• Member Since 2nd Mar, 2013
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Cloud Hop


Is Anyone Still Alive? · 11:39am Sep 28th, 2023

I am seeking prereaders/editors for 3 chapters of a story, but it's been so long that I have no idea who is still active here. Send me a DM if you are interested.

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Dreams of Distant Stars Released · 4:58am May 27th, 2020

Dreams of Distant Stars has been released! This album is a 6 year journey of musical development, as I attempted to move towards a hybrid orchestral sound and weave traditional instrumentation through digital synths.

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http://cloudhop.horse · 1:04am Aug 14th, 2017

So I'm back from Bronycon 2017, and I made a cute little website for the programming panel that lists my pony-related things:


I wasn't very active on the writing track this year, but maybe next year!


My Little Pony: Markov Chains are Magic! · 6:48am Feb 5th, 2016

If you've been paying attention to the /r/mylittlepony subreddit, you probably already know about this, but I made a random episode generator using markov chains. It originated in the bot I wrote for the /r/mylittlepony discord chat, but I wanted to make a client-side version so people can generate random nonsense to their heart's content. Have fun!

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Them's Fightin Herds · 5:56pm Sep 24th, 2015

The dev team behind Fighting Is Magic, Mane6, have begun crowdfunding their new game, Them's Fightin' Herds. The world and characters are entirely designed by Lauren Faust herself, the lady who created My Little Pony. They recently added a ton of new high-level tiers with great bonuses, like getting your own OC in the game's background. While I don't normally play fighting style games, I really want to see this one succeed

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Pony Clicker Panel at Equestria LA! · 3:48am Aug 28th, 2015

I'm going to Equestria LA, where I'll be hosting a panel called The Making of Pony Clicker at 11:30 AM on Sunday! I'll be going over the development of Pony Clicker and various amusing facts, as well as previewing a prototype of a new pony game. I'm going to EQLA with Ambris, so when I'm not at a panel, you can probably find me

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Birthday! · 11:21am Jun 23rd, 2015

It's my birthday today. I am officially 25 years old. Many years ago, I thought I'd have a substantially different life than the one I have right now. This seems to happen to a lot of people. I hadn't planned to get completely obsessed with My Little Pony or to write a stupid knockoff of Cookie Clicker that got explosively popular. I never planned on working at Microsoft. I did, however, plan to eventually quit, which is why I only have to drag myself to work for another week before I am

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MLP-MSP And SPACE UNICORNS · 8:43am Jun 9th, 2015

I'm going to be at MLP-MSP with Ruirik and Solidfire this weekend! I will be wearing my cloud hop badge, which is identical to my avatar, so I should be pretty easy to find. I'm also going to be helping Ruirik with his table in the vendor hall, so you might find me in there if I'm not wandering around the convention.

Also, space unicorns.

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Pony Clicker · 9:38am May 15th, 2015

As most people here have probably already discovered, I unleashed Pony Clicker upon the world yesterday. A lot of people have been asking where to file bugs, and the answer is on GitHub. Also, if you want to yell at me for completely wasting hours of your time, you can do that here :trollestia:

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Community Guest At Everfree Northwest · 4:26am May 6th, 2015

If you've been paying attention to Everfree Northwest, you may have noticed that I was announced as an official community guest! I don't know what panels I'll be on yet, only that they will be some of the writing ones. I'll be wearing a fairly obvious Cloud Hop badge (and possibly bunny ears), so if you're going to be at Everfree Northwest this year, feel free

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