• Member Since 1st Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen June 17th


Hold onto your panties, FiMfiction! I'm about to rock you with DAKKADAKKADAKKA!!!

Comments ( 25 )
  • Viewing 21 - 25 of 25

Oof, that username, I nearly mistook you for another... :twilightoops:

Achievement Unlocked!

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Hearth's Warming begins AFTER Harvest Moon, NOT before Barnyard Bargains even has their Nightmare Night candy out on display! What sort of person plays Love Teacher's, "All I Want for Hearth's Warming is You" in September?!

Appreciate the favorite on All That We Are. :pinkiesmile:

Thanks for the fave.

Thanks for the favorite!

  • Viewing 21 - 25 of 25
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