• Member Since 7th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 5th, 2016



A (nother) Look to the Past · 11:59pm Mar 6th, 2014

It's been a LONG time sice I last wrote here. Thing is I've been busy. Just when I thought I had time for doing stuff or writing stuff new thing come along with them. Things I had to make first, a matter of priority. Now the army is done, I'll be taking a few weeks away from it... Actually 20 days. I'm not sure if I'll ever write here again, thing is I haven't write in English since the last time I wrote here. My english is now rusty. I came here to thank you, I come online again to

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281739 Sargento 2/o de la Fuerza Aérea Mexicana. Sí, parece que podría aprender de tí.

281734 ¡Qué bien! Ya nos hacían falta de esos en la armada. Cualquier duda que tengas con un mensaje privado es suficiente para ponerte en contacto.

281724 El pensamiento es mutuo entonces. Y sí, soy marino, bueno no... Apenas empezare el adiestramiento el próximo lunes.

Wow, jamás pensé que encontraría otro mexicano por estos lares de la vida. Y para colmo ¿eres marino? ¿Hermano en armas? Da igual, tus historias están buenas aunque algo carentes de historia de fondo. Espero saber más de ti.

145732 Imagine your own parents calling you a nazi, your grandparents and uncles saying you're on drug and an alcoholic, that you'll never be something in life. Now, that's my life and family, I'm still here for my brother, if he wasn't here I would have gone long ago, I just don't want him to grow up like me.

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Have you ever wonder what would it be like if you were suddenly alone in the world?
Would you miss society? Including the trolls, haters and all those motherfucker who make your life a living hell?

Maybe I would, I mean, what would life be without those people who make your life impossible? Boring, that's what life would turn to.