• Published 1st Apr 2013
  • 1,486 Views, 90 Comments

The Prophecy of Sweetest Belle - FaelaArts

A prophecy fortells the end of Equestria, and Sweetie Belle is the cause.

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“Levitation is all about reducing the effect of gravity on a pony. Pegasi utilise this most efficiently, however most unicorns can pull off simple levitation. It is easier on non-living objects due to the fact their weight doesn’t shift.” Allusya was walking with them, looking as if she was a filly and on her very first camping trip. However even as exited as she was, she was able to teach Sweetie Belle the basics of magic.

“So I just use the same idea behind the spell before, except instead of pulling outwards, I pull up?” Sweetie Belle was trying to understand Allusya as she spoke, but a lot of it flew over her head and hit the ground behind them.

“Essentially, when we stop for rest this afternoon I will show you how to use your magic to make your horn a focal point. That way your eyes won’t glow with magic every time you cast a spell. It will mean your spells will be weaker while using the method, but I’m sure it will come in handy should we need to go into a pony society. I can even-” Allusya smiled as a bird flew up high in the sky, her voice soft spoken and constant.

“Come on Sweetie Belle, could you turn her voice off or something?” Scootaloo nudged in next to Sweetie, whispering under her breath. They were both getting headaches from all this magic talk. It was almost like Twilight was walking with them. Sweetie Belle winced, she had forgotten for a moment Twilight wanted to kill her.

“It is time for a break, let us eat, get a plate.” Zecora paused when they reached a river. To one side the edge of a cliff could be seen. She began pulling out various herbs and grasses so she could brew up a decent sandwich. Sweetie Belle turned her gaze on the cliff, and as she walked toward it the view nearly took her breath away.

Right below them, the river cascaded over the cliff and into a large pool of water, large even from this high up. The river then snaked onward, heading towards a convergence where two rivers connected, the forest around them lush and vibrant with the water source nearby. Looking to where the second river came from, she was surprised to see that in the far distance, Canterlot could be seen, the river passing through the countryside’s many twists and turns to meet her river at the crossroad. Where the two met, a large pond had formed, before it transformed into one fast-flowing river that headed north. If she looked careful past some rocky ridges, she could even see Ponyville to the northeast.

“Everything looks so small.” Sweetie Belle sighed as she looked at it all, knowing if she ever cleared her name, things would never be the same. She doubted she would ever trust Twilight again, that’s for sure.

“Thinking of home?” It was Scootaloo, who joined her looking down from the cliff. They both sighed, Scootaloo shivering as a stray breeze passed by them.

“You know, I wonder if Rainbow Dash noticed me gone…” Scootaloo gave a sad sigh, and Sweetie put a leg around Scootaloo. They both knew Dash was not known for her awareness.

“Come on you two, lunch time for you.” At the sound of Zecora’s voice, Scootaloo turned and headed straight for the food, all thoughts immediately forgotten. Sweetie Bell smiled and watched Scootaloo dig in, pausing to glance back at the landscape. Allusya raised her head to look at Sweetie Belle, and her eyes narrowed.

Turning to go and eat, Sweetie Belle caught Allusya looking at her, and frowned as she stood up, opening her mouth to say something. Sweetie glanced down, and her eyes widened at the sight of the cliff crumbling beneath her. Raising her head, she saw Allusya reach for her, the other two dropping their meals and running for her.

The cliff rose above her as a hoof fell out of reach, and her mouth opened up as a cry escaped her mouth. Allusya quickly leapt off after her, Scootaloo about to follow if not for Zecora holding her back. Sweetie Belle saw all this as everything slowed to a crawl around her, and the water below beckoned her.

“Bells!” Scoots anguished cry reached her ears above the wind rushing around her, and she looked up to the face of Allusya. In her hand was the mirror from her bag, and Sweetie reached out to touch it, her senses dulled by the ground coming towards her. Allusya and the mirror vanished as her hoof brushed it’s surface, and she finally saw the tear stained face of Scoots.

Sweetie glanced to the ground, finally able to make out some features. She would land in the water, however there were multiple sharp rocks hidden under the waves. Sweetie realised she was going to die.

Sweetie Belle fell into the water, a rock stabbing her directly through the chest before she was washed downstream, and everything turned grey once more.

