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Rarity Takes Manehattan/ Twilight's Rage

*Blizzardstar's POV*

A day after celebrating Azure's 19th birthday, the alicorns and I were in Manehattan for a fashion contest.

And as you can tell, I was ecstatic!

Danyelle spoke "I still can't believe my counterpart challenged a Bewilderbeast like that!"

Wendy spoke "It was a rather big shocker for everydragon."

Nadia soon showed up with Ozul.

Nadia spoke "Hey everyone."

I spoke "Hey Nadia."

Nadia spoke "I heard Manehattan was the cat’s meow, so I thought I’d come along, but Ozul insisted on coming with us."

Ozul chuckles "Hey, can ya blame me on my curiosity?"

Nadia spoke "Hehe, nah. I can curiosity doesn’t kill some cats."

I was confused by the way those two were talking to each other before I thought of something that made me giggle.

Rarity asks "No offence to the chakats and Abyssinians right?"

Ozul spoke "Don’t worry. Nadia says cat puns often."

Wendy spoke "I don't think you guys have met my dad yet."

Spike asks "Aren’t they busy having fun at the Chuddle Hotel?"

Wendy spoke "But that was 2 days ago Spike."

Spike spoke "Again, ya never know how it could’ve went."

Wendy spoke "True and..."

Danyelle spoke "I sense another alicorn... Male this time."

At the very moment Danyelle had said that, Neon Lights was flying by overhead.

Vinyl spoke "Hey Neon! Down here!"

Neon spoke "Hehe! Hey, Vinyl!"

Vinyl spoke "You keep forgetting, I'm a vampire..."

Neon spoke "Whoops! My bad."

Danyelle spoke "We haven't found any new alicorns lately, not since Fizzlepop and Cocoa."

We saw Nadia bored, as she was playing with her head like a ball of yarn, literally.

Graystripe was thinking about his first lover.

Ozul asks "You okay, bud?"

Ravenpaw spoke "He's thinking about some cat named Silve..."

Graystripe spoke "Shut up Ravenpaw!"

Ozul spoke "Touchy-touchy."

Graystripe growls "I'LL SHOW YOU TOUCHY!!!"

The gray tom pounces on Ozul before tickling him relentlessly.

Ozul spoke "*Wild laughter* No! Please! Stop! Before I-!"

A portal appeared under and above Ozul and Graystripe before they started falling in an endless loop.

The alicorns were all laughing at the two males.

Ravenpaw spoke "That's funny."

Ozul spoke "*Warbling* Help!"

Twilight sighs before catching the two with magic.

Ozul spoke "Thanks."

Ozul closed the two portals.

Graystripe sneezes as a pair of wings pop out.

Danyelle spoke "Ooookaaaaay, I didn't see that one coming..."

Ozul spoke "You’re telling me."

I spoke "We're here guys!"

Rarity exclaims "Yes!"

Rainbow spoke "I don't get it..."

For some odd reason, Mint was starry eyed since she was looking around.

Rainbow Dash giggles "Excited, Mint?"

Danyelle giggles "I have a gut feeling that Mint will get into fashion later on down the road."

Rainbow Dash spoke "She might’ve gotten that from my mom."

Danyelle spoke "But it's odd though Rainbow-chan... You've got magenta eyes, your dad has gold eyes, your mom has magenta eyes yet Bold has green eyes and Mint has blue eyes..."

Rainbow Dash spoke "So? I don’t really have a problem with eye color, so I ain’t gonna question that."

Danyelle spoke "Both of my parents had blue eyes yet Vince has green eyes and Lan has brown eyes."

Twilight spoke "Let's just leave it to genetics then..."

Strawberry mewls cutely.

Twilight spoke "Aww!"

Danyelle spots a kirin mare.

Danyelle asks "Hmm?"

The kirin scurries away somewhere.

I ask "Rarity, should we enter the fashion week contest?"

Rarity spoke "Should we? Of course we should!"

Danyelle spoke "Bad idea Rarity-chan, I sensed that someone might accuse you of using your connection to the Crown to cheat."

Rarity asks "Huh? Why is that?"

Twilight spoke "Well, you're an alicorn for one..."

Danyelle spoke "Two, alicorns are considered royalty."

The rest of the alicorns nod in agreement.

Rarity spoke "But-"

I spoke "I'm not an alicorn so I can enter the contest for you Rares."

Rarity asks "R-Really?"

I spoke "Yeah, chakat's honor."

Rarity suddenly smiled at me with half-lidded eyes as she licked her lips. “Then I shall be waiting for you in our suite at midnight to repay you for that.”

I chuckle "You cheeky mare."

Rarity giggles "Now-now, Blizzy. Save the sweet-talk for bed at midnight."

I chuckle "Fair enough."

Nadia giggles "Whoa-Ho! You two cats getting hungry?"

