• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 2,268 Views, 797 Comments

Kill Me Now - Golden Script

follow a normal guy as he gets thrown into crazy relationships and crazy worlds. will he be able to survive or will he end up like he started? only time will tell.

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10. Q&A

Twilight just stared at me. I hadn’t had to explain the history of earth to anyone back in my home town. They all knew, but to tell someone who hadn’t even heard of the planet until just a day ago, I think I did a pretty good job. After about half a minute of staring, she finished absorbing all of the information I had just thrown at her. “That’s not even the specifics, there is so much more in-between.” Her mouth gaped a little wider. I was starting to worry about her jaw, I don’t know how pony mouths work, but if a human were to do this, their jaw would cramp up in a matter of seconds. I reached over and closed it only for it to fall back into place. “*sigh* if you’re just going to sit there with your mouth like that I'm gonna have to tie it closed.” She heard this and closed it immediately, but still didn’t say anything. “Well, since you’re obviously shocked, I’ll ask you a question, hmmm.” I had to think of a good one, I wasn’t much interested in this world, but I would like to know more about twilight “what are you like?”

“W-what, like… normally?”

“Yeah, on a normal day, what are you like?”

“Well, I'm nice, caring, I don’t usually ask so many questions, but think about it, I have a being from another world, I can introduce you to the princess and make her proud.” She had a hopeful face on. I took note, they have a princess, and so is this like a monarchy?

“Wouldn’t it be better if you brought me to the king?” she gave me a confused look “or does the princess take care of stuff like this?”

“What king? We don’t have a king.” Another note, no king.

“Um, I just assumed, because if there’s a princess then there is a queen and king, right?”

“In the many years I have lived in this world, I have never known about any queens or kings. Sorry.”

“Oh, no it’s nothing to be sorry about, it’s just where I come from the king and queen rule over the land and the prince or princess is trained to be the future king or queen.”

“Ah, that makes sense then.”

There was about a 30 second period when neither of us said anything. So I spoke up. “So speaking of parents, what are yours like?” I hadn’t thought about what might come next, after she had answered.

She cheered up immediately “my parents were great, a little pushy at times, but what parents aren’t? what were yours like?” I froze. I suspect my face turned white because she started to look worried “oh, did I say something?”

“No, no, it’s just, where I come from, everyone already knew my parents and I thought I had already told you about them. I just never had to tell anyone who they were, you see?”

“I'm sorry, I must have forgotten. So they’re popular.” She asked, happy that she hadn’t struck a nerve.

“Well, who is the worst pony on this planet?”

She put her hoof to her chin in thought “well, the worst pony would have to be discord, but I'm not sure you can call him a pony. There is princess Chrysalis, but she’s a changeling which is considered a whole nother species. Hmm, I’ll let you pick.”

“Ok, what did they do?” she had forgotten I wasn’t here for the royal wedding or any of the discord incidents.

She facehoofed “discord is a creature of chaos that can do whatever he wants. He turned the sky green and the ground into a multicolored checkerboard pattern, for crying out loud. And chrysalis ruined a royal wedding, to make matters worse; the wedding was my big brothers.”

“Well firstly, my parents ruined more weddings than you could count, and they would do whatever tey wanted, even if it hurt other people. But my parents were not good people, but they were rich so it didn’t matter.”

She was in awe and realized that this was a touchy subject so she changed gears. “W-what kind of education do you have?”

“doctorate.” I said into my hands “my parents forced me to get it. They took me from my original collage and dropped me off at a bigger one.” She didn’t know what a doctorate was but she was almost too afraid to ask, thinking it would somehow relate to my parents and i would get even angrier. But she was a scientist, and she needed to explore all things she did not know.

“W-w-what’s a doctorate?” she put her hooves up fearing that I would strike her. But she didn’t feel any pain; instead she felt my hands on her knees then I lowered her hooves. I looked into her eyes, this moment seemed to last forever… our faces began to slowly move closer… but, just like in all the movies, we snapped back to reality at the last second.

“Ahem, a doctorate is the highest level of education a normal human being can achieve; it’s like being a certified genius.”

Her mouth started to gape again. But was quickly pulled back into place, remembering my comment about tying it shut. “I think that that’s enough for tonight, just get some rest.”