The sound of loud music erupted beside her, rendering her deaf in mere seconds. Plugging in her earplugs, she rubbed her face and sat up, giving a tired yawn. Opening her eyes, the pale grey mare with black hair gazed about the room, her eyes finally falling on the source of the noise.

“It’s the birthday of Tavi and the house rocks today, we will throw this roof up and all cry out ‘hey’. So listen here Tavi through this tired old routine, I can do this until the clock reaches fourteen!” The mare who was the cause of the sound had bright blue hair and a white coat. Even through the earplugs, the sound of her voice was only just at bearable levels.

Octavia stood up and turned off the mixer, ignoring the pout from Vinyl. Heading downstairs, she saw her coffee waiting for her, as it had been since the first day Vinyl had moved in here. She made herself one, and took a long drink.

“Vinyl, I told you yesterday, for my birthday I just want peace and quiet.” Octavia looked her friend square in the pouty face, her stern gaze slowly breaking under pressure. Giving a sigh, she sat down and pulled the earplugs from her ears and grabbed the paper. Opening it, she began to read. Vinyl took that as a sign of defeat.

“I know Tavi, but I just HAD to celebrate your biggest bestest day in style. I even got Pinke Pie to set up a party for you, even though she won’t be here for it. I gotta say that mare knows how to throw a party, even when she can’t be there to supervise.” Vinyl saw Tavi had stopped listening, and reached for her headphones, and plugged them in. Listening to no less than four songs, she waited for Tavi to finish.

“Vinyl, you know I have the recital tonight, I have to leave for Canterlot in an hour.” Tavi put the paper down, taking another sip of coffee. Vinl gasped in shock, and flailed in the air, causing her seat to topple backwards.

“I knooow Tavi! That’s why I scheduled it for tomorrow! I just wish you didn’t have to spend your bestest day playing to some boring fancy smucks! Let alone that guy you have to double with, what’s his name? Namby Pamby?” Vinyl stood up and picked the chair back up, heading toward the kitchen to do the dishes. Contrary to popular belief, she did not clean them with wubs. However she certainly listened to wubs while doing it.

“It’s Fanci Danci Vinyl and you know it. He is a famous musician and I am honoured to be joining him in a musical duet.” Tavi glared at Vinyl, before rolling her eyes as the mare began to sway in time to the music. Vinyl was already in her own world.

“I’ll be off then Vinyl, see you tomorrow.” Tavi stood up, and gave a wave to Vinyl, who waved in return, a smirk on her face. As she exited the door with her Cello, she knew when she returned she would be blasted with Vinyl’s favourite songs well into the night. A small smile filtered onto her face as she headed for the train station.

Tavi stood outside, marvelling the moon as she looked over the banister on her floor in the hotel. Below her, the waterfall that came from Canterlot joined with the river below, sending it down the mountain and toward another river, where the two met before running off together north.

In the room with her was Fanci Danci, a bright yellow unicorn with a mastery in music matching her own refined skills. Their songs had melted together, and the crowd had loved them. However as they moved onto solo performances, it was obvious to both of them who the crowd preferred.

A knock on the door, Tavi turned and headed inside as Fanci answered it. Tavi paused at the door as she saw three large earth ponies enter, and a smile fall on Fanci’s face. He turned on her, and she could only cry out in alarm as her Cello case was picked up by the brutes.

“I am the better musician! Or at least I will be with your instrument destroyed.” Fanci ordered the brutes to push her aside, and they pulled out her Cello and it’s bow, the tool used to bring music out of her Cello, and brought it to the balcony. They held it over the edge as Fanci smirked at her.

“Nooo!” Tavi’s anguished cry split the night as she dashed for her Cello, watching the colt release it. For a brief moment her mind thought she should stop, knowing she wouldn’t make it in time. But she ignored it, knowing she had to get it back. It had been a gift from Vinyl, who had built it herself. Tavi would not accept another Cello, except that one.

All four ponies could only widen their eyes as Tavi leapt up onto the railing as her Cello fell out of reach, and dived down right after it. Her arms wrapped around it and the bow, and she closed her eyes as tears sprung unbidden to her face.

“I’m sorry Vinyl, I won’t be home in time for my party.”

Tavi awoke with a gasp, her hands quickly checking her Cello and bow for any signs of damage. With a relief, she realised they were only waterlogged, and would recover. Gazing around, she realised she had drifted very far before hitting land. She was at the intersection of the two rivers as the formed into one, and headed north.

