• Published 16th Nov 2012
  • 3,964 Views, 85 Comments

Sisterly Love - Lux

Two ponies are drawn into a strong bond of sisterhood

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The Decision

Chapter 9 – The Decision

Scootaloo awoke the next morning feeling groggy after a restless night’s sleep. It was no wonder that she didn’t sleep soundly after the events of the day before. In one day she stated her wish to be Rainbow Dash’s sister to having confessed out about where she lived and the fact she was an orphan. She was glad though that no matter how painful it was, she was able to tell somepony after all those years. Keeping something so monumental a secret filly ever since she first came to Ponyville was taking a toll on her. She was always afraid that she would be found out and that whoever did would not be as remorseful to her plight. Because of this she devoted so much of her thoughts, time, and energy to covering her tracks using fiction and lies. Now with the truth told to a pony she could trust, it felt like a weight had been lifted from her mind and heart.

Even though she felt better returning home after confessing, there was still the familiar worry as to what would happen next. She trusted Rainbow Dash would help her and that the plan would be something she’d enjoy. Yet there was still that nagging feeling that somepony would steal her away from the town, her friends and Rainbow Dash. As she desperately tried to sleep, her mind kept playing back the day and presenting an endless parade of scenarios as to what might happen next. She even dreamt that she be taken back to that orphanage where Miss Strict would be even meaner to her for running away. Such a nightmare woke her up in the middle of the night with her drenched in a cold sweat and looking around to make sure that she was still in her makeshift place. Even this room was no longer a safe haven to her as ponies knew about it. As she fell back to sleep that night, the only thing certain in her mind was the hope that the next day would be ok.
As she stretched and yawned, she noticed that something was different in her room. Everything was there, placed in some semblance of order. She then realized that nothing was moved or missing but something was added. There on a wooden barrel that served the purpose as a table there was a folded piece of paper. Scootaloo picked up the note and read it.

“Dear Scootaloo,

Pack your things and meet me at the Golden Oaks Library. I have something to tell you.

Yours Truly,

Rainbow Dash”

Without giving it a second thought, Scootaloo began to pack. It was very easy for her to do so as she had few possessions and those she did have could all easily fit in her saddlebag. Before climbing up the step the filly turned and looked at her former room. To her it now looked less like a room now and more like what it was: a pile of boxes and barrels and sheets. Hoping that this would be the last she saw of this place but happy she at least had it for the years she gave a silent goodbye before departing.

Rainbow Dash paced nervously in the main floor of the library. She knew anytime now Scootaloo would be walking through that door, eager to hear from her what the plan was. The mare hoped that she would be ok with it. It would break the mare’s heart if she disagreed to it. She wouldn’t know what to do with herself if that happened.

“Are you sure you want to go through with this,” Twilight asked her friend.

“Sure I’m sure,” Rainbow said trying to hide her worry, “You think she’ll like it too right?”

“I think she’ll love the idea,” Twilight said.

“It’s just… you know… I’m a little scared that she won’t.”

Twilight could see the rainbow manned Pegasus tearing herself apart with worry. It was no wonder that her friend felt this way. Twilight knew how much Rainbow and Scootaloo spent time together and cared about each other so much. She knew how emotionally and mentally trying it must have been when the two confronted each other, especially Rainbow who had to hear the grim truth for herself. Now her friend had a plan to fix things, but Twilight of all ponies knew that all plans were not fool proof. The unicorn could only hope that things would turn out according to plan.

“Rainbow,” Twilight said as she put a reassuring hoof on her friend’s shoulder, “I know you’re worried that Scootaloo might not like your plan, and I’d be lying if I said that your idea is fool proof. But I also know that you two love each other so much. When I see you with her, it reminds me of Shining Armor and I. So whatever happens today, I still believe that the love between you two will remain.”

“Thanks Twilight,” Rainbow said to her friend reassuring her.

Just then the two mares heard the door open and turned to see Scoolaloo standing there.

“Hi Twilight,” Scootaloo said nervously.

“It’s ok,” Rainbow Dash said sensing the filly’s nervous state, “Twilight knows.”

“Oh, ok,” the filly said breathing a sigh of relief, “So you want to talk to me about something?”

“Well, actually kid, I want to show you something. Twilight, can you show here the paper?”

“Sure Rainbow,” Twilight said as she levitated a rather important looking paper and set it on the table in front of Scootaloo.

“What is it,” the filly asked.

“See for yourself,” Rainbow said with a smile.

Scootaloo looked at the paper. Much of it was legal jargon that she didn’t understand. But she then looked up at the title of the paper and let out a gasp. In big bold letters it read:

“Documents for Adoption”

The filly looked up at Rainbow Dash, tears welling up in her eyes.

“Does this mean that…”

“Yes Scootaloo,” Rainbow Dash said, “I want to adopt you. I can’t be your parent, but I want to be your big sister for real. So what do you say? Do you want to be my sister and come live with me?”

The filly could barely contain her excitement. She ran up to the mare and gave a big hug while crying tears of joy.
“I take that as a yes,” Rainbow said with a smile.”

“Yes, yes, yes,” Scootaloo shouted as the two ponies embraced, “but how did you do this?”

“I had Spike send a letter to Princess Celestia about what happened to you and how I wanted to adopt you. Being an Element of Harmony has its perks you know. Anyway, a little after I sent it, she sent a letter back with the adoption papers. There was one for me congratulating me for adopting you, and oh she sent one for you to read.”

Twilight then gave Scootaloo the letter that bore Princess Celestia’s royal seal.

“I think I’ll read it to you,” Scootaloo said before clearing her throat and opening the message.

