• Published 15th Oct 2012
  • 14,528 Views, 2,082 Comments

The God Squad - defender2222

Luna decides to go on an adventure and her family tags along for the ride!

  • ...

Smokey and the Luna

Meanwhile, in the Crystal Empire...

"I'll tell ya, sometimes I hate my name."

Clean Mug looked at his old friend, passing him another ice cold cider. While most of the crystal ponies were depressed, Clean Mug and a few of his friends had learned that alcohol could fix that right up (nothing cures depression like a depressant!). "Come on now, don't be like that. I think you have a great name!"

"Ha! You wouldn't think it so great if you had to live with all the confusion."

"I'll admit, it might lead to... some issues."

"Some issues?" the other stallion complained. "My name is Rim Job."

"Right... as in you create custom rims for chariots. Spinners, jeweled ones... they are some of the best in the empire." Rimmy gave Clean Mug a sour look. "Alright, so some perverts keep getting confused... I think you are making too big of a deal of it."

"Too big of a deal?!? I have minators calling me up wanting to know if I'll work the shaft! I try and explain that the only shaft I work is a drive shaft and the only lube I use is for the bearings but-"


Clean Mug and Rimmy turned, staring at the shadowy figure that had entered the Prancing Human Tavern. Darkness seemed to cling to the stranger's form, save for the blood red horn on his head and his piercing green eyes (which were most likely that color because of contacts). They both stared at the newcomer before slowly turning away and continuing their conversation.

Needless to say, the newcomer was not happy as such disregard.

"How dare you turn your backs on me? Do you know who I am?"

"Unless you are the delivery man with my pretzels... no, I don't care," Clean Mug said.

"I am King Sombra!" the dark unicorn declared, stepping forward so they could see his blood red horn and mighty armor. His wicked eyes looked upon them, hungrily trying to suck in their souls. "I have returned to the Crystal Empire and-"


"Uh... what are you doing?" Sombra said, staring at the two stallions, who were at that moment rolling on the bar floor, laughing it up.

"Look at you!" Clean Mug giggled. "You look like an anime villain!"

"No, no!" Rimmy exclaimed. "Power Rangers!"

Clean Mug blinked. "Who?"

"...sigh... the Super Sentai. Friggin' weaboo."

"Hey! You should be cowering before me!" Sombra exclaimed. "I am the lord of shadows! Master of darkness."

Clean Mug slowly rose back up and trotted back behind the bar (he'd laughed so hard he'd fallen over it) and began to inspect his glassware. "Listen, I am sure you thought it was cute to dress up in your little Halloween costume and try to play evil monster but this is Equestria, mate, and that just won't cut it."

Sombra gnashed his teeth together in frustration. "I am the dark king! Ruler of darkness-"

"Nightmare Moon, buddy." Rimmy got back on his stool. "Seriously, darkness is so two years ago. I mean, it got surpassed by eternal sunshine and even that is cliche now."

"Then there was eternal twilight but that just led to sparkly vampires."

The dark king took a step forward, his horn glowing like a roman candle. "I tell you this: if you do not before me I will bring chaos to these lands-"


"No, chaos."

Rimmy shook his head. "No, I mean Discord. As in the spirit of disorder and the god of chaos. The elements of harmony beat him a year ago."

"Now there was an interesting looking villain," Clean Mug said.

"Wait, how do you know all this if the Crystal Empire was gone for a thousand years?" Sombra asked.

"I'm pen pals with The Doctor," Clean Mug said.

"Oh." Sombra considered his options. "What if I brainwash all of you and feed-"


"Son of a wolf!" Sombra exclaimed.

"Listen, I am trying to run a bar here... if you aren't going to get anything to drink..."

Sombra walked over and pulled out some bits. "Oh, sorry! Here, I'll take a mug of cider... and get one for you and your friend."

"Thanks!" Rimmy said.

Sombra nodded, taking out his Notebook of Evil (patent pending). "Let's see... what if I create a great cloud that covers the sun and-"

"Dragon did it and the Element of Harmony mare-slapped him out of the country."

"Shoot." Sombra began to hoof through his notes. "Uh... what if I kidnap a pony and make her look for jewels-" He saw the looks the two stallions were givin him and the king frowned. "Right... oh! I have it! I'll frame a beloved TV clown! I'll rob a Quik-E-Mart dressed as him-"

"Simpsons did it."


The God Squad
Episode 14: Smokey and the Luna

"So... we are just going to abandon the town, right?" Luna asked her sister. The two of them were hitched to the wagon, pulling it along the desert. Tydal was lying huddled under a blanket in the bed of the wagon, panting as the sun beat down on him. Every other pony was walking near by, doing little better than the capricorn in the heat.

"Of course not... we have to help them!" Celestia said.

"Why?" Luna asked.

"Because we are good, divine rulers."

"...pull the other one."

"Ok, fine!" Celestia grunted, the wagon creaking behind them as they made their way up a small hill. "Sheriff Silver Star took out insurance on the stupid town and if it is destroyed I have to pay up. It's my own fault, really, for declaring that I would run that insurance firm and then banishing all other firms from the country."

"And we also don't want to townfolks hurt, right?" Shining said.

"Screw them!" Luna exclaimed (Cadence flashed a huge grin, only for Shining to touch her shoulder and shake his head no). "They are all inbred morons! If I could find a pot big enough to shove them all in I would!" She turned to Braeburn. "Some offense."

"Don't you mean no offense?"

Luna shrugged.

"Could we kindly move faster?" Tydal groused. "I would like to not die if that is possible!"

"Aw, does the sea god hate the sand?" Shining teased.

"When we get to the Mareatine I am going to hold you under until the bubbles stop!" Tydal roared, before curling up tighter and pulling the blanket over more of his crispy body.

