views
  • 338 weeks
    December 2017 Update

    Hey guys, got a whole bunch of updates for you today.


    This is a small but important step on our way to the tagging system I envision. The existing way we handled things like characters and genres has all been merged into a single tagging system. That won't result in much difference for you viewing and using the site but it makes it a lot easier to add new tags especially.

    We now have a couple of new tag types: series and warnings.

    The series tag is for identifying what series (franchise) your fanfiction contains. I've added a whole ton of various TV shows, movies, comics, books and games but clearly we will have to add a ton more in the coming future. Stories must also contain one of the four MLP tags which are FIM, EqG, Movie and Comic, as this is a pony fanfic site after all. Feel free to bug me on Discord if you have a requirement for a series to be added.

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    630 comments · 13,823 views
  • 339 weeks
    Math BBCode tag

    I've added [math] and [mathblock] BBCode tags, which can be used to display formatted math. We've had a few requests for this, particularly for group forum threads and blog posts. Most math-related TeX syntax is supported. (We are currently using MathJax to handle the layout.)

    The documentation from the BBCode guide is repeated below for your convenience.

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    84 comments · 4,453 views
  • 361 weeks
    Fimfiction API

    If you're not a developer you can probably ignore this post.

    It's been like 6 years, but hey, things take time. The API is currently very WIP still but it's ready for people to get working on in our development chat room.

    API documentation can be found at and you should join the Discord Chat and PM me to add you to the private API channel and I can help you get started. The functionality is very limited right now but I'm dedicating all my time to it at the moment and would love to have people add their input to the process.

    57 comments · 7,485 views
  • 366 weeks
    New BBCode Tags

    Hey guys,

    One of the features in this new update was reader-side paragraph formatting. This helps improve consistency for readers across the site, especially for those of us who can’t stand reading indented text on a computer screen.

    However, one thing that wasn’t accounted for was the legitimate need for specific indenting of passages and for certain blocks of text to have no paragraph formatting. Some examples would be lyrics and poetry.

    Taking this into account, we have come up with a couple of new tags that remedy this situation which are documented below (copied directly from the bbcode guide)

    [indent] Indent

    The indent tag can be used to, unsurprisingly, indent portions of your text.

    [indent]The indent tag can be used to, unsurprisingly, indent portions of your text.[/indent]

    It also support levels of indenting

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    168 comments · 6,450 views

Site Update » Unread Chapters · 5:16pm Sep 24th, 2014

EDIT: I have made a quick script that fixes this on an individual user basis. Click here to fix the issue for your account

Edit 2: For people having trouble with the link, what would have happened is you must have clicked mark all read at some point in the past which removes all your unread entries. Now the script is repopulating all the ones that had been removed.

Edit 3: Fixed some issues with the script including deleted stories, unpublished chapters and unpublished stories. Try it again if you have issues

Due to a minor...uh...mistake, while updating the database for new features, I unintentionally wiped most of the unread chapters table. Don't worry too much though, this is essentially a big cache, no data has really been lost. However, I most likely won't fix this until I roll out this new stuff which should be here by the weekend. In the mean time, you can always just order your favourites by last updated, and in most cases that's not going to be vastly different unless you're very random about which stories you choose to read and when. You can also fix it by simply toggling a chapter being read for any story.

Anyway, apologies for that, but I wanted to make a post to let people know there's no actual data loss.

Report knighty · 6,275 views ·
Comments ( 187 )

Thankfully, I didn't notice that until you pointed it out. Panic averted. :twilightblush:

I was wondering why my unread went from over 300 to 8:derpytongue2:

Today on "Fuck-ups With Knighty":

We make the site unusable even further!

Anyways, thanks, my unreads went from 3000 to 60.

Edit: Hahaha I'm getting punctured by rapid downvotes! Life is beatiful!

Six likes nine dislikes! Teehee I'm having the time of my life!

Accidents happen. Best of luck fixing it!

Well this was a problem for a while with only a few things so I won't see it as much of a difference now.

's all good.

It's okay, Knighty. My conception was a mistake, too *pats your back*

Does... this mean that we're finally getting the bookshelf feature? :pinkiehappy:

I'm one of those people who reads things randomly! Now excuse me as I go re-mark all of the chapters I've read, before it drives me nuts. :twilightoops:

Some of us have pretty sizable Unread counts in even bigger Fav lists. I have 298 unread chapters spread out over approximately 1100 fics. This will take me FOREVER to fix manually.

Sorry if I seem irate, but it makes it VERY difficult to find the unread chapters to read when you have that many to go through. And some, have Fav/Unread lists way bigger than mine to go through now.

