• Published 14th Oct 2012
  • 12,212 Views, 511 Comments

Deadpool Vs. Equestria - Live Light

The Merc With A Mouth finds himself in Equestria. This'll take some getting used to.

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Issue #17: So Much Pressure

Deadpool Vs. Equestria

Issue #17

Previously on Deadpool Vs. Equestria...

{That was rather long winded.}

[No peeking.]

You're still on about that?


...Fine, commence Anime perverted scene.


But seriously. Don't do that. I'm only doing this because it's funny.


Okay, fine, now you have to wait. Let's see what's going on in Equestria, shall we?

[Shalln't we?]


Fluttershy marched through the fields, following Angel Bunny. Angel told her about Deadpool and Pinkie going through a portal created by Weasel, and she wished to find out what was going on. She made it to his house, and knocked on the door. It was soon answered by Weasel.

"Oh... hi, Fluttershy... what brings you here?" He asked.

"Um... Angel told me that... um.. Pinkie and Wade went through... some sort of contraption you created..." She explained.

"Ohh... that... well... I was just getting ready to follow them, see..." He said.

"Oh... can I come?" Fluttershy asked.

"Uh... why d'you wanna come?"

"I-i need to make sure Pinkie's alright... you know, just in case wherever they've gone is... um... unpleasant..."

"Right... well, she wanted to go to Wade's home world, and that can be pretty dangerous..."

Fluttershy gasped, "I need to get there now! Angel thinks some of my pets have gone with them!" She rushed past Weasel. He closed the door, and ran after her.

"Slow down!" He called. Fluttershy was already stationary, in front of the portal.

"I-is it through that?" She asked.

"Yeah." Weasel replied.

Fluttershy took a deep breath, and exhaled... "A hop... skip... and a jump!" She recited, before jumping through the portal.

Weasel looked at Angel Bunny, who glared at him, pointing at the portal.

"Uh... sure, right away!" Weasel said, before jumping through the portal.

'Sheesh...' Angel groaned, 'I wonder why I do these things for them...' He then jumped through as well.


Deadpool sat on a couch, looking around. His fingers were grasping the seat of the couch very tightly.

[Insert perverted argument here.]

{Insert morally true arguement here.}

[Insert perverted argument here.]

{Insert morally true arguement here.}

[Insert perverted argument here.]

{Insert morally true arguement here.}

[Insert perverted argument here.]

{Insert morally true arguement here.}

[Insert perverted argument here.]

{Insert morally true arguement here.}

[Insert perverted argument here.]

{Insert morally true arguement here.}

[Insert perverted argument here.]

{Insert morally true arguement here.}

[Insert perverted argument here.]

{Insert morally true arguement here.}

[Insert perverted argument here.]

{Insert morally true arguement here.}

[Insert perverted argument here.]

{Insert morally true arguement here.}

[Insert perverted argument here.]

{Insert morally true arguement here.}

[Insert perverted argument here.]

{Insert morally true arguement her-}

"SHADDAP!" Deadpool yelled, cringing into a foetal position. "It isn't right to spy on ze guest." He said with an accent intended to alleviate him of the stress.

{The Author said it was okay. I just have to disapprove of what happens, but I can do nothing to stop them.}

"Can't you try?"




"Oh, right. Naughty words are back. SWEET!"

[Now do naughty peeking.]

"Who the hell do you think I am, Norman Bates?" Deadpool asked.

[Bea Arthur commands you.]

"You're making it up... ALL OF IT!"

{No, they're not... it is I, Bea Arthur!}

"You sound like Grampy. And I thought you disapproved.

{My curiosity has risen, and needs to be sated.}

"..." Deadpool facepalmed.

Well, go on. We don't have all day. Party is beginning soon.

"Then I'll wait for it." He decided.

{You hate waiting.}


Deadpool sat up, and got off the couch. He looked around the room, and how half of it is tidy, and the other half is just how he left it. He took a deep breath, and tip-toed over to the door Pinkie went inside to change her clothes. Really, it was pointless to be stealthy about this, because the floor was way too creaky.

{We need a new apartment.}

[We need our exploding chair back.]


Deadpool stood by the door, and stood by it for a while. He began twiddling his thumbs.


{Stop speaking like me, or I'll kick your ass.}

{You haven't a foot, and I haven't an ass.}

{I can see why you'd be jealous then.}

[...Shut up...]

{...Wade. Don't chicken out.}

You did say we didn't know what she was capable of... why should I peek?

{Author, stop making Wade apprehensive about these things. After all, he slept with someone in another dimension. The Marvel Zombies dimension. And she turned into a zombie later.}




Deadpool inhaled quietly, and hesitantly looked through the peephole.

{We need a bigger peephole. I can't see shit.}

-----Alternate Ending-----


{Thank you, Author.}

Deadpool inhaled quietly, and hesitantly looked through the peephole.

He saw Pinkie in a sleeveless halter top and panties coloured similar to her pony form's pink coat, and had her cutie mark embroidered on it, examining herself in the mirror, apparently admiring her human form. She felt her hair a little bit, and nodded, satisfied with how it is.

[Told you this was a good idea.]



Why are you making me do this.

Pinkie looked thoughtful for a moment, then started rubbing her skin. She looked a little freaked out at first, but then grinned and giggled. Apparently, feeling skin was fun. She stood up and started rubbing her bare legs. She then fell on her back when she tried to feel her feet.


She sat up, and rubbed her back. She was still for a moment, then stood up, and stretched, cracking her backbones' joints, then let out a drawn out sigh of relief.

[Do we have a rewind button? I know that was a bit unpleasant to see, but convert it to MP3 audio? Jackpot.]

She looked to the mirror, and raised an eyebrow. She seemed to scowl, which made Deadpool shrink away from the peephole.

[Aaaand what do you think you're doing?]

Something's wrong. Terribly wrong.

That's... one of my lines.

I thought that was my line.

Off with you, Deathelocke, I'll work on the Recluse when I feel like it.

Time passed.

Deadpool didn't feel like peeking anymore.

Time marched on.

Nothing seemed to happen.

[Okay. Now look.]




Deadpool looked through the peephole, and was met with a blue eye peeking through at his eye.




Deadpool attempted to use his belt's teleportation doo-hickey to get away quick, but, conveniently, the teleporter malfunctioned, letting out a sort of mini-explosion, not completely destroying it, but knocking him far back and making it quite obvious he was there.

The door was kicked open, and Pinkie Pie walked through, now wearing a black motorcycle leather jacket and pants. Interestingly, she was looking rather pale. Also interestingly, her mane was really, really straight. She would have been admired by Deadpool for looking rather hot, but there was something even more interesting than how she was looking right now.

She was wielding a chainsaw, with a crazed grin on her face.

{This was your idea.}

[Why the hell does she have a chainsaw?]

{That was also your idea.}


To be continued in the next issue!




It seems the caption boxes are as busy as Deadpool is, trying to keep away from Pinkamena and her chainsaw. So I shall place some fitting music, as sung by Pinkie Pie herself! Don't be alarmed by the picture. You're not watching the video it looks like. Just hearing her sing. Muahahahahaha.

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