• Member Since 2nd Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday

Cloud Hop


Equestria died long ago, but Princess Twilight wouldn't give up. She made her own star, and built a small planet alongside it.

For a time, these new worlds knew harmony, and learned to prosper in a dance of friendship and magic. But even these worlds would eventually die, and the ones that replaced them.

Finally, the universe itself began to die, as all remaining matter evaporated into radiation or was sucked into infinitely dense singularities.

That didn't stop Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Chapters (1)

Not everyone can afford the latest tech. When I got my hands on a pair of hand-me-down AR glasses, I didn't realize my cracked AI companion app would pull me into a fight for humanity's future - and her own.

Take a look into the Kaleidoscope.

Chapters (1)

On the fourth day of the fourth month of every year, Equestria pays homage to its fallen heroes. As daylight sets on this solemn ceremony, the immortal sun bows before the soldiers who died for her, and whispers an ancient question for which there is no answer.

Chapters (1)

A pony sits quietly in your room. She carries a message with her, one that weighs heavily upon her shoulders.

Chapters (1)

Pixely is a changeling. Was a changeling. May have at some point been part of the kingdom once known as the Changeling Hive. It's complicated. Like most complicated things, he winds up in Ponyville. Complicated things happen.

Chapters (2)

What do we truly fear in death? Can an ageless alicorn keep a promise to her beloved?

Can she remember who Rainbow Dash was?

Chapters (1)

Chrysalis didn't invade Canterlot in a bid to take over Equestria. She attacked the city because she had nowhere else to run.

Now, imprisoned for her crimes deep under Canterlot Castle, she can sense the nightmare she fought so hard to escape from drawing ever closer. Soon, it will cross the Equestrian border and lay waste to Celestia's domain.

She must warn Celestia, before it's too late.

Chapters (1)

It turns out that ponies don't need to go to the bathroom because they run on cold fusion.

Meanwhile, Maud Pie has found a bunch of glowing, green rocks. I wonder what they could be?

Chapters (1)

Only a few hours after she learned of the Griffon Empire's invasion, Princess Celestia surrendered herself to the griffon army and asked for an audience with the Griffon Emperor.

The Emperor thinks she's here to negotiate Equestria's surrender.

He's wrong.

Spanish Translation
Polish Translation

Chapters (1)