• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 2,268 Views, 797 Comments

Kill Me Now - Golden Script

follow a normal guy as he gets thrown into crazy relationships and crazy worlds. will he be able to survive or will he end up like he started? only time will tell.

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20. "Feelings"

Spike stayed on my computer for the next few hours just going through the thousands of songs on the external hard drive I set up. I was looking at the new box when I thought to turn it on, what’s the worst that can happen? She wouldn’t send me anything dangerous, would she? I flipped the switch and spike went “oh, hello there, what are you?” I went to see what he was talking about and he pointed at the Wi-Fi connection at the bottom of the screen. It had full bars. I assume that the box was an internet connection.

“Ok, spike, I need to do a few things with this, ok? It shouldn’t take too long.” He whined but gave it up. I immediately went to the internet explorer and put a password on it, I didn’t want the ponies or spike to look up anything dirty or wrong. I don’t want to be responsible for a filly or colt to become like that “And done. Here you go spike.”

“What did you do to it?”

“Nothing that concerns you. You can still look through that folder I showed you but I don’t want you to wander from it, ok?”


This was the question that children had been asking since before time “well, I have some stuff on here that I don’t want you to see.”

“You mean like sex?”

I was actually surprised he knew what it was “you know about that stuff?”

“Yep, I have for a while now.”

Twilight yelled from her room “a month!”

“A month is a long time, though.” Spike retorted.

“Not really!” twilight said with a touch of mockery.

“But yeah, I know about that stuff, and I don’t see what’s so wrong with it. It’s just the circle of life.”

“Well you don’t need to be looking at what I’ve got on here so don’t go snooping.”

“yessir.” And he gave me a solute.


I was looking through my iPod for the good songs I had, I realized that I had more songs on here than the last time I used it, I hadn’t even transferred some of these from my computer. Then about halfway down I looked at the clock at the top of the screen, it had been 2 hours, and my battery life was full, that shouldn’t be right, but I won’t argue. The worst thing that could happen is it runs out of batteries and I’ll have to charge it, then I realized the one fatal flaw in my plan, I didn’t have my charging cable. Then it struck me, if Celestia knew I would have to charge it she would have sent the cord, but if she knew I didn’t have to charge it she wouldn’t need to “hey twilight.”


“Can you enchant something to have a seemingly unlimited power source?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Could Celestia?”

“What do you think?”

“Oh, right.” I then had my answer: Celestia had given it an unlimited battery.

I looked through my iPod until spike grew board of human music. It was 2:30 so I grabbed my buds and went to work. When I had gotten there I was greeted by turner who was approaching the door, I looked at my watch and noticed that I was thirty seconds from being late. “I see the time piece is getting you here earlier.”

“Yep, I thank you again for giving it to me.”

“Oh trust me, it was for business benefit.”

“sure.” With that he unlocked the door and walked in. I followed and we immediately got started. We weren’t ones to waste time. We fixed clocks until 8:00 then I went home. It was a pretty standard day so far. I didn’t know that was about to change or I wouldn’t have gone home. (I have recently noticed that I have begun to refer to the tree house as home. I think I'm becoming attached to this place.) When I arrived home I had gotten a greeting from spike. He seemed like he was a bit stunned, like he had seen a ghost. “Spike, you ok?”

He gave me a fearful look like I was accusing him of doing something “oh, yeah, I'm fine. Heh-heh.”

I gave him a suspicious look “are you sure?”

His look of fear grew worse “yep.” His voice was an octave higher than usual.

“Hmmm…” I walked to my laptop and opened my recent places folder and found he had opened all of my worst folders. Why didn’t I put a lock on that too? “Spike, I told you not to wander.”

“I know but I saw a folder named ‘funny pics’ and I thought that was a good laugh so I wondered what else you had on there and I found the other folders and I, um… I didn’t know half of that stuff was possible.”

“*sigh* do you now understand why I didn’t want you snooping?”

“Yes. But please don’t tell twilight.”

“Tell me what?” twilight had gotten done with a small stack of books and was coming down for some more when she heard spikes statement. I assumed she hadn’t heard the rest of the conversation. Spike started to stutter and freak out, but I played it cool.

“Spike has a crush.”

“What?! No I don’t!”

“Don’t deny it.” I gave him a wink.

“Oh, yeah, I guess you’re right.”

“Who is it, I know about your rarity crush, but you wouldn’t be so secretive about that with me, so it must be somepony different, so who?”

“Sweetie bell.” I said instantly and I saw spike blush. You think it would be hard to see blush on a purple dragon but he made it easy enough.

“b-b-b-bu-but-” I gave him another wink “Fine, I’ll admit it, she is kinda cute, like a mini rarity.” Either spike was the best liar in existence or he was telling the truth. I stuck this in the back of my mind for later.

“Ok, spike, go start dinner. I need to talk to Dillon.” The dragon gave a silent solute and walked into the kitchen. He looked like he was somewhere between getting something off his chest that was big and relief that he dodged a huge bullet.

“Watcha need to talk about, Twi?”

“I was just wondering about this feeling I have been having lately…”

“What would that be?”

“Oh, just forget about it.” I grabbed her hoof as she tried to get up and leave.

“Twi, I don’t know how it works here, but back on earth if you told someone to ‘forget about it’ that’s all they’ll think about for the next week. You would be making it a lot easier on me if you just told me. If it’s bad we can talk about it. I promise I won’t think any less of you.” And with that she sat back down.

“You promise?”

“I promise.” I gave her a reassuring smile.

“Ok, then, here goes nothing…”

Author's Note:

what's she thinking?
Dillon: I dont know, but I don't think it's about the weather.
me: you think?
Dillon: I'm pretty sure.
me: if you say so.

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