“Dear Scootaloo,

By the time you receive this letter you have already known about Rainbow Dash’s intent to adopt you as a sister. I felt that just sending the documents could not do this occasion justice. That is why I am writing to you today.
I would first like to offer my sincerest apologies for the pain you felt as an orphan. No greater sorrow can be felt when a child does not have a parent, relative, or sibling in their life due to whatever circumstances may arise. I am also greatly saddened that you had to endure the bullying of the other orphans as well as your harsh treatment while in the orphanage. Let it be known that I have removed the headmistress Miss Strict from her duties and my sister and I are working to reform the orphanage so as to be a haven for fillies and colts.

I would now like to take the time to write about personally what it means to be a sister. As you know, my sister, Princess Luna, and I love each other deeply. I would say to you I would give up my kingdom, crown, and even my life for her as would she for me. The bonds between sisters transcends all time, space, nations, and laws. It is held by one of the strongest types of magic known in Equestria: love. Love is something that is shared between many including friends, lovers, relatives, and parents. But there is something magical about sisterly or brotherly love, a deeper connection that cannot be weakened or broken. Even though sisters and brothers may fight, love will reunite them and reestablish harmony.

And so, I offer you some advice, not as a princess to her subject but from one sister to another. May you learn to compromise on issues, be slow to anger and judgment with one another, learn to forgive when one may falter, find joy in your time together, and love as much as you heart can hold.

May your life with Rainbow Dash as your sister be filled with joy, harmony and love.

I wish you both the best of luck in your future.


Princess Celestia”

“So I guess there’s one more thing left to do,” Rainbow Dash said.

“What’s that?”

“You just have to sign these papers and you will officially become my sister.”

Scootaloo eagerly signed the spaces with her name as Spike waited next to Twilight.

“Alright Spike,” Rainbow Dash said, “Send them to Canterlot!”

The dragon then collected the papers and with a breath of green fire the documents vanished.

“Now I can officially call you sister,” Scootaloo said with a smile.

“That’s right, sister,” Rainbow Dash said.

Suddenly the touching moment was interrupted by Pinkie Pie as she entered the library.

“Oh, hello. I’m not interrupting anything important, am I?”

“Actually,” Rainbow Dash said, “there is something important.”

“Ooo! What’s that?”

“We’re sisters now,” Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash said in unison.

“Oh I’m so happy for you two,” Pinkie Pie said hugging the two ponies, “Oh this calls for a Your Sisters Now party! What do you say?”

“Sounds like a great idea,” Scootaloo said.

“And after I’ll show you you’re new home Scootaloo,” Rainbow said.

“I love it when a plan comes together,” Twilight says with a laugh.

The two smiled at each other, their lives now a little brighter now as they entered a new life as sisters.

Author's Note:

This story is dedicated to the sisters and brothers who share a special bond with each other.

Comments ( 25 )

As a Brother myself, I thank you for such a touching story so far. also I want to thank you for the dedication. :pinkiesmile:


And so the story ends. Maybe next year I'll make a sequel!

Reminds me of the bond I have with my older sister [Like Rainbow Dash she gave me a nickname that only she can call me, and the same vice versa]


Funny thing is that I'm an only child, so I can't experience that sisterly bond. I do have a friend that has a twin sister so I learned much from how they interact with one another.

“I love it when a plan comes together,” Twilight says with a laugh

Seriously most fics I read have Twilight saying those lines
She is not Hannible Smith


Me and my Dad used to watch that show :pinkiesad2:


Yeah, I watched the A-Team. Considering Twilight being the de facto leader of the group, I would picture her as saying that.

My brother......yeah, after the crap he's put my family through in the last ten years, I'd rather not see him,
and even when I do, I don't hang around for long!! Other than that, my opinion on this story is....
.....sorry, I think I actually died then!!! So anyways, my thoughts..

I think that about sums it up!!

I absolutely loved this story dude. It really makes me wish my older brother and i could repair our relationship. I don't see that happening any time soon unfortunately because when a sibling tells you that you deserved to die as a kid that really fucking hurts deep down.

My only issue with this story is that it's never revealed that Scoots and Rainbow Dash are actually blood siblings, I think that would have made for a touching ending if Princess Celestia would have dug up Scoots birth records or something.

So good how about a little more?:pinkiesmile:



Well, I'm going by the show canon as Lauren Faust said that Scoots and Dash are not blood sisters. However, with this story I explored the other alternative: adoption.



Well, I'm thinking of a sequal next year, but I need to plan out what to do with it. Until then, keep watching this channel for more details.

ahh I didn't realize you were basing this off canon. Still a good story :twilightsmile:


Well, kind off canon. Then only thing ccanon was just the fact that Dash and Scoots are not blood sisters.

1799379 I know that feel; although I have a sister, she's 14 years older than me so I was raised as an only child so to speak.

Now let's hope that future MLP:FiM episodes doesn't screw this story up.

Huh. So this is complete? Wasn't expecting that, could've gone on longer. Of course, now I want MOAR, as in a sequel! SO GET TO IT!!!

Lux can you make a sequel for this story in the future



Perhaps. I have some other stories in mind, but I'll see what i can do with this.

That was so SWEET!!! :twilightsmile::pinkiesmile:

by reading Celestia letter I start to cry:fluttercry::raritycry:
a great fic I:heart: it now one of my favorit:pinkiehappy:




“I love it when a plan comes together,” Twilight says with a laugh.

11th Doctor: The A team shit! I'm part of the B team and I say Geronimo!

War doctor: for Celestia sake you should be on Trenzalor

Dear Princess Celestia,
I learned sisterhood. Get outta my f**king face!
Your not-so-loyal subject,
Rainbow Dash

“I love it when a plan comes together,” Twilight says with a laugh.


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