• Published 3rd Feb 2012
  • 1,110 Views, 6 Comments

twilights search for trixie - The watchful pony

twilight looks for trixie after one night

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chapter 3: lost pegasus

Twilights search for trixie
Chapter 3

Twilight awoke from her nap on the train and looked out of the window to see the city of lights, lost pegasus.the Intercom came on and said "next stop, lost pegasus" twilight got off of the small cart bed she was on and made her way to the closest exit.

She started walking down the strip and could not believe her eyes. The city was far more beautiful when she saw it up close. But she know that there was no time to admire the city, she was on a mission to find trixie. She saw a man that looked like he worked at one of the casinos. He was very tall with a fire Orange main and a gold coat (much like spitfire) and was smoking a zubin cigar.
"Excuse me sir" the earth pony moved his head ever so slowly and rested his cigar on an ashtray
"How can I help you little lady" the pony said in a gruff but gental voice
"I'm so sorry to bother you, but I was wandering if you saw this unicorn" twilight pulled out a picture of trixie and showed it to the tall pony. He inspected it for only a second before he said
"have I seen her? Of cores I've seen her, that's the great and powerful trixie"
"So she passed through hear"
"More then that, she is the biggest performer in lost pegasus" twilight could not believe her ears. Was trixie really that popular. Did people really like her cheap parler tricks.
"Do you know were she's performing tonight"
"Actually right hear, at the magic touch casino" she looked at the casino and saw signs for the great and powerful trixie
"Thank you for the directions"
"No prob" he picked up his cigar and went back to smoking while twilight enters the casino.

The casino was loud and very bright. She know it was desined to inflate the senses. She looked around until she saw the casinos theater and saw that the next show was in a few minutes. She found a seat near the exit. She was very entriged by how trixies performance got a main act in one of the major casinos. The lights dimmed and the curtens were spread apart. A man on a loud speaker spoke in a very deep but calm voice "as our theater of the sense begins, we want all of you to welcome our star act, beautiful and seductive Trixie". "The what and what trixie" twilight said half out loud but quickly shut her mouth with both hoofs. A very dark blue light and a fog came over the stage. A image came out from the fog and twilight know exactly who it was, non other then that beautiful blue unicorn Trixie.

Twilight found a way back stage after the show. Besides trixies act it was very boring and twilight could not stop blushing when she found out it was a erotica show. She looked at all the doors when she saw one that caught her eye. it had the words star and Trixies cutie mark on it. She knocked on the door but there was no answer. She knocked again but this time said

"hello, trixie are you there". Her last knock opened the door slightly so twilight decided to go in. She was overcomed with the smell of expensive perfume and sweat. There was also another familiar smell. It smelled a lot like the same smell all the girls (including her) got ounce a year. It was the unmistakable smell of a filly in heat. Twilight was wandering what trixie whould do if she caught her. Twilight first thought of applejack when she bucked twilight in the head when she went into her room to ask her for help. All twilight could remember from that night was getting hoof marks on het lower jaw and waking up a week later from a coma. Then her thoughts went to rainbow and how she tried to seduce her when she was not only in heat but also drunk. Twilight than thought about the fact that trixie was a unicorn, she could very easily make ropes come from celestia knows wear and hold her down so trixie could do what ever she wanted to her.

"WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU IN MY ROOM!" Twilight spun around to come face to face with an angry trixie. Before twilight could explain her self trixies look changed from anger to surprise. " its you, what are you doing this far away from home" twilight couldn't find words she just stood there staring into trixies beautiful eyes. Trixie went closer and closer until that were almost close enough to kiss. At this point twilight was as read as a tomato, the strength in her leg gave and she fainted. When twilight awoke she was still in trixies changing room. With her eyes half asleep she could only see one thing, trixies flank. Twilights eyes sprung wide open and started blushing again. She let out a small yelp like the kind fluttershy made when twilight first met her. Trixie turned around and saw twilight baring her head in her hooves

"are you ok" said trixie. Twilight slowly lowerd her hooves to see trixie.


"What are you doing hear"

"I.....I...I came hear to find you" trixie stared at her with a quisical expression.

"Why in the world would you look for me"

"B...because I...I...I.."

"spit it out"

"B..because I LOVE YOU"
Before trixie could respond twilight kissed trixie and sealed her hooves around her. Trixie was in to much shock to respond. Twilight broke away but then trixie went in for a kiss.

"I've been waiting a whole year to hear those words"
Trixie laid on top of twilight and held her tight.
"Tomarow we catch the first train back to ponyvill"
"Yes we shall, but for now let me enjoy my little book worm". Twilight laid back and rested knowing that she Whould be heading back to ponyvill with the love of her life.


Comments ( 2 )

I liked it but it seems to short

yeah I too would have wanted to read more....
was a good read

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