Standing up, she brushed the grime and dirt off her body slightly and straightened her hair as best she could. Placing her bow on her Cello so she could carry them both at once, she moved away from the shoreline before gently placing it on the ground. With that done, she looked around.

There wasn’t much to see from where she was, and if it wasn’t for Canterlot in the distance she would think she was completely lost. Tavi was obviously somewhere around Equestria, but she had very little navigation skills. In short, she was lost.

“Aaah!” A voice shouted nearby, and she flinched. Walking around the bend, she saw a filly had washed up slightly further downriver from her. The filly was covered in muck and grime, but seemed to be clear of any blood, just like Tavi. It was hard to even tell what colour the filly was, even as she began to try and brush the crusted grime off her.

“Ok, you’re still alive, that’s what maters.” The filly was talking to herself as if she was relieved, however that quickly vanished as she turned and spotted Tavi looking at her. The filly braced for a fight.

“Who are you and what do you want!” The filly demanded to know what Tavi wanted, and Tavi nodded to say she would reply.

“I don’t want anything. I’m lost and I’m not entirely sure my exact location.” Tavi walked toward the water and quickly dipped into the shallow water, washing herself and revealing her coat to the filly. Tavi watched as the filly relaxed and did the same. It was only then that Tavi realised this was the sister of Rarity, Sweetie Belle.

“Sweetie Belle?” Tavi asked, seeing her flinch in response. Sweetie nodded, and continued cleaning herself off. Tavi followed her example.

“I’m Octavia, I live in Ponyville with a pony named Vinyl.” Tavi finished washing herself to reasonable cleanness, and exited the water to sit on the grass and dry off.

“I know, I’ve seen you around before…” Sweetie Belle was hesitant to talk to Octavia, but she didn’t sense any ill will. Finishing her own washing off, she joined Octavia on the grass to dry off in the warm sun. Both ponies were silent, both wanting to ask a question but not knowing how to start.

“So what are you doing all the way out from Ponyville? Last I heard you were in the hospital.” Tavi looked to the filly, and saw the bags under the eyes. Whatever had happened, it had been a few days since the filly had had a good night’s rest.

“I uh, I’m on a journey for something. It’s kinda top secret. What happened to you?” Sweetie tried to dodge the question, hoping Tavi didn’t notice.

“A musician I was working with threw my Cello off of Canterlot. It was a-It was a gift and I jumped off after it without thinking.” Tavi saw Sweetie blink at her, before chuckling. Tavi smiled and let herself chuckle slightly as well, it was a little funny now that she thought about it.

“Well according to what direction Canterlot is, Ponyville should be West of here.” Sweetie pointed in the direction of Ponyville, unaware she suddenly had an uncanny sense of direction. Tavi stood up with a smile, stretching and looking in the direction she had mentioned.

“Thank you for the directions Sweetie Belle, I’ll just go and grab my Cello from around the corner and be on my way then. Are you sure you’ll be okay on your own?” Tavi didn’t like leaving Sweetie Belle on her own, but the filly obviously knew what she was doing.

“Yeah I’ll be fine, I think. Let me get it for you, I just learned levitation and want to test it out.” Without asking permission, Sweetie Belle’s eyes flared up and she swiftly reached for the object that was irregularly shaped. Pulling it around the corner, she grinned and gently placed it beside Octavia. Blinking her eyes back to normal, she looked up in pride to see pure shock on Tavi’s face.

“You-You just used magic from your eyes!” Tavi took a step back, her foot touching her Cello. Sweetie Belle flinched, and took a few steps back, cowering before Tavi.

“I’m sorry I’m sorry please don’t kill me!” Sweetie Belle closed her eyes as tears caused by her fear of death sprung unhindered to her face. Tavi blinked in shock, and quickly took a step forward.

“Kill you, why would I do that?” Tavi saw the tear-stained filly look at her with pure fear, taking a few more steps back.

“Because I’m Sweetie Belle! Because I’m apparently going to cause the end of the word and you want to stop me from doing that!” Sweetie Belle returned to cowering, and Tavi could only watch in shock. So by top secret, the filly had meant ‘If I told you, you would probably want to kill me.’ Tavi walked over and leant down, pulling Sweetie’s hooves away from her face and looking into the filly’s scared eyes.

“Are you going to destroy the world?” Tavi saw the question had an immediate effect on Sweetie. Her eyes misted over, and she clenched them closed and dived into Tavi’s arms, and began sobbing openly.

