• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 2,272 Views, 797 Comments

Kill Me Now - Golden Script

follow a normal guy as he gets thrown into crazy relationships and crazy worlds. will he be able to survive or will he end up like he started? only time will tell.

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3. Where am I?

I never did get around to going to the doctor; I figured that whatever it was could be fixed with one bullet. So I just waited until that fateful day. When it finally came around I was just moping around, it was Tuesday and I didn’t want to go to work because I knew what I was going to do later. So I just wandered.

I waited until I decided that I had waited long enough. I walked slowly to the safe, opened it, and pulled through the drawers, one by one, slowly. When I reached the last drawer, I opened it slower than I had ever before. It was the final moment to back out. I had gotten here before, only to slam it shut and back off. But this time I was serious. I swiftly grabbed the black box before my body could protest. I then unlocked it and sat down at the table. I knew in my heart that I could always back out, as long as I was still alive, that is. So I decided to extend that time period. I pulled all of the bullets out of the cylinder and placed them on the table. I put one bullet in and spun it, pointed at my head and held my breath as a safe click sounded. I repeated the action by putting another bullet in and spinning it, knowing that this would ultimately result in death, but it didn’t matter to me.

I had gotten all seven bullets in, somehow, and this time I was sure to die. I looked at the gun in my hand, did some quick calculations in my head, and found my chances of getting this far were 1:42. Well, looks like I got lucky. I put the gun to my head and closed my eyes, I knew this was the end, but then I thought about my dream, was the little girl going to wander in here later and find me like this, only to kill herself, too?

At that moment I opened my eyes to find I was no longer in my house, I looked to where my pictures had been, gone, now there was a brick wall, an identical one on the opposite side. Then I looked where my table had been only seconds ago, there stood a little girl with blond hair and… yellow eyes. I was oblivious to this fact at first, for the girl in my dream was human; the girl in front of me was a pony. I had no clue what I was looking at until I saw those fearful yellow eyes. Then the memory of the dream hit me like a rock. She was going to kill herself if I were to kill myself, if my dream was accurate. I couldn’t do that to another being, even if it weren’t part of my species or if it were possible that it wouldnt even happen, I just couldn't risk it.

I slowly put the gun down and set it in the box, not breaking eye contact the whole time, like if I were to look away she would disappear. When the gun was locked away, she spoke something you would hear a tourist from a foreign country say, I decided it was some form of Latin, recognizing the accent immediately; I had taken a Latin class or two in high school. I know that at that point I should have been thinking ‘how was an equine talking’ but I was thinking ‘Latin is a dead language, how does this thing know it.’ instead. I then realized that I had made my thoughts a bit more verbal than I had intended for she gave me a weird look. She then said something I half deciphered to be ‘follow me’ I didn’t have anything else to do, so I obliged.

She walked around the corner and into a bustling market. This market wasn’t what you would probably think of like Wal-Mart or something; no this was like third-world-country market, with small vendors here and there and tents and everything. The only difference being that they were all run by ponies. I was about to lose the little one that saved me from myself when she came back to get me. She had walked away while I was staring at the strange bazaar.

“Coming?” she asked. I simply nodded, too stunned from what was once my living room, now a market for medieval ponies. She started to ramble a little, here is what I deciphered: “I… mommy… coming… didn’t… me. Now… proven… right.” And at the same time we both noticed that all of the ponies were now staring at me, this made me very uncomfortable; I never liked being the center of attention. It made me feel like I was supposed to do something, I then felt inclined to say something, so I racked my brain for the Latin word for ‘hello’.

“Er… salve!” I said in a semi-enthusiastic voice. When nobo- sorry nopony responded I tore my brain apart thinking of what to do next.

A small purple unicorn came to me and said something; I only made out “do… know… language?”

I then though up the word for ‘sort of’ in my mind and said “genus.” I added a hand movement that was a flat palm turning on an axis that was the length of my forearm.

She then began to look distant in thought; suddenly she went “euge” which translated into ‘aha’, she then charged her horn with magic, said horn started glowing purple as an indication this was happening. I was getting worried but deep down I was unusually calm, probably because I thought these ponies wouldn’t do anything to hurt me. Thankfully I was right. She blasted the spell at me and hit her mark. All that happened that was painful in any way, shape, or form was the sudden migraine. I wobbled a little but got my balance back when the unicorn caught me in some magical field. It felt warm to the touch and was as soft as silk. I just stood there; the spell didn’t seem to do anything to me, for when I looked at my hands I saw I was still human. Then she spoke to me and I realized what she had done, because I understood her perfectly. “Sir, are you ok?” she asked this in a concerned tone.

“Yes, I am quite fine, Ms…” I had said this in Latin, she had taught me Latin, or taught me Latin, in just a few seconds. I now understood the language perfectly. What is this world?

“Sparkle, Twilight Sparkle.” She said in a matter-of-fact tone.

“Well, Ms. Sparkle, I thank you for-” I hadn’t had time to finish my sentence, because she had already started the explanation of what she did.

“I had only taught you our language-” now I cut her off

“Retaught, I had already known some Latin, as I had demonstrated back there.” This took her by surprise. She did hear me say ‘hello’ but probably only thought that the young filly had said that to me and I caught on.

“Oh, ok. I thought that was you just being smart, obviously I was wrong.” She said with a shrug, or the equivalent of one for a pony.

“Hey, are you implying I'm not smart? For your information, where I come from, you guys as dumb as dirt!” this had grabbed the attention of everypony in the market once again.

“Maybe we should move this little conversation of ours to my place.” She said in a hushed tone.

“Maybe your right.” I replied. And with that we were walking briskly out of the market area making sure that the little yellow-eyed girl was following close behind.

Author's Note:

well, now their going to twilights 'place', definatly not going to be important.

Dillon: what do you have planned for us?

me: *whistle innocently*

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