One day, Blueblood receives a note from Fluer Dis Lee, with nothing but a time and a place. Surely this is a romantic proposition, is it not?
Written as a spinoff/sequel of Dafaddah's excellent Pas de Duex, for the Springtime Switcheroo!
Don't you have somewhere better to be?
Found 10 stories in 13ms
Total Words: 47,160
Estimated Reading: 3 hours
One day, Blueblood receives a note from Fluer Dis Lee, with nothing but a time and a place. Surely this is a romantic proposition, is it not?
Written as a spinoff/sequel of Dafaddah's excellent Pas de Duex, for the Springtime Switcheroo!
Star Swirl has found a way to keep touch with the Princesses even as the centuries go by. Its only cost was his life.
Written for FanofMostEverything's Imposing Sovereigns Contest. Prompt was Usurper Celestia.
When a special birthday cake goes missing, it's up to Private Eye Pinkie Pie to figure out which of her friends is the culprit!
Originally written for the December 2015 Writeoff event, "Things Left Unsaid".
Scootaloo is the captain of her own airship who's seen just about everything. Sweetie Belle is a rising pop star who thinks she's seen enough. And she most certainly does not believe in seaponies. Together, the two set sail to the distant Summer Island so Scootaloo can show her friend the truth.
Third place winner in The Writeoff Association's August event, "Distant Shores".
Cover art arranged by: Novel-Idea
Spike's eleven year nap is interrupted by a little filly in his treehouse...
Third place winner in The Writeoff Association's June event, "A Matter of Perspective"
Now with a Spanish Translation, by SPANIARD KIWI.
An unexpectedly warm day ruins Bon Bon's afternoon. Luckily, a certain mint-green unicorn is there for her, no matter the weather.
Finalist Entry in the March 2015 Writeoff Event, "The Best Medicine."
In the catacombs of the underworld, a plan is unfolding. One that will leave one brother imprisoned for his crimes. But there is something about walking away free that doesn't seem right to Scorpan.
Expanded entry to The Writeoff Association's August 2014 Minific Event.
The prompt was "Famous Last Words".
A young singer and an old soldier are all that's left to watch over the next Princesses of the Realms. He searches for answers while she cares for them in their home, hidden away from greater dangers.
Entry for Obselescence's The Most Dangerous Game Contest
Now edited by Blood Lord.
Time alone can't heal all wounds for Carrot Top. Sometimes life simply goes on in the worst and best possible ways.
Edited by the amazing Blood Lord and JohnPerry.
6/29/2014: Rolled out some shiny new edits, courtesy of Blood Lord.
7/3/2014: Featured on Equestria Daily.
7/23/2014: Approved by Twilight's Library.
8/19/2014: Approved by The Royal Guard.
9/5/2014: Featured by the Royal Canterlot Library.
9/20/2014: Featured by Seattle's Angels.