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- Sunset Shimmer is going to be punished for cyberbullying, luckily her lawyer believes her when she says she is innocent. All will be revealed in the court of law.GeneralOs · 2.3k words · 55 17 · 5.3k views
- Sunset, Princess Celestia's Faithful student, is sent on a mission to research another world and to discover the magic of friendship.GeneralOs · 36k words · 52 4 · 1.8k views
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Thank you for adding A Tale of Two Suns to your bookshelves.
Hey, thanks for the fave!
Don't forget to rate and tell me how you felt, a lot of people have been rather cruel lately. Fight the flamewar!
Thank you very much for adding my story "Full Circle" to your Sunset Shimmer collection! I really appreciate it!
Thanks for adding Company. Will update soon; just trying to edit and crunch out a mini-arc in another story.
Thanks for adding Dawn to your favorites