• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 2,268 Views, 797 Comments

Kill Me Now - Golden Script

follow a normal guy as he gets thrown into crazy relationships and crazy worlds. will he be able to survive or will he end up like he started? only time will tell.

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64. My part

“What is it Fluttershy?” Twilight asked as her quiet friend entered the house of literature.

“Last night Cloudy and I were getting ready for bed when one of my cats revealed a piece of memory to him. Cloudy passed out for a minute and woke up with the memories.”

“The same thing happened to Fixinit.” The purple mare stated, trying to make sense of what happened.

“Do you think they are connected still?” Fluttershy asked.

“I think that you are right, but we should make sure.” They nodded as they went to talk to the stallions that had waited in the main part of the library while the mares talked in Twilight’s room.


Cloudy Skies and I waited in the library part of the tree house as Twilight and Fluttershy went to talk to each other in private. There was an awkward silence, which was weird considering we had known each other for three weeks. But I think that it was more due to recent events.

“I think I got memories from a past life.” This was completely out of left field for me, he just came right out and stated this without any prompt or reason.

“What?” I asked, voicing my thoughts and confusion.

“I remembered stuff that I didn’t do.” He told me, still staring at a distant point beyond the confines of the building we were in.

“What kind of memories?” I asked, moving on.

“Ones of a cat.” This single sentence got me thinking, this train of thought continued until the mares came back.

“We think that we know how to get a leg up on Discord.” Twilight said.

“Leg up on whom?” Cloudy asked, we still hadn’t told them about the plan.

“Never mind, we should wait until everyone else is here.” Twilight dismissed the thought, for now.

For the next half hour we waited for the rest of the elements and stallions to arrive. When they were all here Twilight and I called them to attention.

“Everypony, we called you all here so that we could discuss recent events. Yesterday twelve of us went to Canterlot, each told something different. The real reason that we were called was to retrieve Dillon. This was not accomplished in light of new information at the time. To return Dillon to us we would have to give up six lives. This was not logical or in our best interest.

“Rainbow and I have talked it over and we have come to the conclusion that Discord did this to cause chaos, not because the princess had told him to. We decided that we needed to take the fight to him instead of waiting for him to make the next move. To do this we need as much information as we can get.

“When we were in Canterlot Discord told us that that the stallions would not remember anything of Dillon. Who he was, what he was like, or that they were all once part of him.” This extracted looks of surprise from all of the stallions and half of the elements, albeit on different levels for each.

“Are you saying that we were all once one being?” asked EQ.

“Yes, you were all once Dillon. He was a human with a condition that split his mind into a number of different personalities. For a lack of a better term, multi-personality disorder.” She clarified.

“How did we become different beings let alone a different species?” asked Swift Strike.

“I have reason to believe that Discord had perfected a spell that would split a pony, or in this case a human, into several different ponies. When he did this you six were the result.”

“But what about our memories?” asked Presto.

“I'm not sure if those are random memories Discord placed in your brains to make it seem more realistic, if they are recreations of Dillon’s memories or if your brains created them to compensate for the lack thereof.

“However,” Twilight continued, “to effectively combat the draconequus we need all of the information we can get, as I have said before. To get this information I have devised a way to unlock Dillon’s memories from each of your minds.”

“And what would that be?” I asked her.

“We are going to put you through his memories, try to break the spell with what information we have now. I know some books on how to break spells, we can use those.” She told us all.

“Where do we start?” Rarity asked.

“Well, as for now, go home and try everything you remember Dillon doing. If he seemed to really like a song, perform it, if he tended to play a certain game, play it, if he liked something you did, do it. Expect more headaches. Goodbye, everypony.” And they dispersed.

Except for one.

Applejack approached me, she tapped my shoulder and when I turned to look at her I noticed a look in her eye, like she was disappointed by something, but knew that it would come sooner or later.

“Hi, Applejack.” I said cheerfully.

“H-howdy, I was just wond’rin’ where Silver might be.” She seemed to shift her eyes nervously.

“He’s upstairs in Twilight’s room, why do you ask?” I was trying my best to not look suspicious of her.

“Oh, just wantin’ to talk to ‘im about tomorrow’s apple buckin’.” She shifted her eyes and her pupils got smaller.

“In that case, upstairs, first door straight ahead of you.”

“Thank ya kindly.” she nodded her thanks and walked to the stairs.

“Oh, and Applejack,” I started, she froze.

“Yeah, sugarcube?” she asked in a less-than-calm tone.

“You are the worst liar ever.” With that I walked into the kitchen where Twilight was to see if she needed anything, had any ideas for her plan, or if she just wanted to talk; leaving Applejack on the stairs, thinking about what I knew.

Twilight was sitting at the table with her head in her hooves, she didn’t seem to notice when I entered so I walked over to her and gave her a comforting hug. She noticed and jumped at first, then relaxed when she realized who it was.

“Hi, Fixinit.” She said sadly.

“Is something wrong?” I don’t want her sad, she’s cute when she’s sad, but I don’t like when ponies are sad.

“No, I was just thinking about him.”

“I'm sorry.”

“About what?” she almost laughed.

“You lost your love because of me.” I stated bluntly.

“I lost my love because of you. You don’t know how much of that sentence is wrong.” She sighed.

“Then tell me.” There was a minute of silence.

“I didn’t lose my love because of you; I made a decision, the lesser of two evils. And I never lost my love completely.” Slightly confused, I listened to her in silence.

“But Dillon can't come back, not while we exist.”

“Yeah, but you were once part of Dillon. So technically I always had him… and I still do.” I thought about this for a minute.

“But I'm not Dillon. My memories don’t correspond with a humans and I don’t believe that my life- or my supposed life- was anything like Dillon’s, I saw what was in the safe, I don’t have any memories of stuff like that.”

“But that’s where the others come in, if you eliminate their talents and experiences you’re left with stuff I'm sure you remember!” she said hopefully, now looking into my eyes.

“That may be true, but that doesn’t change the fact that I'm not Dillon.”

“No, but you’re part of him… my part.”

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