• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 2,268 Views, 797 Comments

Kill Me Now - Golden Script

follow a normal guy as he gets thrown into crazy relationships and crazy worlds. will he be able to survive or will he end up like he started? only time will tell.

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71. Big Macs’ tirade

“Yes doctor? How is she? What’s going on? Is she pregnant?” Silver bombarded the doctor with questions until the wise old pony stopped him with a hoof.

“Applejack is perfectly fine; it was just a simple urine test.”

“Oh, thank Celestia.” He seemed to be really relieved.

“May I be the first to say, Mr. Rain, congratulations, you are going to be a father.” The doctor shook Silvers hoof as the stallion stared into the distance, shocked beyond all belief.

After a minute of just sitting there with his mouth open Silver decided he should return to his seat.

“Silver, are you ok?” Twilight asked worriedly.

“yeah.” he was deep in thought and obviously dumbfounded.

“Are you sure, you don’t seem to be all that… emotional.” He looked at her with his dead expression.

“I'm going to be a father.” He stated simply, then grabbed onto Twilight and started crying into her shoulder, obviously tears of joy.

A few minutes later Applejack came through the doors with tears in her eyes and the fur on her face matted down.

“Silver.” She said in a shaky voice, his head shot up, still crying openly.

“AJ.” He said in a similar voice.

They embraced each other into a loving hug, while mumbling incoherent words of their joy to each other between quick kisses.

After a minute of shedding joy filled tears about the news, they finally recovered enough from the excitement to speak clearly to each other.

"Silver, Ah'm so happy we’re having a foal," Applejack's voice suddenly going from joyful to worried "but Ah'm a little scare about what's gonna happen from here on."

"Don't you worry AJ,” he pulled AJ close while looking at me "like Fixinit told Twilight, ' I will always be there for you, no matter what happens'."

I felt so proud at that moment, just the fact that I had influenced this pony in such a way as to use the same promise I had. That alone made my heart soar.


We eventually convinced them to leave the hospital and go to the library; from there we sent a letter to the apple family telling them the news. Silver and Applejack sat on the couch holding each other and sniffling. Twilight and I went into the kitchen to talk.

“So, what does this mean?” I asked

“About what?”

“Well, if Silver has a foal, who would take care of it? Would it go back and forth between the farm and here?”

“Hmm… I guess that he should go to the farm. He practically lives there already, he only comes here to eat dinner, breakfast, and sleep.”

“Ok, but is that really a good choice? I mean, he’s his own stallion and all, but even so, is he responsible enough to take care of a foal like that?”

“I don’t know.” She looked down in thought.

I looked through the open door to where Silver and AJ were still holding each other and lightly crying. They seemed so happy together. I can only wish for the same someday.

“Twilight.” She looked at me. “They need to be together for now.” She nodded in agreement.

“Ok, I’ll go tell them.” She left the kitchen.


Granny Smith and Big Mac were out tending the farm when I got home from school. There was a letter on the kitchen table. On the front it said ‘Apple family’ so I thought that it would be ok if I opened it. When I did I read a letter from Twilight Sparkle that said Applejack was pregnant with Silver Rains child. She had been with them all day testing and that she tested positive. I immediately dropped the letter and ran out to get Big Mac. This, in hindsight, might not have been the best plan.


Silver had responded to the news that he would be going to the farm, if they would accept him, to live until they figured out exactly how everything would work… really positively… if by positively I mean more shocked silence. He just sat there as AJ said that they would love for him to stay at the farm.

For the next while they sat there holding each other, just enjoying the fact that they were together. Then the unexpected happened.

The door flew open with a loud crash and who came stomping in? None other than Big Macintosh, enraged and fuming.

“Where is he?” he asked while giving a snort obviously blinded by anger because the pony he was looking for was right in front of him.

“Where is who?” Applejack asked.

“Silver Rain!” he boomed back.

“Please, Big Mac, let me explain!” AJ pleaded.

“No, he knocked you up, so ahm gonna apple buck him from here to Apploosia and back! Now where is he?!” the stallion wasn’t coming down from his tirade anytime soon.

“I'm right here.” Said Silver in a calm demeanor.

“Big Mac, just give me a chance to tell you the whole story!” AJ demanded.

“Come here you little-” he was cut off as Twilight lifted him into the air and basically immobilized him, defusing the situation.

“Thanks Twi, ah don’t know what I woulda done without ya.”

“No problem, now, Big Mac, I'm not letting you down until you’ve calmed down.”

“Alright.” He took a minute and a few deep breaths, but he managed to get his heart rate down.

“Good.” Twilight set him down.

“Big Mac, ah love Silver, he’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. He’s romantic, in his own way; he’s loving, caring, kind, and compassionate. Not to mention he loves me back. He didn’t just knock me up, ah wanted this as much as him, and yer not gonna do anything about it. This is the happiest moment of my life.” She explained to him.

The big stallion seemed to take it in and reluctantly accept it. He nodded thoughtfully and looked at Silver.

“If you do anything to hurt her, ever, ah will find you.” he assured Silver.

“If I hurt her, I will find you and let you kick my flank.”

Just then a huffing Apple Bloom came running in the door calling for Big Mac to stop his anger induced assault.

“Big… brother… stop!” she yelled before stumbling into the library and collapsing from exhaustion.

“Apple Bloom, are you ok?” AJ asked worriedly, momentarily forgetting what had happened over the past few hours.

“Yeah… just... gotta… rest…” she gasped out as she heaved in giant gulps of air.

“Ok.” Twilight put her on the couch and we all waited for her to calm down before explaining what had happened.

“So you aren’t going to kill Silver, Big Mac?” she asked the large stallion.

“Nope.” He stated calmly.

“Good, Silver’s a great guy! He makes Applejack happy all the time!” Macintosh blushed at the knowledge that his little sister saw their relationship when he couldn’t.

“Eeyup.” He rubbed a hoof against the back of his head.

Big Macintosh pointed a hoof at Silver telling him “We need to have a stallion to stallion talk... alone.”

Applejack opened her mouth to voice her concern but Big Macintosh cut her off “Ah won't hurt him AJ...just gonna find out more about Silver.” motioning to Silver to follow him out of the library.

Author's Note:

ok, so when i sent this to my prereader he came back with something i cant help but LOL at. so ima put it down here.

The dreaded Father/Brother alone talk about females....just glad Equestria doesn't have guns....or there would be a shot gun wedding...LOL.

remember, he said it, not me!

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