“No, I-I don’t want to destroy the world!” Sweetie Belle sobbed openly, confused and feeling alone. She couldn’t talk to Scoots, how would she explain to her that her idol wanted to kill her best friend? Zecora offered no comfort either, only there to give her the third option. Tavi hugged Sweetie, letting the mare release some of her frustration into her pale grey coat. Eventually, the sobbing subsided, and Sweetie Belle pulled back.

“T-Thank you…” She glanced downward, realising she had just confided in someone she didn’t really know. Tavi smiled and put a hoof on Sweetie’s shoulder.

“You know, I don’t think you will destroy the world either.” Tavi saw Sweetie’s face break open into a slight smile, and felt one appear on her face too.

“I don’t understand how it is possible you will be the destroyer of everything. Who said that?” Tavi looked at Sweetie as she flinched, and gave a sigh.

“Twilight said that Princess Celestia and Luna are positive of it.” Sweetie sniffed, rubbing her nose to get rid of the snot.

“Celestia? You can’t be serious.” Tavi’s scepticism was obvious, but eventually she sighed. There was obviously something a little different about Sweetie. But she couldn’t just abandon her, she was surprised Rarity and Twilight could. Tavi sighed and glanced in the direction of Ponyville, Vinyl was going to kill her for going on an adventure without her.

“I’ll come with you Sweetie. I couldn’t leave you all alone after hearing all that.” Tavi gently hugged Sweetie, who could only smile in relief. Sweetie didn’t want to be alone, and she was so glad Tavi believed her about it. This was better than she could have ever hoped for.

“So, which way?”

Author's Note:

My proofreaders have abandoned me. I'm looking for someone new, who isn't' afraid of really really long absences.

Comments ( 18 )

So listen hear Tavi through this tired old routine
as the mare began to sway in time to music
It has been a gift from Vinyl
Vinyl awoke with a gasp, her hands quickly checking her Cello and bow for any signs of damage

1. Here.
2. As the mare began to sway in time to the music.
3. Did you mean had?
4. Tavi.

pulling out various herbs and grasses so she could brew up a decent sandwich

This line killed me:rainbowlaugh: but on that author's note; I am incredibly sorry, life's been busy and I still have my Dissertation to finish. I need to finish it:raritydespair: If you prefer better proofreader's I understand.

You're the only proofreader I have left. :fluttershysad: Any proofreading is better than none.

I'd volunteer for proofreading, but I can be really unreliable for stuff like that.

That's ok, I'm pretty unreliable for chapters.
Right now I'm in a writing drought, don't know how long it will last.

Sure, but try combining them. You take three months to write a chapter, then I take another three months before I manage to find any and all errors. I don't think your readers would be pleased that your chapters end up half a year apart, especially when any of those numbers end up randomly inaccurate by a up to a month or two either side, leaving no regularity alongside the lack of frequency.

That's true, oh well. Enjoy the story either way :twilightsmile:

If it's all you've got, then I'd like to give it a shot. Worst case scenario is that I only do it for one chapter, but at least for that time you've got some help.


How about whenever I release a chapter you send me the proofread? That way you can do it at your own pace :twilightsmile:


And you'd like that as a PM rather than a comment on the fic or your user page? (or so I infer)

Whatever you are comfortable with. I prefer google docs because you can comment and not affect the doc, but whatever is fine :twilightsmile:

Oh Docs, of course. I often make the mistake of thinking that the only places the fics everyone writes are saved are on their own computer and on FiMFic itself, unless the author has explicitly stated otherwise.

:twilightsheepish:I keep mine saved in word docs until I publish them.

Hazah!, Tavi joins the team!, do continue this dear story! If you don't.......

There will be consequences......:pinkiecrazy:


Maybe eventually, but I kinda hit a block.

Canceled due to lack of proof readers? That's a shame, I like where this is going. I'm going to track it just in case though.

Also, her hands checked her cello? HANDS!!!?? That one threw me through a loop.

I like your explanation of magic channels.
If anyone else wrote a spinoff or continuation, I'd love to read it.

6296118 You could go read A Little Loopy, the spiritual successor.

6296152 actually, i was there before here. Yeah, its a good spiritual successor. You're a great author and i'll keep reading your stuff whenever I get the chance. Just dont stop writing forever.

Please continue (by the way, what is proofreading? :rainbowhuh: )

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