• Member Since 19th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 19th, 2016


I love to write and im a huge fan of my little pony friendship is magic.


hi · 2:23am Apr 19th, 2016

Hey guys, its been a long time. I came back tonight just to see if i had a story on here cause i accidentally deleted it off my email. I sadly didn't have it. Then i figured i would look to see if I had any new comments on some stories and i did. Some were good others were bad so I'm just going to say this. Everyone is entitled to thier own opinion about ocs and i will respect what you have to say. I may not like it but i will respect it.

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Comments ( 4 )
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1531936 my oc isnt powerful. she can barely use magic. Also i am sorry you think of me like that.

1119585 no problem i finally updated Spike's sister 2

Thank you for the watch. :twilightsmile:

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