• Member Since 16th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen May 4th, 2018


On and off.


In the wake of the latest Countess Coloratura Concert, Diamond Tiara is confused at the pop star's sudden change. Her cousin had given her tickets to see her 'Glitz and Glam' concert, right?

When Diamond unknowingly finds her cousin, who seems more torn up than usual, she begins to wonder: what is causing the stallion so much heartache? And how can she help him become the pony he wants to be?

Chapters (1)

Diamond Tiara was a perfectly normal pony, but when she has to go to the Everfree Forest for some school project, she finds a strange machine with an even stranger creature inside that might turn her life upside-down!

Based on the anime 'Yo-Kai Watch!" (mostly the English dub).

Chapters (1)

Prince Blueblood thinks he is the perfect gentlecolt, but his aunt doesn't agree. Princess Celestia has decided to send him to live with Princess Twilight Sparkle in Ponyville for a month. As he learns how to live with the 'commoners', the prince bonds with the princess, and learns what it means to be a true friend.

Note: Currently on hiatus because of another project I'm working on.

Chapters (2)

Twilight Sparkle has always been one of the shyest girls in school. Shunned by the popular crowd, she is practically nonexistent.

Sugarcoat is one of the most popular girls in school. She's also incredibly smart and head of the math team.

What will happen when the two end up sitting together on the bus?

A one-shot based on part of the trailer for the new Equestria Girls movie!

Chapters (1)

Diamond Tiara has never really known what her true feelings were for Scootaloo. After many failed attempts to hide her feelings, she decides to confront the pegasus about her true feelings.

Scootaloo has never thought very much about Diamond Tiara. She always thought she was just another bully.

When they meet, they both admit some things, and may become friends. or maybe something more.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to My little Short Stories 2- Paradise Edition

A series of short stories, told by me, TheFanficFanPony! Set in Tornado Firehooves' awesome Firehooves Cycle, these tell about the lives of ponies living in this universe, across all generations! . Some of these come in 2 or 4 parts, so please be patient! Also, sorry, no mare and mare shipping here.

List of Stories and which Generation they take place in:
This World We Live In...:G3
The Sunny Sea's Spray: G3
Camera Shy :G3
Royal Pains?: G1

Chapters (11)

When the Cutie Mark Crusaders are sent to Kanto due to Sweetie Belle, they decide to become Creature Catchers! They find many familier faces, and some new ones, and they must band together to stop a new threat from destroying both worlds.

Chapters (2)

Spitfire falls under a spell that turns her into a pretty princess! Herp Derp Derp. This is not intended to be a Trollfic, but if you see it that way please let me know! It's just a Fic inspired by this pic that is the cover art and not mine. The art, that is!

Chapters (1)

After a misshapen spell lands Sweetie Belle and Diamond Tiara in an alternate universe. As they try to escape, they learn another story unfold that neither of them could have thought existed.

Can somepony make cover art for this?

Chapters (6)

On her quest for her destiny, Applejack, a small country filly heads out to the big city. But if her destiny truly lied in Manehatten, a future will unfold
that nopony could have predicted.

Not my cover art!

Chapters (1)