• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 2,268 Views, 797 Comments

Kill Me Now - Golden Script

follow a normal guy as he gets thrown into crazy relationships and crazy worlds. will he be able to survive or will he end up like he started? only time will tell.

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75. Memories

Silver walked through the door with AJ close behind. She seemed to be pleading with him. Something about either her coming along or him not going.

“Silver, ah’m not gonna let you go an’ get yaself killed while ah sit here and do nothin’!” she was protesting.

“And I’m not going to let you put yourself in danger to try and protect me, especially with…” he trailed off while looking down at AJs stomach.

“But the elements won’t work without me!” she was getting desperate; it was obvious in her voice.

He thought about this for a while and seemed to give up at that point.

“If anything happens, I want you to get behind me and not come out until I say.” He stated sternly, she nodded.

Twilight coughed to get their attention, it worked. They looked at us and noticed how we were sitting on the couch turned towards each other like we were talking, and it seemed that it only just struck them that they had interjected in our conversation.

“Oh, sorry yall.” AJ blushed slightly.

“We didn’t interrupt anything, did we?” Silver asked.

Twilight and I exchanged a glance, and then she said “no, we were just talking about what would happen when everypony started getting here.”

“So what now?” AJ asked.

“Now… we wait.” I said as dramatically as I could, Twilight and AJ rolled their eyes while Silver suppressed a smirk.

About a half hour later all of the six stallions and the element holders had all arrived.

“Ok, Twilight, how does this memory spell work?” asked Fedorian.

“Well, I probe the minds of a pony and unlock all of Dillon’s memories. Like a filing cabinet, but some of the drawers are locked, I just go in and unlock them. We may want to lie all of you down, just in case there are any blackouts.” She explained simply.

The other five stallions and I all laid down on a chair, blanket, or some kind of cushion. Then Twilight started to charge her magic. First there was only tense silence as Twilights magic built up in her horn. Then it all happened at once.

First my vision went black. I thought that I had blacked out and was now unconscious, then I realized that if I were unconscious then I wouldn’t be able to think that. I looked down and attached to my eyes was a head and attached to that head was a body. Here’s the trippy part, it wasn’t my body. I’m pretty sure it was Dillon’s. Anyway, after I was done examining my body, without taking the clothes of mind you, I looked up to see a pretty young human girl with purple hair and purple eyes. She seemed to be studying me, sizing me up and seeing if I was put together right or something.

When she was satisfied that I was ok she talked in Twilight’s voice.

“Ok, I’m going to try to access Dillon’s childhood memories.” She said, then put her hand to her temple and squeezed her eyes shut in concentration.

Then a rush of images flew past my eyes, I suspect this is a lot like when one’s life flashes before their eyes right before death, but I can’t be certain. I saw images of a woman who seemed to be taking care of me, I knew this from the past memories I had acquired, you see, I saw periodical shots of a few seconds, maybe one would be me walking for the first time, then the next would be my third birthday. I would gain all of the memories in between, but I didn’t see them live, I just remember them as… well, memories.

After I saw myself when I was 15 driving somewhere I flashed back to the black infinity with the purple haired girl, she looked a little more drained than the last time I saw her, apparently digging up all those lost memories was harder than she originally thought. She spoke again in Twilight’s voice.

The next image I saw was at a collage in Maine. I know this from past memories. I saw a girl. She was beautiful. And I knew she had a personality to match. She was perfect. Then I remember when I got taken away from that collage. How life slowly down-hilled from there. How everything I knew and loved was either lost or taken from me. How I felt that there wouldn’t have been an end. How I had a gun and was tempted to use it. Then I remember when I finally got the guts to do it.

I remember watching myself load each bullet into the revolver, feeling the cold metal against my temple, and closing my eyes. When I opened my eyes again I was in the dark void with Human Twilight.

She was breathing heavily like she just ran a mile, like she would fall over and collapse any second. I wanted to reach over and support her, but I couldn’t move. She spoke again.

“Now for his time in Ponyville.” She squeezed her eyes so tight her skin turned a new shade of pale.

I blinked and I was sitting in a chair in an alley, I looked around and saw a young filly in front of me, she looked utterly terrified. Then it changed, I was now standing in a crowd of ponies, more like above, I was a good three feet taller than any other being there. I turned in slow circles. Then Twilight came out of the crowd, she looked as beautiful as ever. Then she cast a spell and it switched. I was now in the presence of the princess. Princess Celestia was looking down on me from her thrown. We were talking, this is what I heard.

“Hello, Dillon the human. We have much to talk about.”

“Hello, Princess Celestia,” I watched myself bow from my own eyes, “I am honored to be in your presence; Twilight has spoken highly of you.”

“As I had come to expect. She has become ever increasingly fond of me, she says I am one of her few inspirations.” She smiled; it wasn’t an evil sneer, but a gentle, soft smile.

“Should we get to it then?” I seemed to be putting as much respect into my words as possible, not mockingly, but before that day I had never met this pony, I knew nothing of her.

“We should.” she waved a hoof and the guards left “where should we start?”

“Why did you call me?” I asked, slightly tilting my head.

“I had called you because I wanted to send you back.” Her facial features did not change in the slightest.

“Well then I don’t quite see the point of this meeting, if you brought me here just to send me back to Twilight’s.”

“No, you don’t understand. I’m going to send you back to earth.” Still no change.

“And if I refuse?” I heard myself ask.

“I will send you back by force.” Is her face made of stone?

“Why?” I heard a little bit of anger creep into my vocal patterns.

“Because you were a mistake. A failed test. An experiment gone wrong.”


“What?” is that a crack in her demeanor?


“I’m sorry; I don’t think you quite have a choice in the matter.” She is definitely not used to being told ‘no.’

“And what’s stopping me from walking out of this throne room and going back to Ponyville?” other than the fact that you have magic and I don’t.

“I am the ruler of Equestria, I raise and lower the sun, I have lived longer than any of your kind will ever know… I am a goddess. I think you have little control over whether you stay or go.”

“Ok, look, I’m a human, you rule a world of ponies, I am not in your jurisdiction.”

“Actually, I brought you here, so you are completely under my jurisdiction.” She pointed out.

“So you were the one at McDonalds?” I asked, I remember seeing a white figure out of the corner of my eye.


“And you were the one who brought me to this world?”


“Did you send that dream about the little girl?”

“Well that was the work of my sister, Luna; she gave you the dreams about the little girl and the dream about the little girl in the safe and so on.”

“Thank you.”

“You are very welcome, but now you must leave.”

“Why?!” I yelled, this probably got the attention of the guards outside, but I felt no hoofs pushing me to the ground or and spears poking me in the back.

“It’s a test.”

“What kind of sick, twisted test is this? Where you pull a human from earth, plunk him here for a few days then send him back?”

“Why don’t you want to leave?” this struck past me as weird, why didn’t I want to go back?

“I… um…”

“You can tell me anything, I am your princess, after all.”

“I fell in love with your student.” The princesses’ face went blank at that.

“Did she-”

“yes.” I cut her off. “At least I think so… I’m pretty sure.”

“This could be an issue. We need a new solution.” She seemed to be in deep thought for several seconds, then she flicked her gaze to past me. “It might work.”

“What might work?”

“I’m going to make you a pony.” Past me was shocked, but half excited.

“You mean…” she nodded. “Let’s do it.”

“Ok, this might hurt… a lot.” I was about to protest when her horn started glowing and I was covered in a warm liquid, very similar to a human hot tub.

Author's Note:

Fixinit: wait, what does she mean 'this will hurt a lot'?
me: *whistles innocently*

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