Site Owner

2479829 In all my time I can remember on Fimfiction, I think we have only ever lost data once. And that was when some chapter updates weren't being saved because of various characters and it lasted for like half a day and affected a tiny number of people.

Does this mean the long awaited "Bookshelves" feature is finally coming? :raritystarry:

What happened? I didn't notice anything.

Well while I wasn't affected, the favorites menu doesn't think so. I'm still at 7 unread (manually looked it up) but my favorites Nav button says none unread. RIL is also fine.

so... uhh.... error averted? :applejackconfused:

298 unread over 1100 stories? Wait what wuwbubwhah?

Also, yeah, 3000 chapters over like 300 stories.

Site Owner

2479841 No, that's *exactly* what you should be seeing. Only *unread* chapters has been lost. No data on what chapters you HAVE read has been lost. Dunno if there's confusion there.

Site Owner

2479849 That's because I'm performing maintenance work on the database today.

2479845 On the plus side for me, I temporarily have that backlog monkey of unread favorited stories off my psychological back.

please let it be group notes please let it be group notes please let it be group notes please let it be group notes please let it be group notes please let it be group notes please let it be group notes please let it be group notes please let it be group notes please let it be group notes please let it be group notes please let it be group notes please let it be group notes please let it be group notes please let it be group notes please let it be group notes please let it be group notes please let it be group notes please let it be group notes please let it be group notes please let it be group notes please let it be group notes please let it be group notes another dimension another dimension another dimension another dimension



You tell me to SMILE

You stick around I'll make it worth your WHILE

2479851 Exactly why I changed my mind about manually fixing my list. I get to pretend I only have one unread chapter for a few days! :pinkiecrazy:

'Mistake' equates to getting ban-happy with that hammer. :trollestia:

But seriously, this doesn't affect me, and it's nice to finally hear word on those new features. Praise be unto thee, knighty! :heart:

Wow, you just uh, decreased my 400 unread chapters count to 9. wtf.

Oh thank goodness - I was worried there. Loosing 468 unread chapter would not have been fun. Anyway, can't wait for whatever this new stuff on the weekend is. Thanks for the update! :twilightsmile:

Since no data was lost, I'm content to wait for these shiny things you mention. :twilightsmile:

So is this decreasing about fifty times the previous amount of chapters unread?
I had 3000 and now have 60.

yes totally a mistake...

Thanks for the heads up.

It's okay, Knighty, no one is perfect. Thanks for the heads up though, that's always nice!

Unread chapters table? Plz explain.

I had 1400 or so. I now have 0.


I went from 158 to 1 so I don't think there's really a pattern. At least not in the way we're looking for.

I had 272 unread chapters spread amongst 1888 stories. Will this be reset or will I have to fix it manually?

The fix has worked. Thank you so very much.

Wow. Never have I ever been so glad I actually read the whole thing when it updates. I've had 0/0 for like, ever. No real RIL even.

Not really affected. Sucks for those who fave and forget.:rainbowwild:

Okay, i was wondering why the site was giving me the 502 error.

rofl rofl rofl rolfro lf kingty cant even run a shite XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Whoops. :derpytongue2: I'm super excited for the update!

Ah, ok. So refaving a fic will re-add the unread chapters to the counter. Luckily I only have to do that for two stories.


Because I'm one of those people who is random about which stories I choose to read and when, I had meself a little panic attack for a moment. But as long as it'll be fixed by the end of the weekend I'm chill.

You dun goofed.

that fucking heart attack i had... hell i actually screamed

have like 900+ unread, can't have them all fucking gone

zel #43 · Sep 24th, 2014 · · 11 ·

2479829 2479835 one could argue that this whole site is one big mistake.

My unread chapters went from 6 to 37.
And I have no idea where those other 31 chapters came from.
Oh, well. I might as well read everything again.

2479820 Don't worry, covered the panicking for you.:twilightblush::facehoof:

I have 98 chapters unread when it should be 42.

Heart attack...:derpyderp1:
Also I had 194 unread chapters, by reloading it find me just 1 chapter and the 'fix' find me 214 chapters :rainbowlaugh:
A quick look and I see story where I already read everythings (complete or not) :derpytongue2:

Oh well, no harm done.... but it's still scary! ^_^
(Hopefully, it will be back in a few days!)

Amidst the complaints I'd like to say thanks for your services to the site :twilightsmile:

I think it's random.

Great, thanks for the fix!

Seems to overdo it though. My faves were in the 60's, went down to 4 after the mistake. When running the script it went over 150. I checked through the list, multiple fics where I've read all (published) chapters are stuck as unread anyway.

Whichever the case, this is better than earlier.

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