"Big sister... how do you hope to win this bet? We are obviously fast enough to pull the cart but we are princesses so we won't do it."

Celestia smiled at Luna, patting her on the head. "Don't worry, little sister... we are going to get a friend to help."

"And who is that?" Luna said, worry coloring her words (Celestia tended to have weird friends... like dragons or monsters or Twilight Sparkle).

"Hey there baby," a stallion said, emerging from a trap door in the desert (which was more expensive to install than one would think). "Did someone mention sex on legs?"

"No, no one said my name," Cadence said innocently.

Celestia undid the hitch and walked over to the stallion He was a dark blue and had a big, dark mustache that covered most of his face below his nose; he wore a big brown cowboy hat and a red jacket over his frame. There was a cocky air about him and it seemed that every step he took was full of swagger. The only thing marring the image were the stuffed frog and snowman that sat on his back.

"It is good to see you, Bandit," Celestia said happily, giving him a hug.

"Good ta see ya too, Celli baby," The Bandit gave Luna a long leer, prancing over to her. "Well, hello." Luna's horn flared and she blasted him with a Pepper Spray Spell. The bandit merely laughed and wiped his eyes. "You get sprayed as much as I do and it no longer hurts ya. I'm actually starting to enjoy it." The Bandit looked over the group, eyebrow raised. "Now then, Celli... what is it you want from me? Can't imagine you are here for a friendly chat or a booty call."

"No and maybe later," Celestia said. "I've got myself in a bit of a jam. I've made a bet with a local gangster, Thunder Thighs, that my family and I could get this cart to Manehattan. We need the best driver we can get leading the way."

"And baby, you came to the right place. I assume you will pay me."

"You assume wrong," Tydal grumbled from under the blanket.

"Your quilt has an attitude problem."

Shining shook his head. "You have no idea."

"Come on now... you know the deal... you want The Bandit to help you, ya got to pay him his fair share."

"We'll give you Braeburn," Luna said casually.

"We will?" Cadence said in surprise.

"Not like any of us want him."

Shining nodded. "That's true."

"Yup," Celestia said.

"Who are you calling a quilt?" Tydal snapped.

The Bandit slowly walked around the confused Braeburn, opening his mouth to check him for disease and inspecting is flank. "Well... she is a masculine filly but I'll take her."

"I'm not a-" Braeburn never got to finish, as Luna used her magic to seal his mouth shut.

"Now then, let's get the heck to Manehattan!"

~A Day Later...~

"And I rode on a wagon with a horse with no name, I sure do wish it would rain!" Cadence sang.

"Please... make her stop," Luna whimpered (it was well known that the moon goddess preferred smooth jazz).

"In the desert... I can't remember the horse's name... so I call him Wiggles so he won't complain...."

The captain of the guard stared at his wife. "Cadence, sweetie... my name is Shining Armor, not Wiggles."

"Lalala! La! Lalalala!" Cadence belted out, a mute Braeburn (Luna still had sealed his mouth shut and only let him eat when the Bandit wasn't around) humming along happily.

"Well, it's official, she's suffering from heat stroke," Luna complained.

"Tydal isn't faring any better," Celestia said.

"How can you tell?" Shining asked.

"YOUR MOTHER POLISHES HORNS IN TARTARUS!" Tydal screamed, his dark eyes flashing with rage before he fell back down, stroking the wagon and murmuring about water, his scaled tail flopping against the wood panels.

"Just a feeling," Celestia said dryly. "We need to get to Manehattan now before Cadence goes nuts and Tydal-"

"-goes more nuts?" Shining offered.

"Pretty much. It will take more than this too kill him but it is still cruel to leave him out in the sun like this."

"Maybe you should stop shining the sun so brilliantly then," Luna said in a huff.

"Daisy... Daisy... give me your answer true!" Cadence sang happily.

"My sun provides life!"

"Tell that to our brother!"

"Better than your moon... at least I don't inspire lame werewolves and emo vampires!"

"No, you just make them sparkle!"

Tydal began to squirm. "I will never let a clam marry my daughter!" Celestia and Luna held him down, waiting for the fit to pass. "Water... please give me water... Shining, I'll do anything for water... I'll suck your-"

"Bandit!" Shining Armor called out in a panic. "We need to go faster, now!"

"Going as fast as I can!" the rogue stallion called out. "Taking some shortcuts too. We should be out of the desert a hour."

Shining nodded, turning back to his wife who was staring at her hoofs and giggling. "Cadence... sweetie... hold on, ok?"

"Shiny..." Cadence said sweetly. "I will suck your-"

"You stay away from my gerbil, you harlot!" Tydal screamed, trying to attack Cadence by headbutting her hooves. Braeburn watched the entire thing while humming the theme to SHAFT (can you dig it?).

"Can this trip get any worse?" Luna said. Her eyes widened the moment she said the words, realizing she had just brought upon the dreaded and cliched 'Can this get any worse' curse upon them.

They didn't have to wait long. A bolt of magical energy ripped through the air, nearly striking Celestia and leaving a crater in the desert floor. Luna, Celestia, Shining and Braeburn turned to see a golden stallion in a brown sherrif's uniform chasing after them at full gallop, his horn blazing with fire.

"Who the hay is that?" Shining called out over the wind that whipped about them.

"Just an old friend!" Bandit called out. "I bet Thunder Thighs sent him after us. Name is Butane T. Justice... he loves nothing more than catching criminals and burning them alive."

"Why is he chasing us?" Shining asked. "None of us-oh by the Creator you're a criminal, aren't you?"

"My name is The Bandit... of course I am a criminal!"

"Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when the come for you?" Cadence sang.