• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 2,263 Views, 797 Comments

Kill Me Now - Golden Script

follow a normal guy as he gets thrown into crazy relationships and crazy worlds. will he be able to survive or will he end up like he started? only time will tell.

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66. ...Was uneventful and Defibrillators

I didn’t fix one clock the remainder of my time there. I just kept thinking about what had happened to Twilight. ‘Why was she acting so… different? She seemed to be relieved that I was alive. Didn’t she say something about me dying?’ These thoughts continued until Turner snapped me out of it.

“Fixinit, go home.” He stated bluntly.


“You’re obviously not in any condition to work anymore. I can't let you just sit there and play with my clocks until you have to leave.”

“I can work!” I stated hurriedly as I jumbled with the clock I had, not being able to find the problem, let alone fix it.

Turner grabbed the clock out of the air, twisted a gear and a spring popped out. The clock ran smoothly after that. “Go. home.” He said flatly.

“ok.” And I left in shame.

I had walked around the town a number of times before I noticed the time. It was around seven. I should get back, even if I wouldn’t normally be getting back for another hour. I started walking towards the library.

I reached the door. I was worried. Would Twilight be ashamed? Would she be mad at me? Would she show as much love as she had earlier? The last one scared me beyond belief, but I would have to confront her sooner or later. So I opened the door.

“Twilight, I'm home.” I said not loud enough to be heard outside of the room I was in.

“Fixinit?!” I heard from upstairs, she must have been listening carefully.

“Yeah?” I called up to her, a little louder.

“How was work?!” she started coming down.

“Uneventful.” I said as she got down.


“Yeah, we fix clocks all day.” I told her, as if she didn’t know.

“You told me that before.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“Did you have any other memory flashes?” she asked.

“In fact, I did. I remembered getting a watch from Turner.” I told her proudly.

“Good, the closer we are to unlocking his full memory, the easier it will be for me to use a new spell I'm learning. It should replenish all of you with his entire memory.”

“Great!” I said enthusiastically.

“Unfortunately, restoring six ponies’ memories is kinda difficult, so the more memories we acquire, the better for all of us.” She said this like she was hiding something.

“Wait, all of us?” I asked her.

“Well… I’ve never had this spell used on me, but I’ve heard the more memories restored, the more… painful it is.” She said slowly.

“I'm sure we can handle it, you have no need to worry.” I assured her.

“I know, I just don’t like hurting my friends.” She admitted.

“Who does?” I asked in a more cheerful tone, she too lightened up a little.

“I guess you’re right.” With that we went to sit on the couch and wait for dinner.

After a minute of silence she turns to me “why were you home so early, I thought you were supposed to leave work at eight.”

“Yes, that’s the agreement me and Turner have.” I informed her.

“Then why are you here at seven fifteen?” I was in a bit of a pickle.

“Well… you see…” I was a little stunned, I'm not the best at coming up with lies on the spot.

“Whatever it is, you can tell me.” She said in a caring tone.

“Um… Turner… he had his marefriend over… and I didn’t want to be a third wheel.” I was sure I was sweating bullets.

“Really, what’s her name?” she leaned in with an ‘I gotcha!’ look on her smug face.

I took a second to think “Flower Pedal.”

“Is that your final answer?” she asked, her grin growing.

“Yes.” I said in a tone I hope sounded confident.

“Ok then, I believe you.” what?

“You do?”

“Yeah, besides, you were part of Dillon; he would never lie to me.”

“But I'm not Dillon.” I said flatly.

“Are you saying you’re lying?” she checked over her shoulder with an evil grin.

“WH-what? No! I-I-I just… I'm just saying that I am not Dillon, I am a completely different being.” I stuttered as I caught my footing.

“Ok then.” She sung as she walked up the stairs.

Her voice is beautiful, even when she’s mocking me. I don’t know why she kept it pent up for so long. I let it echo in my head for another minute before I shook myself from my daze and stood up. I decided I would do the only other thing that I could do. Look through Dillon’s safe. Maybe it would jog some memories.

As soon as I opened the door and saw the childhood pictures my brain went into a frenzy of remembrance. I saw pictures of Dillon learning how to ride a bike, I saw his bass lesions, I saw the first club he DJed at. I saw a ton of things in-between that seemed to be completely irrelevant, but the pictures strung it all together.

I assume I fell onto the ground with a loud enough thud that Twilight heard it, her hearing is crazy sensitive. She came rushing down and by the time I was awake again she was at my side with the emergency kit, the defibrillator on her hoofs, inches away from my face. I yelled.

“Twilight! What are you doing?!” she freaked and dropped them on my chest, I waited for the electrocution.

A minute later I opened my eyes to see a pair of defibrillator lying on my chest.

“You’re ok?” she asked in a dumbfounded way.

“Of course. Why didn’t these fry me?” I checked them, they were still off.

“I'm sorry, I thought you were dead! I didn’t know how to use them, I didn’t read the instructions. Sorry.”

“No it’s fine; if you had I might actually be dead.” I told her.

“I'm so sorry!” she hugged me tight “I just don’t want to lose you.” she whispered.

“It’s fine, I'm here, I'm fine.” I assured her.

Author's Note:

hey, sorry for the misfire with my post button, i clicked it on accedent and then pannicked. i hope i didnt lose any likes, followers, or favs because of it.

also, please comment, i want to hear what you have to say... not to mention it makes my day a ton more interesting. usualy im sitting at my computer waiting for an update, so yeah, please tell me your thoughts! i beg of you!!

and now on to what the ponies think!!

so Fixinit, how's life?
Fixinit: all things considered, I think I'm pretty good! I didn't die today, so that's a plus!
me: yep, but what's Twilight going to think when she learns the truth about earlier today?
Fixinit: you wont make her hate me will you?
me: anything's possible. >: )

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