*After the first day*

Tail thrashing, I growl "Who does that Suri think she is? She took a design I had made and copied it!"

Rarity asks "Is something the matter?"

I explained to Rarity and the others of what Suri had done.

Rarity spoke "You will need help."

Twilight spoke "But Rarity, you know we alicorns can't do anything."

Danyelle spoke "I can easily pass for a regular Abyssinian-Pegasus hybrid since I don't have a visible horn."

Rarity spoke "But still, I cannot stand by and just do nothing."

A knock was heard.

A light amberish gray earth mare with light cyan eyes asks "Are you Princess Rarity Belle?"

Rarity asks "Yes, and who are you?"

The mare spoke "My name is Coco Pommel, Suri's ex-assistant since I quit working for her since I head from one of the judges that she had copied some chakat's designs..."

“…That Chakat is me.” I responded.

Coco spoke "*shaking in fear* Suri threatened me that if I didn't help her, she'd hurt me in terrible ways...."

Rarity spoke "Don’t worry. We’ll keep you safe, no matter what happens."

Twilight spoke "She won't dare go near two lycans and a vampire though."

Twilight was growling since she had heard Suri's voice.

Rarity spoke "Well, that was certainly good timing."

Twilight growls "Lycans have keen ears and a keen nose though."

Rarity spoke "Touché."

Danyelle spoke "Plus Twilight's no normal lycan, she's an alpha lycan! How else would we explain her size."

Ozul spoke "Good point."

Sunrise pops up with a panicked look on his face.

Sunrise spoke "Twilight! We got MAJOR trouble! Nyx has been taken!"

Twilight snarls "…WHAT?!?!?!?!"

Sunrise spoke "I didn't see what had happened but every chakat is in a complete outrage because of it. But Crosswind saw what happened."

“You might wanna explain it calmly.” I advised.

Sunrise spoke "Sunset and I were relaxing by the lake when one of the Crusaders came running over in a panic, saying that Nyx had been taken by a unicorn stallion."

Twilight froze at that. “…Did they catch a name?”

Sunrise spoke "I don't think so."

The sky had gone dark, causing Twilight to automatically go into wolf form.

Twilight spoke "Don’t worry about me. I’ll only be a minute."

Twilight vanished, having teleported.

Nightmare Moon throws Twilight into a teleport and bite proof cage.

Nightmare spoke "You won't stop me!"

Twilight growls "Oh come on!"

But then a roar was heard as Aeon Ocean showed up.

Nightmare spoke "Don't even think about it siren unless you want your little marefriend to pay the price... WITH HER LIFE!"

The other eight sirens were also caged.

Kaminari suddenly appeared in a bolt of lightning. “You really think that’d hold me?”

Twilight spoke "But these cages are resistant to all powers and to behemoths!!"

Kaminari asks "Huh?"

Kaminari found herself back in her cage.

A familiar voice spoke "Good grief."

We turned around to see that Chameleo showed up.

Even OC-verse Danyelle was caged too.

OC-verse Danyelle growls "When I get out of this cage... I'M GONNA SKIN THAT SPELL NEXUS JERK!!!"

Spell Nexus laughs "*Showing up* Hahaha! Face it! You’ve lost! I’m always one step ahead of you!"

Chameleo spoke "Heh, as a friend of mine said; while having an ace in the hole is good…"

Chameleo brought out a key that the unicorn recognized.

Nexus gasps "What?! How did you-?!"

Chameleo then brought out a giant shuriken.

Chameleo spoke "…Having two aces is better."

Chameleo folded the shuriken onto one side with four blades before the locks opened as the cages suddenly split into microscopic pieces.

Chameleo spoke "That wasn’t a power or a behemoth. Just skill."

Needless to say, Nightmare Moon and Spell Nexus were shocked speechless at that, while the others were surprised with smiles on their faces.

Twilight spoke "But the cages were indestructible though!"

Chameleo spoke "No, they weren’t. Even indestructible objects have vulnerable rhythm. Being able to cut nothing is the same as being able to cut anything."

Glaring at Nexus with a fierce look in her eyes, Twilight spoke "I want my Nyx back!"

The now furious alpha lycan attacks Nexus.

But Nightmare Moon blocked the attack with a dark smirk.

But a dual burst of weak strawberry pink magic shielded Twilight from Nightmare's attack.

Twilight asks "Huh?"

Akari and Strawberry both growl "LET OUR SISTER GO YOU MEANIE!"

Chameleo cleared out his ears to make sure he was hearing right. “Is it just me, or did they talk at the same time?”

Twilight spoke "They're fraternal twins since they're hardly seen apart. Moon Flower had told me about it."

The still mad alpha lycan attacks Nexus again while Akari and Strawberry growl at Nightmare.

A black furred chakat with gold eyes was hiding in the shadows as shi hits Nexus with hir shadow chains skill, snaring the stallion.

