• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 2,268 Views, 797 Comments

Kill Me Now - Golden Script

follow a normal guy as he gets thrown into crazy relationships and crazy worlds. will he be able to survive or will he end up like he started? only time will tell.

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17. The Doctor

Before I even had time to try and find the face a blue box slowly faded into existence. This wasn’t any blue box; this was a big blue police box. Then a man walked out and my jaw dropped. He walked over to the contraption and waved a small stick that looked like some sort of green laser pointer, it made a wiring noise and he picked up the device and carried it into his blue box, the contraption wouldn’t have been able to fit but somehow it had fit in without resistance, as if the box was bigger on the inside. “oh, I didn’t know there was a homosapien in this universe, I haven’t taxied any over at all, unless another me from another universe did, or maybe the only other being that both knows of this universe and has the power to move through space and time like me did. Say chap, do you know princess Celestia?”

“I-I-I- you- but- n-no sir, I’ve been planning on seeing her soon though.” He looked almost confused.

“Then how did you get here, surly your species shouldn’t have invented a way for at least the next 287 years, do you know a doctor?”

“Um… I know a doctor, but he’s only on a TV show.”

“So that means that you-” we all heard a loud *ding* come from the blue box “hold that thought, I’ll be right back.” He jumped in the box, shut the door, then the box faded out.

“Was that who I think it was?”

“Yes.” Said turner with a matter-of-fact tone.

“And he comes here often?”

“Yep.” Now he was almost proud. Before either of us could say anything else the box came back.

“How long has it been?” asked the doctor as he stepped out.

“About 15 seconds.” Replied turner “you’re getting better, doc.”

“Blast, I was aiming for at most 10. Oh well, now who did you say you were?” he asked me. I was still stunned that he was real, how many people would freak if I told them their idol was actually out there saving their buts every Thursday.

“I am Dillon; it’s a great honor to meet you.” I shook his hand.

“So you know who I am and what I do.”

“Yes sir.”

“And you know when and where you are.”



“Equestria, more specifically, Ponyville.”


“Around the same time as my world,” when he gave me a look that said ‘more info’ I said “around July 13th.”

“Good. Now, do you know what you had in your shop a minute ago?”

“No, but I have a feeling you do.” Turner responded.

“Quite, it was an alien explosive device; it could level this side of the planet if you had touched that box in the center. I am telling this to you so that if in the future you receive something similar you will not touch it until I arrive.”

“Of course, but might I know how to disarm such a thing in case you are on more important business.”

“Indeed.” He then handed turner a scroll that had the disarming instructions for a bomb of similar design. “I shall be off, but I would like to stop by some time to chat, Dillon. Allons-y!” and with that he jumped into his blue box and disappeared.

“Well, should we get back to work?” tuner snapped me out of my trance.

“Huh? Oh, yeah, I got something to keep my ADHD in check.” And I pulled out one of the ear buds vinyl gave me “this should keep me busy for the next few hours at least.”

“Good, let’s get to it then.” I put one ear bud in and put it on random and heard ‘Linkin Park’s breaking the habit’, and then we got to work, finishing 10 more clocks in the next hour.


When the day was done we went our separate ways, the doctor hadn’t come back but I was still hopeful for the future. I took a leisure walk to the tree house, I probably should have sped up when I saw that the sun was going down but what’s the rush? When I got to the door I remembered what happened between twilight and me last night and I contemplated just leaving for the night. But then I realized that I would have to deal with it sooner or later. So I walked in like nothing had happened at all, like I had never asked to see the princess. I still didn’t know why she seemed so sad when I asked to see the princess. Maybe she and the princess were on bad terms right now. Whatever had happened I would stand by her, she was my friend and if she needed my help I would help her. Maybe I should ask her why she seemed so sad though, I could try to help “hey twilight!” I called into the house from the main library area.

“Yeah?” she was obviously in a better mood, and she was in the kitchen.

“Just wondering…” around this time I was having second thoughts about bringing the mood to a steep drop so I continued with the second thing on my mind “what’s for dinner?”

“Apple fritters. Come in and have some.”

“Sounds delicious.” And I walked in to see an orange pony with long blond hair tied at the end, freckles, and a Stetson hat. “Well hello there. Who might you be?”

“Ah'm Applejack, but most ponies call me AJ.”

“Dually noted. Not that I don’t love company but why might you be here?”

“ah was o’er ‘ere ‘cause ah heard there was somepony new ‘round and it looks like ah jus met ‘im. Then ah decided cause ahm a’ready ‘ere wah not make em a little somin as a welcome gift?”

“You’re quite right, I'm Dillon, and I really appreciate your gift, please stay to eat with us, I would love to learn more about you.”

“Why, thank you kindly.” I sat down and started to slowly eat an apple fritter while listening to applejack talk about herself. She wasn’t gloating or anything, she was the most modest little thing I’ve seen in a long time. She talked about how she met twilight, how she got her cutie mark, how she lived on the farm, her family, and everything in between. When she was done she asked “what about you? Ah’d love to ‘ear more ‘bout you.” She leaned forward in emphasis.

“Well, my background is not the best. You see my parents were not the best, my living conditions were that of the higher ups, my learning environment was terrible, and my life has sucked ever since I left my first collage. I'm sure you don’t want to hear the details of something so sad.”

“Oh, ahm sorry if’n I said sum’n to gecha down, but I didn’t know.”

“It’s fine, applejack.”

“Ah told ya’ll, call me AJ.”

“Ok, AJ.”

“Well, its getting purdy late, I shud be heddin back for mah bruther thinks ahm doin somin wrong. Bye, Dillon.”

“Bye, AJ.”

Author's Note:

so you met two new beings today, niether of which are human... how do you feel?
Dillon: the doctor was every bit of bad-assedness that i expected, and AJ was pretty cool, too. those fritters were killer.
me: i bet, its too bad neither of them will return any time soon, sorry.
Dillon: well it would be cool if i could see the doc again, and AJ should be around ponyville, so that wont be too bad, i guess.

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