• Member Since 3rd May, 2016
  • offline last seen Mar 5th, 2022

Viper Freak

Vipers will rule the world!

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Alright, you asked for it! · 6:42pm Aug 18th, 2019

Fine, you'll get what you want ya filthy degenerates!:pinkiehappy:

I'm working on a sequel to Crystal perks, so I hope You'll like it.

furthermore, I would like to make a contest,
If I get at least 50 viewers on FIM Fiction, I'm going to make sure that the mentioned story will get an audio reading, so you can listen to it on the road.
Let's try and make it a reality.

Report Viper Freak · 226 views · Story: Crystal perks · #Update #Contest #New story
Comments ( 18 )
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Thank you for the kind words, but these days it's pretty hard for me to concentrate on writing stories.
Even the current story isn't even remotely finished because I just can't find enough focus to get it finished.
Sorry, but it might never be finished if I never get my grove back again, hope you understand.

Love your Fast and the fluttershy story pretty cool stuff hopefully you could restart on it someday until then keep up the great work👍🏻


Not really, sorry,
Maybe a few years ago, but now I'm really strugling with my writing and finishing chapters. :pinkiesad2:

Do you take requests?

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