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*Spottedleaf's POV*

I was busy dealing with a few sore throats since some of the Changelings had inhaled smoke for some strange reason.

I spoke "Okay Pharynx, you're next!"

The dark green Changeling stallion had opened his mouth so I could pour some honey in since the stuff was best for this sort of problem.

Pharynx gulped it down.

I ask "Better?"

Pharynx scoffs "Tch. Yeah."

Chrysalis spoke "Watch your tone with the healer though Pharynx. Without her knowledge, many of us would have been coughing up a lung or something."

Pharynx spoke "…Right."

Thorax spoke "Apologies for my brother. He was leader of the hive’s guard, so he can be a bit tough at times."

I smile at Thorax.

I spoke "No worries Thorax, the hive's safety comes first after all. Maybe he could spar with the hybrid some time."

Thorax spoke "Yes. I think it would."

Then Pinkie showed up. “I think he’ll get along really great with my big sis, Limestone!”

I spoke "Great StarClan... You gave me a freaking scare there Pinkie!"

Pinkie spoke "Oopsie! Sorry about that."

I spoke "There's been a lot of smoke in the air lately... And I don't know what's causing it."

Twilight spoke "We should check out what's causing the smoke."

Danyelle spoke "Agreed."

But then Spike fire-belched out a scroll.

Danyelle reads the scroll.

Danyelle spoke "Looks like we got a dragon problem."

Nyx suddenly sneezed before she became a werepony.

Twilight spoke "And that's also a problem, Nyx can't control her lycan form yet."

I spoke "Something tells me the both Princesses Celestia and Luna are also lycans."

Twilight asks "What? How?"

I spoke "Remember Twilight? Nyx was once Nightmare Moon... Said dark alicorn was part of Luna..."

Azure spoke "I wouldn’t be surprised if Noble or Pyre were lycans too."

Cocoa spoke "Well, Noble is a wolfish alicorn. But that doesn't mean he's a lycan. It's like saying Foxsong's a siren in disguise."

Foxsong spoke "Cocoa!"

Cocoa spoke "Oops!"

Foxsong pounces on Cocoa before tickling the tanuki-colored earth pony relentlessly.

Cocoa laughs "No! Stop!"

Foxsong spoke "Just because I wear this strange necklace all the time doesn't mean I'm a siren in disguise, stupid tanuki."

Pharynx got suspicious at that.

Foxsong glares at Pharynx.

Twilight spoke "Well, we’ll need to get moving."

Flash spoke "I'll stay behind with Nyx since she is so young."

A dark gray furred Abyssinian she-cat with orange eyes, matted fur and slightly tattered ears spoke "Ah'll go with you lot."

I suddenly got scared.

Looking at me, the dark gray Abyssinian spoke "Ah know ya."

I spoke "Good luck ponies."

Twilight spoke "Thanks."

Flash nuzzles Twilight before she and the rest of the Mane Six along the dark gray Abyssinian head up the mountain.

*Yellowfang's POV*

I ask "We goin' the right way?"

Twilight spoke "I believe so."

I pointed my tail towards Fluttershy since she was taking so long to climb the mountain.

I ask "Should Ah carry her?"

Twilight spoke "If she’s okay with that."

Flowerstep spoke "For the love of... You girls go on ahead, I'll bring Fluttershy."

Flowerstep picks Fluttershy up and carries the mare up the mountain.

Fluttershy spoke "It’s so… steep."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Well, it is a mountain."

Flowerstep spoke "You can close your eyes if you want Shy, my species is good at climbing mountains."

Flowerstep had hir tail wrapped around my waist so I could manage the climb.

Thanks to Flowerstep, I get up to the cave entrance.

“Here it is.” I said.

Flowerstep had Rainbow by the tail though.

But we suddenly felt a strong breeze.

After Flowerstep had let go of me, I approached the sleeping dragon.

I spoke "Excuse me sir, I would like to talk to you!"

The dragon kept snoring, blowing smoke out of his nose in my face.

Coughing, I yowl "HEY!!!!"

The loud yowl woke the dragon up.

The dragon groans Ugh…"

I ask "Are you aware that your snoring is causing a lot of health problems for the horses and other creatures?"

But the dragon just yawned before going back to sleep.

My fur crackles with static as I have the dragon in a shadow hold since my affinities were lightning and darkness.

I growl "Now listen here mister! You can't be sleeping in places where you'd cause problems for others!"

Next thing I knew, the dragon threw me out of the cave with more than a few singes on me.

I careen into the other ponies and the chakat, causing Fluttershy to snap.

As Fluttershy snapped, the wind started picking up.

I noticed a faint ghost of a white cat with green eyes on the shy Pegasus's back.

Fluttershy snaps "How dare you... How dare you! Listen here, mister. Just because you're big doesn't mean you get to be a bully! You may have huge teeth, and sharp scales, and snore smoke, and breathe fire. But you do not—I repeat—you do not! Hurt! My! Friends! You got that?"

Moth hisses but nopony was able to hear her.

The dragon spoke "But that two-legged cat grabbed me."

Fluttershy spoke "She was trying to convince you to leave. Plus several Changelings had inhaled the smoke that you had caused!"

The dragon spoke "B-But I-"

I glare at the dragon.

Fluttershy snaps "Don’t you “But I” me, mister! What do you have to say for yourself? I said, what do you have to say for yourself?!"

To my surprise, the dragon started crying at that.

I cough since I had gotten a face full of smoke.

Flowerstep spoke "That's my mare..."

Fluttershy spoke "It’s okay. You didn’t do a bad thing, you just did a bad decision. Now go pack up your things."

The seven and I head back down the mountain after the dragon had left.

I kept coughing since my lungs hadn't fully recovered.

I groan "That's the second time I had inhaled too much smoke..."

But then smoke started coming out of my mouth as my lungs started feeling better.

I think "{What was that?}"

A colt spoke "Good thing I have wind magic."

We looked up and saw some kind of unicorn-like colt floating in the air with wind swirling around him. But he had two curved horns with the front one behind shorter than the other, a thin and slightly angular body, backswept ears, a thin tail, pale pink fur, white scarf, black-brown mane and tail with some strands of them on the back, front right and left sides of his mane being wrapped in braided ponytails, having red eyes and a cutie mark of a cyclone with a pole.

Swift spoke "The name’s Swift Cyclone."

I ask "Yer some sort of bi-corn?"

Swift spoke "Nah, I’m an Abada. See the horns? Their both in one vertical line."

I spoke "Ya look like a bi-corn ta me."

An angelic Pegasus filly crashed into Swift, accidentally kissing him on the lips.

The two got off each other in surprise.

The angelic filly spoke "*Blushing* S-Sorry about that!"

Swift spoke "*Blushing* Guess I was too slow if I didn’t feel that coming fast enough."

I snicker "Young love."

Swift spoke "W-What?! I’m not a colt!"

The angelic filly spoke "Well, I’m not much of a filly either, ya know."

I spoke "Ya look like a colt ta me though, it's yer size."

Swift spoke "Besides, I can tell that color-mane’s pretty fast. So I wouldn’t mind a race."

Rainbow asks "Is that a challenge?"

Swift spoke "Heh. If you think it is."

Rainbow spoke "Aside from Azure, no Pegasus can outfly me."

Swift spoke "Well, I’m not a Swift Master Mage for nothing."

Dainty spoke "Play nice."


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