• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2014
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Loving husband and proud daddy of two girls


Darkening Summary · 4:52pm Apr 26th, 2023

As I promised, here is a brief summary of The Darkening for anyone who would like to continue the story but would rather not spend the time reading the 69k word story again. Now if you haven't read the story, then please don't read this summary, it is going to cover all of the plot points very quickly, and you will get nothing from it but confusion and whiplash. You can catch the summary just after the page break! And chapter 8 will be up next Wednesday at noon EST.

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Report BronyDad · 142 views ·

The Darkening is Back! · 11:53pm Mar 19th, 2023

I told you it wasn't dead! Yeah, I saw it when those of you placed it in your "dead" and "graveyard" bookshelves, and I gotta say, each one of those hurt my heart a bit, but I get it. I haven't updated the story since April 2019!

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Report BronyDad · 157 views ·

The Darkening isn't Dead, I Swear! · 4:45pm Mar 14th, 2021

So, I know I haven't really done anything here in nearly two years, but I just wanted to tell anyone who may still care that I haven't given up on The Darkening yet. The truth is, I've been in a bit of a funk since before posting chapter 7. My depression came back, harder than it has in over a decade, and with it came the old feelings of failure. Every time I sat down to write, this little voice in the back of my head told me that I wasn't good enough, that nobody would like what I made, and

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Report BronyDad · 324 views ·

The Darkening: Chapter 7 · 5:17pm Apr 3rd, 2019

Finally, it's done! This chapter gave me a lot of grief. I wrote the Twilight section over a dozen times easily, and honestly, I nearly gave up at one point. But I didn't, and thanks to a comment from my newer pre-reader, Zodiacspear, it turned out even better than I'd hoped. So look for chapter 7 to be posted next Wednesday around noonish (EST) as usual, and check out the excerpt for the chapter after the page break.

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Report BronyDad · 321 views ·

The Darkening: Chapter 6 · 4:19pm Jan 2nd, 2019

Chapter 6 is ready to go and will be posted next Wednesday. Chapter 7 has really given me a lot of trouble, but I think I've finally just about worked it out, and I'm hoping the next portion of it will come along much quicker. Anyway, I hope you all had a wonderful time over the holidays, and I also hope you'll look forward to chapter 6 after checking out the excerpt after the page break.

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Report BronyDad · 293 views ·

The Darkening: Chapter Five · 2:13pm Oct 3rd, 2018

All right! Chapter five is done and ready to go, and chapter 6 is just about ready to enter its editing stage. I've been getting a bit more free time so work on this has been coming along pretty well. Anyway, you can find the excerpt for chapter five after the page break, and watch for it to come up next Wednesday! Now I'm off to start working on chapter 7!

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Report BronyDad · 277 views ·

The Darkening: Chapter 4 · 11:30am Jul 18th, 2018

I swear, I've never felt so much like life itself is trying to stop me from doing something. My computer and car died in the same week! My work got crazy and I've been working a lot of overtime, and between that and my girls being off school, I've had literally zero personal time to get anything done! On the plus side, I've been reading the Harry Potter series with my oldest daughter and she loves them, so that's been fun.

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Report BronyDad · 321 views ·

New One Shot! · 2:23pm May 25th, 2018

So, I was at work the other day and it suddenly occurred to me that it has been a really long time since I last wrote a scene with all of the Mane Six together. I actually haven't done it since my first story, Love Your Difference. I mean, there's some scenes in Better than the Best, but the drama kinda overshadowed those moments.

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Report BronyDad · 250 views ·

Yeah, This Sucks... · 2:42pm Apr 19th, 2018

So, my computer died on me about a week ago. It's officially kaput and I don't know when I'll be able to get a new one. Also, I've lost some of my work as a result. Thankfully, chapters 4 and 5 of The Darkening are safe, but all progress I had made on chapter 6 is gone. I also lost chapter 3 of Pinkie and the Bandits. So, I'm unfortunately going to have to place all of my stories on hiatus until I have a new computer. The moment I get one, however, chapter 4 of The Darkening will be

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Report BronyDad · 223 views ·

Would You Rather... · 2:48pm Mar 8th, 2018

So, I've been a bit torn lately, and would like to know what you guys want. Here's the deal: In the last couple of weeks, I haven't been able to get any writing done whatsoever, which means I haven't even gotten through the first scene in chapter 6 yet. But some life changes are coming up that will free me up for a lot of writing time. But another but, I think chapter 6 is going to take me a while to write (especially the second portion).

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Report BronyDad · 291 views ·