Nexus gasps "*Choking* What the?! Who dares?!"

The black chakat spoke "My name is of little concern to a stallion that corrupted an innocent foal."

Twilight clamps her fangs in Nexus's neck.

Nexus spoke "You-"

Peacock showed up and put tape on Nexus’s mouth. “Sorry, there are kids around.”

A muffled scream was heard from Nexus as Twilight tore his throat out.

Peacock spoke "Well that put a new meaning to the word silenced."

Spitting the chunk of flesh out, Twilight asks "Did any of the Clan cats get attacked?"

The black chakat spoke "Luckily no, since his target seemed to be mainly you."

Twilight growls "Whoever is hiding better come out lest they get my fangs to their neck."

The black chakat spoke "Put those claws away you crazy pony, I'm not a threat. My name is Shadowfang."

Twilight soon calms back down but a howl that wasn't from any known lycan or wolfish pony was soon heard.

Twilight asks "Now what?"

Leafstar yowls "TIMBER WOLVES!!!!!"

Twilight growls "Of all the-!"

But then two silhouettes flew over, seeing two red Ornithians, one an adult female, and the other a male about Peacock’s age. But the strange this that their bodies had a metallic sheen on them as they somehow… shot laser beams from their eyes at the Timber Wolves?! The flames from the lasers burned the timber wolves to ashes.

Azure gasps "What in StarClan's name...."

But various other creatures were soon terrorizing the ponies.

Twilight noticed their white eyes. “They’re being controlled!”

Chameleo spoke "Looks like it."

Azure spoke "Of all the times we need help from the OC-verse, we can't get it right now!"

A solar howl rang clear, snapping the mind control on all of the Everfree creatures.

Chameleo asks "What was that?"

Ozul showed up after popping out of a portal he made.

Crosswind spoke "Ah remember that dog! She helped us out when there were too many Pinkie clones!"

The young male Ornithian groans "Ugh… What happened, mom?"

The adult female Ornithian spoke "I don’t know, Bubo."

Tia thoughtasks "{You birds okay?}"

The adult female Ornithian spoke "I believe so. My name is Hawka, and this is my son, Bubo."

Ozul spoke "Wait a minute, I recognize what you two are. You’re Phaelanxes."

We were confused by that.

Tia made a confused growl.

Ozul spoke "Phaelanxes are Blaze behemoths that are like a Shrike, but…"

Twilight asks "But what?"

Ozul spoke "The strangest thing is that they’re also bioweapons created by humans. And creating a behemoth was basically considered taboo for humans back at the Shattered Isles."

And we were shocked at that.

Lillian gasps "{No freaking way...}"

Hawka spoke "It’s true, but my son and I don’t want to harm any innocents. We were only looking for a home."

Bubo nodded in agreement before Peacock zipped in, amazed at what they were.

Peacock gasps "Wow! You’re like me?"

Twilight spoke "You're more than welcome to stay in Ponyville. Aside from the occasional monster attack, the folks are easy to get along with. Just try not to piss Chrysalis off."

Hawka asks "Thank you. Hmm? Bubo?"

Bubo spoke "*Flustered* Oh! Uh, y-yeah! Thank you so much!"

Peacock asks "Huh? What’s the matter? Got a fever or something?"

Lillian giggles "{He's in love!}"

Peacock asks "Huh?"

Bubo spoke "*Blushing* S-See ya later!"

Bubo flew off as Hawka giggled.

Twilight spoke "I was the same way when I first met Flash, I was only 8 at the time."

Peacock spoke "I dunno what you’re talking about, but I’m gonna bounce. See ya!"

A pothole appeared as Peacock jumped into it before it disappeared, telling us that she somehow teleported.

Looking at Crosswind, Twilight spoke "Time to start operation lovebug."

Crosswind chuckles "Hehe. Yeah."

But Nightmare Moon then collapsed, transforming into an unconscious Nyx.

Twilight gasps "Nyx!"

Nyx spoke "*Unconsciously* Momma…"

Twilight scoops Nyx up into her forelegs, hugging the filly.

Nyx unconsciously hugged Twilight back with scared tears.

Twilight spoke "It's going to be okay sweetie, momma won't let anyone hurt you again."

Twilight pulls Akari, Strawberry and Cherry in for a hug.

OC-Verse Danyelle felt her heart melt at that. “Aww…”

Chameleo smiled at the tender family moment.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Reminds me of how protective I am of my own children, adopted and blood related."

Chameleo spoke "Oh."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "The kid'll have some PTSD for a while because of what happened but we should talk to Zelestia about it."

Chameleo spoke "Don’t forget Luna."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "My Nyx was originally a plushie so I'd have to arrange some therapy courses for Nightfall since she was originally part of my world's Luna. Last thing either universe needs is two Nightmare Moons teaming up to cause eternal night."

Twilight spoke "Maybe I should do the same for my Nyx."


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