• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 2,268 Views, 797 Comments

Kill Me Now - Golden Script

follow a normal guy as he gets thrown into crazy relationships and crazy worlds. will he be able to survive or will he end up like he started? only time will tell.

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76. Dark Infinity

You know when you break an ankle. It hurts right? Like, a lot. Yeah, then when your ankle is healed and better you sometimes think about your broken ankle or you aggravate the ankle a little, like step on it wrong, and the pain sorta comes back? Well let’s just say that’s kinda what this felt like, only I remember every nerve on my body lighting up in red hot fury. Also, has anyone here been ripped limb from limb? No? Then I can’t explain to you how it felt… or latest you wouldn’t get the picture.

I’ll leave it at this, I hurt a lot.

When it was over I was back in the dark infinity with human Twilight. She looked ready to pass out, by the way.

“there.” She said in an utterly exhausted voice, for Twilight, and that’s saying something, she stays up till five in the morning studying, sometimes going days without sleep.

She started to fall and I willed my body with all of my strength to reach out and try to catch her. It wouldn’t move. And I watched in horror as her body fell in what seemed like slow motion.

Thankfully right before she hit the ground I woke up, I didn’t have the displeasure of watching the mare I love hit the ground… of course, she was a human, but still!

When I looked around I noticed everypony was right where they were when I went into the memory world. How much time had passed?

There was one difference, Twilight; she was on the ground passed out. Thank Celestia that she had been on a pillow, that wood is not soft, it’s… wood.

I immediately got up on my wobbly hooves and walked toward her only to make it halfway, when my tire body decided to show its displeasure of having to move after the whole ordeal and send me to the wooden floor without concern for injuries that could be suffered. I hit the floor quicker than Pinkie Pie setting up a party... yes as I said before wooden floors are not soft. My body lay there resisting my command to get to its hooves while my mind tempted me to fall asleep right there, but my eyes focus on the reason I had been struggling... Twilight laying only a few paces away. I got to my hooves by sheer will power and continued short journey to her side.

I got there after a second and nudged Twilight, she didn’t respond, I nudged a little harder, still nothing. I gave up and just laid down next to her, she seemed to be having a good dream. I fell asleep right then and there.


When my spell was released I thought it would be a simple waltz into the six stallions’ heads and just break some simple memory blocking spells, but I was wrong. I had to force my way into their minds, that part alone was difficult. I hoped that the spells that were keeping their past memories blocked weren't too complicated or this might prove to be terribly difficult.

When I finally entered Fixinit's mind it was a dark void. There was nothing but darkness everywhere and here I was expecting something from Dillon’s past, like a house or some place from his world. As I was examined the nothingness of my surroundings I found it empty, I checked and double checked to make sure that I didn’t overlook or miss anything important. Then I glimpsed something out of the corner of my eye... I saw somepony... No... it was someone... Dillon! He was floating just a short distance in front of me. I reached out to try to touch him, only to suddenly pull away from him when I noticed my foreleg was different. It wasn’t the typical pony leg and hoof... it was now a human arm and hand, just like Dillon’s. I quickly looked over the rest of my body and saw that I was clothed, my skin was pale tan in color and furless, the ends of my fingers were painted purple; my hair had retained its original color and style... Thank Celestia! I again turned my vision toward him... he looked the same as when he first arrived here in Ponyville, long jeans with sneakers, a blue shirt with a spade on it, messed up short brown hair, naturally tan skin. He was a little taller than me and his eyes were closed like he was in a trance.

“Dillon.” It was a subconscious reaction, I didn’t mean to whisper his name or anything, but it seemed to be the trigger word for his mental representation.

His eyes opened and stared at me with his beautiful brown eyes. I hoped that this wouldn’t hurt him too much, but I knew I had little choice.

He didn’t seem happy in the slightest to see me, he didn’t even move, his face didn’t change, his breathing didn’t change. I realized that this was how all six of the stallions were represented in their heads. They were all Dillon, but at the same time, not. Basically, all six of the stallions were looking at me through Dillon’s eyes.

“Ok, I’m going to try to access Dillon’s childhood memories.” I concentrated hard and felt my hand raise to my temple, it pressed in a little, this seemed to be a human instinct I had acquired. I wondered if I would keep it when I left this place.

I saw flashes of memories, things I didn’t understand completely, probably because I didn’t grow up in the human world. But I watched and memorized as much as I could. I saw several things, including when Dillon first rode a two wheeled peace of painted metal, it looked aerodynamic and I wondered if it was built for speed. Rainbow would like that. Then it moved on to when he saw a fat guy with a white beard in a red suit. Dillon told him a list of items that he said he ‘wanted for krismass,’ whatever that is. The image changed again and he seemed to be a little older, working on a big chunk of metal. I wondered what it would do, then he pulled a string, hard, the thing whirred and vibrated for a second, then stopped, he pulled again, harder, it whirred and he looked excited, then it stopped again, his expression fell. He did it one last time, pulling with all his might and grunting with the effort, it whirred, then it didn’t stop. He waited for a minute, it kept going. He jumped in joy and accomplishment. He ran towards a door in the wall, I followed like a ghost; he couldn’t see me and I couldn’t control where I was going.

He ran inside what seemed like a house. He ran up some stairs, across a hall, into a room and started yelling in joy. Saying stuff like ‘I did it!’ and ‘it works!’ when a woman came in to see what the commotion was all about she seemed to brighten up just seeing the young boy like this.

She asked “what are you yelling about child?”

“It works! It works! The engine works!” the woman seemed very surprised at this.

“You mean…” he nodded excitedly. “Well, let’s go see it!” they both ran down the stairs and into the first room.

The hunk of metal was still vibrating and whirring, she looked very impressed.

“Go get your father.” She said in an excited voice, I was wondering if she was as happy as the child Dillon was.

He ran inside, I followed again, this time he ran down some more halls and corridors until he stopped at what looked like a big door, almost like a smaller version of the royal doors to the throne room in Canterlot. He seemed nervous now.

He opened the door.

Author's Note:

hey, everyone! Dillons back!!
Dillon: whoa, what happened? *grabs his head like he was having a hangover*
me: oh nothin, you were just split up into several different ponies and tossed into a new life, only this life is technically six lives and now the six ponies that you were split into are receiving your old memories.
Dillon: *reads last few paragraphs and winces* oh, Twi, get ready.
me:*evil laughter*

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