• Member Since 20th Feb, 2024
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Somewhat Lexible

Just wrote a random fic on an HLF image one day and things got out of hoof. Created this account to upload definitive versions.

Comments ( 15 )

please do a sequel

Thanks, and sorry! Don't know if I have one in me right now. I've got a couple of other stories already in the works, though. Similar themes and the same AI-art inspiration going on.

If someone else wants to make a real sequel to this one in the meantime, I wouldn't mind!

I do like Horselover Fat's work. Not a big fan of the whole TF/TG elements, but I do like their artwork that mixes anthro ponies with eldritch monstrosities.

Yeah they're oddly compelling, especially the way those interactions never involve fear (and often involve consumerism somehow). They're also a really good fit for the weaknesses of AI-generated images. Any kind of anatomical weirdness, off-model character rendering, or strange background elements can be chalked up to the reality-distorting nature of the abominations themselves. It's really clever, dovetailing the tech limitations into the subject matter like that.

Oh this was fun! I really enjoyed it

One sneeze in the hallway. That's all it took, apparently. According to the strange-looking doctor, his infectious neighbor Ed was an "asymptomatic carrier" like the other 99.95% of the population. Steve, he was told excitedly, was the one-point-five percent. As his guts churned loudly, he didn't feel so lucky. The odd doctor misread his apprehension and assured him it was perfectly alright, that by now Steve was no longer contagious. Steve was more worried about making it out of the building without revisiting his last three meals.

I sense a miscalculation, here. :ajbemused:
99.95 + 1.5 would equal 101.45, wouldn't it?
He would be one of the .05%

The flu-like symptoms were brief but intense. Steve barely made it back to his apartment in one piece. He almost thought the entire doctor's visit had just been a fever dream, but the prescription in his pocket was proof against that comforting delusion. The doctor had recommended no drugs at all, merely to stay hydrated, eat as much as possible, then plenty of bed rest while the most dramatic of the changes took place over the next couple of days. Steve initially doubted any rest would be had, but his body had other ideas and he was unconscious as soon as he stumbled over to the couch.

He woke up around three in the morning, drenched in sweat but no longer running a temperature. Everything hurt: his joints, his muscles, his head, his stomach, his parched throat. He groaned with a cracking, froggy voice as he hoisted himself from the couch cushions to sit up, dizzy with the sudden change in posture. Despite the stomach ache, Steve knew he had to eat. Smacking his dry mouth and running a rough tongue over his chapped lips, he slowly rose to his feet and hobbled to the apartment's kitchen/dining area.

Which makes sense; change/growth requires a lot of energy and so the more you eat and the less you use up in the interim, the less your body would have to take from what you already have to make the change. And change/growth also produces a lot of heat, so staying hydrated? Big important. Evenb more so than usual.

Comment posted by Chrome Masquerade deleted April 22nd

Haha, that math mistake was something that slipped through the revisions when I decided 99:1 was too many victims. I changed the decimal but left the number to the left accidentally. Thanks for catching that!

Yes, when being transformed into someone else's pony fetish waifu it's important to stay hydrated and replenish your spent nutrients. Doctors advise getting plenty of bed rest and googling how to use feminine hygiene products while you wait for the transformation to run its course.

Her figure was an amazing balance of trim and soft, immaculate and well-endowed, the ideal 'waifu' for Ed.

At this point, I feel like I should say that judging by the above picture, that Twilight here would be a "Hybrid" form. She has the hair/mane, the skin, the hooves, but not the muzzle, ears or tail to mark her as an Anthro.

In a few minutes, Twilight was putting on their mail-order meal together. It was from one of those services that sent out recipes and ingredients in the right proportions, because otherwise she wasn't much of a cook despite how much she enjoyed being able to have a warm meal ready for Ed when he got home in the evenings. Her phone buzzed on the countertop to announce a text from Ed.

Well, hey; there are some characters who are FAR worse cooks. For example...

Over dinner, Ed explained that his supervisor (the one Twilight always remembered him complaining about being an unreasonable, overbearing, entitled little jerk)

So.... like most supervisors?

Sorry, but I'm nit sorry at all. I'm sure we've all had one of "those" co-workers. :ajsmug:

"Um, I do too," the pink and yellow woman agreed softly. "And Twilight Sparkle really seems to suit you so well. Um, where does he come up with those?" she asked.

Funny you should ask that... :ajsmug:
Aside from those being official stripper names -I kid you not-...

It was an understatement. In the last week she'd become obsessed with approximately two things: Ed, and books. Ed, books, and organization- three things! Those three things were Ed, books, organization, and an almost fanatical devotion to looking hot while doing all of them. Four things- she had to stop herself there, or she'd get so carried away she'd forget why she even came over.

Well no one expects the Spanish inquisition.

Why does it have the sex tag if there is no sex in it?

Urp, sorry!

I had an "awkward sex" scene written out but cut it during editing because I'm not good at those even by clopfic standards. So there used to be a few drafts of this with actual depictions of sex in it, and I guess that got stuck in my head when submitting the story.
It probably doesn't help that I'm new to FimFiction and a little paranoid about how they judge tags for content, so my first instinct is to err on the safe side. So busy thinking "I gotta warn people! I gotta warn 'em that this is a clopfic with sexual content!!!" that I didn't even remember cutting the most explicit part out.

Didn't mean to falsely advertise. Guess I should remove that tag?

Actually, your scene of clop in the other story with Roger turning into Fluttershy was really good for a first timer, especially the Boobjobing. I would love it if you could maybe add a sex scene into this one.

Why don't you separate this story into 3 chapters? I kinda like the story that show how character handle their transformation, both in physical and mentality.
1) Making Twilight - you already wrote it
2) Meeting Fluttershy - transformation from Hunter's POV. How he handle the transformation, the reactions from the office's staffs and how he approach Ed at the end.
3) Bring your waifu home - the part where Ed finally bring Fluttershy home to meet Twilight (you already wrote it). Probably lengthen it with more interactions or some intimate scene as someone already suggested and their plan for future.

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