• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Sunday


Loving husband and proud daddy of two girls


Twilight and her friends are the special guests of honor at tonight's festival celebrating Luna's return. But when she arrives at Rarity's, she finds that none of her friends are ready. With only thirty minutes until the start of the festival, can Twilight get her friends dressed and out the door, or will she suffer the shame of arriving late?

Chapters (1)

When Pinkie Pie accidently angers all of her friends, the dejected party pony decides that it may be time to leave Ponyville for a while. Not long after, she meets a group of stallions and agrees to join their group, blissfully unaware that they are a trio of bank robbers. Now, she must find a way to rectify her situation before she winds up in prison.

This wonderful cover art was done by Dawnmistpony. Check out her other work here!

Chapters (2)

Nightmare Night has quickly become Luna's most favorite holiday, but after last year's disastrous dinner party, Celestia has forbidden her from playing pranks on the guests.

Unfortunately for her sister, Luna loves this night far too much to give up her pranks, and if she can't prank the guests, then she'll just have to make do with the hostess.

Chapters (1)

Although still a novice flier, Twilight has begun to feel comfortable in the sky. But when Rainbow Dash asks her to enter a flying pairs competition with her, she believes that her inexperience will only hinder her friend's chances of winning. Twilight's misgivings deepen when Rainbow learns that two old rivals will be competing as well, and her desire to win begins to drive a wedge between them. Full of doubt of her own abilities and anger toward Rainbow's fierce ambition to beat the others, will Twilight overcome these obstacles and compete with her friend, or will she quit the competition altogether?

This story was accepted by The Goodfic Bin! If you haven't been there, why not check them out once you're done here for some other great stories?

Chapters (13)

When Fashion Forward, a fashionista who has recently risen to fame in the fashion industry, offers her a job running his store in Canterlot, Rarity leaves Ponyville in order to fulfill her life-long dream. Soon after, she meets a handsome and sophisticated stallion and swiftly falls in love. Everything seems to be perfect, until Spike visits and claims to have witnessed another side of her new coltfriend. Now, Rarity finds that she must decide between a jealous old friend that means everything to her, or the new lover that can give her everything that she always wanted.

Coverart done by the talented Swoop-ostergaard.

Chapters (2)

Rainbow Dash has never really given much thought to the other creatures that share her sky, but all of that changes when she finds a bird caught out in her storm. As Fluttershy tends to its injury, Rainbow befriends the bird and soon learns a lesson that will likely change her life.

This story was featured on EQD on 11/21/14!

Chapters (1)

In an attempt to make the butterfly migration more fun for Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy challenges her to a game of catching butterflies. But when one particularly ornery butterfly decides to tease Dash, things get personal.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo has always wanted to fly more than anything else in the world. Now, she experiences the excitement of flight alongside her idol, Rainbow Dash

Coverart by DawnMistPony, who is an amazing artist. Check out her other work here!

Chapters (1)

After Rarity cancels their sleepover plans, a depressed Sweetie Belle comes upon a rare flower called the Wishing Flower, and wishes that Rarity could find more time to spend with her. Soon after, Rarity's business begins to fail, and Sweetie Belle realizes that it is her fault. Now, she must find a way to right her wrong before Rarity's career is ruined forever.

This story is based off of a cute little one shot written by Platnium, and was written with her permission. Check it out here.

Chapters (3)

When the Cutie Mark Crusader's plan to get their cutie marks backfire, Applejack saves them but ends up stranded deep within the Everfree Forest. Now, she must use all of her wits and skills to survive as something not belonging to this world hunts her. Meanwhile, Apple Bloom must face the guilt of what she has done before it destroys her friendships forever.

Author's Note: This is book 2 of my series. However, it isn't necessary to read book one first, there will be a few minor references to the first story, but you'll follow it just fine. But why not check it out while you wait for the next chapter?

Chapters (11)