“Ok, good night.” And with that she went upstairs and I lay down. Thinking over what had just happened. ‘Would I really have kissed her? Could I?’ these were not the questions to be asking now, for it was time to sleep, so I used something that I had taught myself all those years ago to fall asleep when my parents just didn’t care and were too busy to put me to bed. And slowly I fell asleep.

My dream was weird. I started in my old apartment, only it was different. Like some things had been moved or were gone altogether. I looked for my safe, the only thing that mattered, I was almost glad to see it hadn’t been moved. I somehow knew this was a dream, but I couldn’t control what I did or what happened. I didn’t want to, but I went to the safe and opened it. When the door swung all the way open I found a little girl, not my stuff, a little girl, she was the same girl from my last dream. “Hello, dinky?”

‘what?’ I heard in the same voice as all the times before, only now it echoed and sounded sad. She also seemed to be crying into her legs.

“Why are you crying?”

‘because of what happened to you’ it tore at my heartstrings that a small girl that I didn’t even know would cry over something that happened to me.

“What do you mean?”

‘your old girlfriend.’ how did she know about this? Who would have told her?

“Dinky, what do you know about that?”

‘everything.’ at that I froze, if she knew exactly what happened then she would hate me forever, or she would try to sympathies with me. Either way, I wouldn’t be able to handle it.

“Dinky, who told you this?”

‘YOU did.’ she lashed out in anger, but calmed down again. ‘you told me you were proud of it, too.’ I would never be proud of what I did. Whoever somehow posed as me or whatever is just sick.

“I would never be proud of what happened to her. Never.”

‘it didn’t seem that way when you told me you did it on purpose.’ then it hit me, what if she didn’t know the whole truth. What if the half-truth made him look evil?

“What exactly do you know?”

‘your more of an idiot than a monster.’ why was she acting like I was some sort of weird ass beast? What did I supposedly tell her?

“Please, I need to know, you might not have the entire story.”

‘so you didn’t kill her?’

“No that parts true.” I consider that I killed her because I did nothing to help her.

‘then what does it matter? You’re still a murdering lying monster!’

“Because I did it for her. I didn’t know the outcome.”

‘you didn’t know?’

“No, I didn’t.” I looked down in shame. If I had known exactly what had been going on then I would have done something about it. “I would have had all of the resources I would have needed with only a call.”

‘but why didn’t you?’

“Ever heard the story of the boy who cried wolf?”


“Well, there was a boy who lived in a small village, this was a very mischievous boy, and he loved pulling pranks and jokes on the other villagers. One day he decided he was going to wander into the woods and yell for help. He did this and when the villagers came he told them a wolf had tried to eat him. This made the other villagers very angry, so they ran into the woods looking for a wolf. When they came back empty-handed the boy laughed at them. This enraged the villagers, and the next day the same boy pulled the same prank, the villagers came in less numbers but still came all the same. When the boy told them a wolf really had tried to nab him, they ran to catch the wolf a second time. They returned with no wolf and the boy laughed again. The third time the boy yelled for help only his parents came, he told them the wolf really really had tried to get him, they ran in search for said wolf. But still came back with no furs or meat of any kind. The boy laughed at their worry, he had fooled them three times and was going for a fourth. The fourth time he was about to call out when he was engulfed in a shadow. This shadow lead back to a hungry wolf, the boy ran and yelled for help. None came. He kept yelling and running but still the villagers didn’t believe him. He was snatched up by the wolf and swallowed whole. And that is the story of the boy who cried wolf.” The entire time that I had been telling the story, dinky had stopped crying, sat staring intently and even laughed at some parts where I threw in an over exaggerated arm motion or made like I was going to grab her.

‘so what does this have to do with you and her?’

“Well I am the villagers, and she was the boy… she cried wolf too many times.”

‘I'm sorry I blamed you.’ she came in for a hug and I accepted willingly.

“It’s ok, I would blame me too.” We just hugged until I woke up to the smell of pancakes, this time before getting up I checked to make sure I was still on the couch.

Author's Note:

dude, if you wake up in her bed again shes gonna kill you.
Dillon: i know! if you put me in her bed i will hunt you down and murder your family!
me: i live on earth, you arn't compleatly sure how you even got here, let alone how to get back.
Dillon: I would find a way.
me: O_o *rewrites*
Dillon: YOU BASTARD!!!

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