• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 2,268 Views, 797 Comments

Kill Me Now - Golden Script

follow a normal guy as he gets thrown into crazy relationships and crazy worlds. will he be able to survive or will he end up like he started? only time will tell.

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85. Confusion

How long does it take for a stallion to fall to his death?

This was one of the last thoughts I had before she caught me.

Let me explain, I was falling... you know, because I had just saved Twilight from falling to her death by taking her place so to speak, and kept falling until I felt like I was being lifted by a pony, when I finally realize that I wasn't falling any more I open my eyes, and all I saw were silver primary feathers. Now, for those who are not experts with birds or pegasi they're primary feathers are the big feathers at the end of the wing, the ones at the very tip. Now, because I had thought I was going to die I saw this winged pony as my guardian angel… I was half right there.

We landed on a cliff somewhere directly below the TARDIS that I had arrived in, that’s where I saw the rest of my savior. She had an orange coat and wings that slowly turned silver towards the feather tips, her hair was sky blue with blond streaks through it while her eyes were a bright green that sparkled, and accented with cute little freckles on her cheeks.

“Well hello there, gorgeous.” I greeted her while giving a sly grin.

She looked up from preening her wings. “Excuse me?” she asked.

“You look beautiful.” I restated. “You know... my old marefriend thinks I’m dead, we could just run off and find a small place to call our own.” I was joking, of course, I would never leave Twilight, but sometimes it’s fun to make the mares squirm.

“No thanks.” She said completely seriously with a slight confused expression on her face.

“What? Why not?” I asked, looking a little crushed.

She didn't even hesitate in answering me... am I losing my touch with the mares. I thought while I waited for an answer from the orange Pegasi.

“I love you, Uncle Fixy, but not like that.” She said giving me a large smile.

Uncle Fixy... What is that supposed to mean? “What?” I asked as she walked past me to a TARDIS that had been behind me the whole time.

How could I have missed that... and how is it here when it was above me only moments before... duh... time travel. I have thousands of years of knowledge but still somehow manage to forget things.

The doctor was watching from beside the door to the machine... excuse me... he was standing by her... the TARDIS with his arms crossed and one foot over the other while leaning against the blue box.

“If you’re quite ready, Mr. Fixinit, I would like to get you back to your marefriend... ASAP.” He said in a slightly disapproving tone.

“What?” I asked, hoping to get an explanation.

“Nothing, let’s get going.” He replied and walk in inside.

“Ok, I’ll drive!” I yelled as I ran into the TARDIS followed by the cute orange mare and started setting coordinates on the center console.

“How…?” His eyes widened in complete surprise at my use of the control station.

“Don’t worry about it; I know what I’m doing.” I assured him with a smug smile plastered across my face.

I guess he doesn't know everything after all... I hit a few more buttons, flipped some more switches, then slammed my hoof down on a large lever and we were off!

“Now, who are you? And how did you know how to work the TARDIS?” asked the doctor.

“I’m Fixinit!” I told simply with the same smug look on my face. “Remember?”

How do you like the whole 'I’m the Doctor!' treatment? This is kinda fun, me knowing something he doesn't. I thought and began to chuckle at his bewildered look.

“Remember you from where? We just met a few minutes ago when she said that we needed to come to this place and time.” He said while pointing to the Pegasus sitting nearby.

“Oh, never mind, you’re earlier than the other doctors, just know that in my recent past you helped a lot.” A ding from the console interrupted me.

“O-okay.” He said in slight confusion.

“And what is your name? My lovely mare.” I asked the cute orange Pegasus.

“I’m Apple Dew.” She said it like I knew her from somewhere. “You know, Dewy?” she asked, I continued my blank stare. “Never mind, you don’t know me now, but we’ve been best of friends ever since I was little.”

“Whelp... this has been weird, but I'm at my stop, so if you don’t mind I'm just gonna go, and thanks for saving me and all, bye!” I called out to them as I stepped out the TARDIS door.

“Are you sure you don’t want us to stay just in case you messed up?” asked the doctor as I stepped out onto Ponyville's streets.

“I should be fine!” I answered back. “I set it for a day or two after the Canterlot incident, besides I hate train rides, they’re so long, and cramped... I just can't sit still for that long.” I said.

They stood there giving me disbelieving stares.

“Fine, I also kinda want to mess with Twilight.” I admitted with a sheepish smile.

They continued staring at me.

“And by the way... I ate your last chocolate chip cookie.” I said before laughing at him.

“What?!” yelled the doctor, and quickly rushed back in with a scared look on his face.

“See ya round.” I winked at the mare left standing there alone in the doorway as I turned and walked away.

I heard her chuckle a little before I was out of earshot while I was on my way to the library. I looked around noticing the normal day... how the cloudless sky was bright blue, how the grass was particularly green, and how everypony was giving me weird looks… wait… why? I thought about it then dismissed it, as word had probably been spread that I was actually dead and that being the case... seeing me was probably freaking some ponies out.

I kept walking towards the library with a smile on my face, while imagining the look on Twilight’s face when I walked in, and how hard her hoof smacking my face was going to be.


I was practicing for my Wonderbolts tryout when I chanced a look towards the ground, and I saw a small brown smudge in my peripheral. It caught my eye and I focused on it.

Was that? No… it couldn’t be, he was dead! Below I saw a ghost from my past walking the streets of Ponyville. I stared at him as he looked up with a smiled and waved.

My jaw dropped as he looked at me soaring through the air, and then started pointing frantically to something in front of me, but I couldn’t take my eyes off the stallion.

Then I was filled with mild to extreme pain as I smash into something big. I hope Derpy didn't see me just now!


I hope that Rainbow Dash was alright. She crashed right into the clock tower, then I thought about it for a minute, and realized I should be more worried about the clock tower. Rainbow crashes into stuff all the time, but the clock tower doesn’t get hit by Rainbow all the time… far as I knew.

I continued my walk down the street to the library, still getting funny looks from the ponies around me.

I finally made it to the library, but only after I had managed to stop by the flower shop and get some flowers. The mare that worked the stand stared at me with wide eyes, and when I asked for a small bouquet of flowers she handed me a fairly large one instead. When I asked her how much for the flowers she simply shook her head and said “on the house.” In a… thoughtful voice.

“Thanks!” I had said as I left the small stand.

Now I was at my destination. The library. I steeled myself for whatever punishment I deserved when I entered. I took a deep breath and proceeded to knocked.

Author's Note:

Rainbow's in a clock tower, Fixinit's about to talk to Twilight, who think's he's dead. the flower salesmare has a crush on Fixinit.
what else could go wrong?
Fixinit: we could all get eaten by Cthulhu.
me: true.

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