• Member Since 5th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 26th, 2015


Comments ( 85 )

I deem this literary gold.

2477183 Thank you so much, I wasn't expecting such a compliment in the first comment.

I deem the comment I am currently replying to, commentary gold. :)

Stay tuned for more, Chapter four involves a wingboner moment.:twilightblush:

2477635 Oh, bollocks, I'm sorry I forgot to add sex. Don't worry it is no way made for the fucking cloppers. It's more in the passionate form.

>tfw you're a fucking clopper

2477760 Oh, well I apologize, but I'm afraid it won't be as detailed as a clopfic. I hope you enjoy the story thoroughly though. :twilightsmile:

2477769 Ah. Well, I'll enjoy it anyway.

This isn't half bad.

I like the story so far, it's interesting but so far I can't get "In" the story unless I have nothing to do :trixieshiftright: .

By the way, I like the seventh's character development so far, it's very :moustache: ... Interesting.

2481323 Yeah I know, the first few chapters are pretty dull, but you know what they say. The hardest part about writing a story is starting it. Don't worry though, I've been writing down my ideas for future chapters, so hopefully I can make things more interesting for everyone. Stay tuned for a double shipping as well.

2481457 Double shipping eh? Sounds like this just got a whole lot more intriguing.

Can't wait then, Also, any chance they refer to rainbow whisper's condition in chap 4? :derpytongue2: I need to know.

2481464 Unfortunately no, but I'll try to in Chapter 5, which will include a very familiar setting to an episode from the show. Chapter 4 is a bit more on the funny and awkward climax side. If you're looking forward to blood, there's a small scene with some, but not from Whisper's deficiency. Chapter 4 will most likely be released before tonight, unless my responsibilities hinder that likely hood. Stay tuned. :twilightsmile:

2481504 I see, well I will most certainly stay tuned unless a meteor somehow emits cupcakes from space and then lands in my backyard :pinkiehappy: Then it's all downhill from there.

What's the point of a seventh element if you don't need it to cure a mad alicorn or petrify an entity of chaos ?

And how " Promise " relate to friendship like the others elements do ? It's as bad as the new element like courage, honor or awesomeness in my opinion.

Then you have the OC who is a clone of RD, as good as RD for flying, with a similar name, with the same distinctive physic. Add the fact that the OC can beat RD in a race, and RD don't care about being beaten o_O

These kind of things in a story are just not appealing to me; but I hand it to you the grammar is good, you have enough description to allow the reader to picture the scene and the chapters are long enough to build up the story.

2484856 Well, I've been thinking of how to explain the full power of all the elements together. And haven't you ever made someone promise something you knew they'd keep for the sake of your friendship?

And is it not obvious why Whisper looks like Dash and has a similar name? I guess I didn't make that obvious so oh well. But is there anything else you noticed? Maybe in the new chapter?

2484856 I'm also an amateur. And I was in a hurry to get the chapter done last night so I didn't have time to replicate a response from Dash about losing.


Then don't rush anything ?

The readers may complain if the story don't come fast enough for them, but they are going to complain way more if the story is rushed or with abysmal plotholes because you want to publish it fast.
And as a reader I find strange the lack of reaction of RD about losing a race when we know that she's a sore loser and hate when she's not first.

EDIT : And it especially true about a flying race, it's her way of life, she HAVE to react about losing a fly race. And the readers are going to point that to you, because it's an obvious reaction of RD, and authors can use this reaction to build the credibility of the story.

2486188 Yeah you've got a point on all that. But I was eager to have it released but I see what you mean. I'm gonna take my time on this from now on to make it the best I can. Also, I'm gonna go back and change Dash's reaction real quick so I'll reply when it's ready.

2486188 Finished editing Dash's reaction. Had a bunch a' shit to do around the house so it took longer.

2487792 This chapter's awesome!

I really liked how Wisp used gravity it's self to win against one of the best flyers in equestria, btw :facehoof: wingboner moment. :facehoof:

2492907 Lol yeah, the wingboner moment was a lot of fun to write, it was a nice change from trying to write all that gloom and doom junk, but everyone needs some darkness, and some comedy to brighten it. Next chapter will have a very familiar setting from the show, so be patient and i'll try to make it as best i can for the readers. And it may be the longest chapter yet.

2508881 Thank you. Glad to be getting some positive feedback, it really encourages me to write with better quality. :twilightsmile: Anything you like in particular?

I wanna like this story... But... The issue->solution situation leaves me unsatisfied.

2509669 What do you mean exactly? I'm open to opinions to improve the story, so fire away.

The "this is my new home" attitude sort of magically appeared. She is staying at dash's house, but when did it become home? A lot of things seem to be missing steps. You could play off a magical element bond or something, but that would need to be subtly revealed over each chapter.

2509696 Chapter 6 is going to include the answer to why Whisper feels so adjusted. Also I don't know what you mean by it becoming home all of a sudden. :applejackunsure:

2510862 Yeah the story is mostly going to focus around the OC, but Rainbow Dash plays a huge role in the story. As does Applejack and Fluttershy.

2513494 Lol. Anyway, the reason, if it wasn't obvious to some of you bros, will be revealed in the next chapter. I hope my sleep deprivation during the day can allow me to write it to the best of my abilities, because otherwise nighttime will be the prime writing schedule all around.

And the chapter after that will include a considerable amount of blood, not from Whisper's deficiency. What does that mean? Stay tuned for Chapter 7: An Eye For an Eye, to find out.

2514714 um not trying to mad the story bad but could you puny my OC in it please don't hate:raritycry::fluttercry::applecry:

2516120 Uhm, I'm not mad, but how big a role are we talking here? Like a short scene, background pony, what? I can't put someone else's OC as too big a role otherwise it's just.....I dunno. But you see what I'm getting at here? :applejackunsure:

2516120 And of course this is my first Fic, so I'm not really sure how that works...

2516666 That still doesn't answer my question...:applejackunsure:

2521038 well um he is just a filly so um short scene:unsuresweetie:

2521402 I could probably put him as a new Cutie Mark Crusader if you'd like. :twilightsmile:

2521786 that would AWESOME IF YOU CAN THANKS SO MUCH:yay::yay::yay::yay:

2522155 Alright then, look forward to it in either Chapter 7 or 8. Most likely 8 considering the events that take place in 7. Also, the name of your OC, the description of what they look like, and personality?

Comment posted by Slate the Pegasus deleted May 3rd, 2013

2522768well his name is firefall he has a short red and yellow mane he's dark blue:twilightsmile: he likes drums and he's funny but he's has a very hard time talking:scootangel:

2522807 Ok, I'm making a note of his appearance, and what do you mean he has a hard time talking? Like a speech impediment?

2522858 Alright, you're lucky you asked soon, because I had already planned another CMC scene in the next two chapters, along with a very familiar, probably not very liked individual. But I digress. I'm really looking forward to writing the scene with Fireball in it. If you would like anything changed about his appearance, or character, or anything, you have quite a bit of time so don't rush. :twilightsmile: