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Entering the Labyrinth's Shadow Part 4: Final Showdown

*Flintfur’s POV*

Okay, we managed to clear all side missions and requests we have so far, before we got ready to head into the clock tower.

Vince spoke "It's now or never guys!!"

The rest of us agreed before heading into the Clocktower, arriving on the first floor as we saw gears of all sizes intertwined complexly.

Akihiko spoke "Talk about the stronghold of a real enemy. Doesn’t look like it’ll be an easy nut to crack."

Karei spoke "*Communications* Yeah, it seems like there’s an awful lot of floors… Just be calm and be careful drawing your map as you go."

Kori asks "It’s probably safe to assume that the Shadows are more powerful here. …Can you handle it, Zen?"

Zen spoke "It won’t be a problem. I’ve gained the abilities Rei had been using until now… I’ll cause no trouble."

Rei was the one healing us and increasing our stats, makes sense that Zen has them now.

Teddie spoke "Hrm? Don’t tell me that’s because of the power of love…!"

Zen spoke "It would be more accurate to say I’ve regained them. Rei’s battle abilities were originally my powers. She had the power to fight because I was with her… Which means I was forcing her to fight… I’ve regained my memories as well as the power I lent her. I’ll be able to fill Rei’s role from now on. I’ll make sure not to drag you down. So…"

Kori spoke "Just remember to not push yourself too hard… There’s no shame in relying on one’s companions."

Zen spoke "Yes… I understand. Thank you."

Spottedleaf's left wing was bandaged up since she had sprained it in the previous fight.

Sitting on Amaterasu's back, Spottedleaf spoke "That's what a Clan does, we look out for one another."

We moved forward, finding stuff before encountering a mechanical spider FOE with great jumping strength, which it make it hard for us to avoid it. We kept heading onward before we heard a faint voice.

Rei's Voice spoke "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, everyone... I'm sorry, Zen... This is all because... I was selfish..."

The voice then faded away.

Teddie spoke "Rei-chan... She's suffering..."

Shima asks "The meaning of life... Who would have that answer?"

Zen spoke "...Why does one need a reason? They're living now and existing here. That is life. It doesn't matter if there is a meaning behind it or not..."

Shima spoke "Hmm... Maybe not, but..."

Zen spoke "...That's what I thought until I met Rei. Now I don't know anymore..."

Sunao spoke "It's not a matter of whether the meaning exists or not. The search for meaning is universal regardless."

Zen asks "The search for meaning...? You seek some justification for your existence?"

Yukan and Hapu spoke "We want that justification."

Spottedleaf spoke "She's just as scared as I was before I reincarnated."

Zen spoke "Why? You're already alive. You don't need any justification for that."

Akihiko spoke "...That's not what living's about. We're not talking about the natural order, like a heart beating."

Zen spoke "Akihiko..."

Akihiko spoke "The world living would always give me an image of myself standing alone, no matter how hurt I might be. But lately, I've started thinking about it in a different way. The reason why I'm alive, here, and okay with myself is because I had everyone with me."

Zen asks "Everyone...?"

Akihiko spoke "My parents, my teachers... Shinji, Kori, my companions and friends... my sister, who's passed... Without any one of those beings, I wouldn't be who I am now. In other words, the dragon I call "me" was created by all those other beings. ...That's when I think about living, I want to imagine tons of beings around me. My life isn't just my own... I'm not alone."

Zen asks "Not... alone...?"

I spoke "It doesn't matter how one is born into the world... Naturally born, created, reincarnated from a fading soul... We're all living beings. The circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant, it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are."

Spottedleaf spoke "Flintfur's right Zen, we never forget those that came before us as long as we remember them."

Zen spoke "Not alone..."

We kept going forward, having conversations, taking shortcuts, beating Shadows and dodging FOEs as we found the stairs before heading up to the second floor. But then we heard some kind of chains rattling...

Zen spoke "That sound... It's the Reaper!"

Junpei asks "Oh crap... That strong-as-hell monster?"

Zen spoke "Why...? ...Ah, of course. I'm only one of the many cogs in this machine. That's why this world is after me..."

Emerald asks "Wait, what? What do you mean?"

Zen spoke "There is something called natural providence in the world. It is the force that maintains balance... Even Chronos is under its control. I locked myself here and sealed away my powers. As a result, a life that should have returned... Rei's soul... is not returning to where it should. That endangers the balance. If it were to happen, it would eventually lead to this world's destruction... Thus, the seal-off Chronos was made to awaken before that could occur. The countdown had begun the moment I locked myself in here... And that hour has now struck... The time for this haven in the rift to disappear."

Junpei asks "Disappear, huh? ......Wait, so what's gonna happen to us? Or you? Or Rei-chan!?"

Zen spoke "...We'll disappear, too. Everything, including our very existence. To compensate, none of you here, or Rei, would have existed from the start. The scales would thus be balanced. No one will remember that any of you were alive..."

Seiko asks "We... would've never existed...?"

Zen spoke "That's correct... It will be made so that you were never born to begin with."

Kanji asks "What...!?"

Zen spoke "It's still not too late. You need to head back and return to your own times through those doors. Do that and you'll be..."

Ken asks "...Even if we're safe, what about Rei-san?"

Isamu asks "Yeah, what about her?"

Ken spoke "She said she wanted a reason to be alive, but to retroactively erase her existence... That's too cruel..."

Zen spoke "But..."

Kori asks "What will happen if Chronos awakens?"

Zen spoke "He'll assimilate me. He'll return to his original, complete state, and erase this world along with Rei... That's why he suspended Rei where she is. He wishes to lure me to where he is in this clock tower... That spider isn't a Shadow from the school. It's one of Chronos' minions. And all of you... were also bait..."

Hapu asks "Bait...?"

Zen spoke "Chronos was the one who summoned you from your original world... He did it to make me traverse the labyrinths... so that I would regain my memories... Chronos chose you all because you had the power to accomplish this..."

Kori asks "I see. So, we were pawns, who dutifully played our role perfectly. ...But are we still pawns?"

Zen asks "Eh...?"

Kori asks "Is us traveling with you to where Chronos waits part of his plan too?"

Zen spoke "No... I doubt it. When my memories returned, I was supposed to erase Rei and this world..."

Kori spoke "Yet you haven't done so."

Zen spoke "Yes..."

Yukan spoke "You've changed, Zen."

I spoke "A warrior never runs from battle unless the Clan leader says so. And since Blizzardstar's not here to tell me to retreat, I'm not backing down because the stubbornness I had from when I was a BloodClan leader still remains."

Zen asks "Changed...? Me...?"

Seiko spoke "Beings change... The plans of someone who couldn't even anticipate that aren't worth much."

Junpei spoke "Yep. Let's hurry up and send this loser packing."

Aigis spoke "Since we have been invited, it would be impolite to decline."

Koromaru and Tasuma bark "*Tails wagging in agreement* Arf!"

Yukari spoke "We're not just pawns. I'm glad I came here. I've grown as a being because of it."

Zen spoke "Everyone..."

Shinjiro spoke "Go and thrash this Chronos thing. And talk to Rei."

Zen spoke "...Yes."

Kori spoke "Alright... Let's go."

Spottedleaf spoke "TIL EQUIS ENDS!!!"

Leafstar and I yowl "ALICORN ALLIANCE DEFEND!!!"

We moved onward, finding stuff, beating Shadows, dodging FOEs and the Reaper as we solved puzzles while having conversations and finding new pathways. We soon got to the third floor, and later, the fourth floor as Fuuka warned us of a Reaper being on this floor. We kept going and reached the fifth floor as we solved puzzles and had conversations before we made it to the sixth floor as Koromaru, Tasuma and Bronx growled, sensing a Reaper on the floor. We had conversations while we kept moving forward, finding puzzles and new pathways as we solved them before we found the stairs and went up to the seventh floor. Yukan, Hapu and Kori explained to us about the tower in their time known as Tartarus, which seemed pretty scary if it could be endless as we beat Shadows, dodged FOEs and solved puzzles before we found the next stairs and went up to the eighth floor.

Karei spoke "*Communications* Huh? No way...! This floor is completely different than the others! It might be really huge!"

Shinjiro spoke "Yeah, it looks different too."

Sunao spoke "I assume we'll face more powerful Shadows, and run across more devious obstacles as well."

Shima spoke "Don't worry! This must mean Rei-chan isn't far off!"

Sunao spoke "...True. Let's steel ourselves and keep going."

Shinjiro spoke "Yeah."

Zen was quiet.

Shinjiri spoke "Zen... It's obvious you're stressing out too much. Times like these, you should remember how much Rei loved to eat."

Zen spoke "Ha... You're right. She must be hungry by now. I'll need to prepare many corn dogs, takoyaki and other meals for her."

Shima spoke "Rei-chan... Wait for us!"

Spottedleaf directed Amaterasu to keep going.

We kept moving forward as we found another elevator as we fought Shadows, avoiding FOEs and the Reaper before we found a lot of spiderwebs, and there wasn’t any other choice but to go through them. We tried to get through, but soon got stuck as we saw a silver-armored robo-spider FOE as it jumped great distances and looked like it was heading straight for us! We managed to escape and dodge the FOE before we kept moving forward while having conversations. Later, we found a lot more spiderwebs, which meant another spider FOE was around, so we got caught in a web on purpose to lure it out before we escaped and got away from it. The next set of stairs were just ahead and there were no FOEs around, but we were beyond exhausted.

Aigis spoke "It seems everyone is at maximum exhaustion. I believe a short break is in order."

Kori spoke "Yes, it does seem there’s more to come. We can take a rest here."

Spottedleaf spoke "I'd hate to bring out my secret weapon right now but that will have to wait."

Yukari asks "I know, would you like some donuts?"

Kori spoke "No, I'm fine..."

Yukari asks "Do you not like sweets?"

Kori spoke "It's not that. I bought some broiled squid at the stalls earlier, and it's giving me a touch of heartburn."

Yukari asks "...You eat broiled squid?"

Kori asks "Wh-Why do you ask? Is it so odd for me to eat broiled squid from a stall?"

Yukari spoke "It's not odd at all."

Kori spoke "Indeed, there should be nothing wrong about it."

Junpei spoke "I'm not saying it's wrong or anything, just that we're surprised."

Kori spoke "What do you mean, you're surprised? I've eaten things like ramen and beef bowls before."

Junpei asks "Uh... Well, what's your favorite food?"

Kori spoke "Well... I get cravings for Salad Nicoise, avocado spring rolls, and conger eel tempura quite often."

Yukari spoke "Wow. Not going with foie gras and truffles makes you sound like the real deal..."

Aigis asks "They all seem quite difficult to prepare. Will you be alright, Shinjiro-san?"

Shinjiro asks "...What're you talking about?"

Aigis spoke "The preparations for the party."

Shinjiro asks "Are you hinting that I should cook everyone's favorite foods?"

Aigis spoke "Yes, that is correct."

Shinjiro spoke "...Huh. Well, Salad Nicoise doesn't seem too tall a hurdle."

Yukari asks "Huh? Wow... That means you know the recipe for it, right?"

Shinjiro spoke "Yeah... I'll simplify the vinaigrette part though."

Shima asks "Vinai...grette?"

Emerald spoke "Oh crud, he's on a way higher level when it comes to food..."

Kori spoke "To eat a meal you prepare... I'm sure it will be more delicious than any professional chef's dish."

Hapu spoke "Heehee, no doubt about that."

Shinjiro spoke "Huh? You're both givin' me way too much credit."

Kori spoke "I meant because we'll all be enjoying it. The party should be a fun one."

Akihiko spoke "Alright, everyone, get your requests for Shinji in. First come, first serve!"

Shinjiro asks "What?"

Yukari spoke "Oh, then I want carbonara."

Yoso spoke "Same here!"

Dorai spoke "Spaghetti alla puttanesca for me!"

Shinjiro spoke "Wha..."

Junpei spoke "I definitely want steak! A thick one! I like fried chicken, too!"

Isamu spoke "Ooh! Ooh! I want Hot dogs and french fries!"

Shinjiro spoke "Wait, you guys, hold up..."

Fuuka spoke "*Communications* I'd like crab cream croquettes! Three of them, please!"

Shinjiro spoke "Hey, you don't get to dictate on portions, too!"

Koromaru and Tasuma barked happily with their tails wagging.

Aigis spoke "Koromaru-san and Tasuma-chan says that they'd like to eat your usual, specially cooked meal."

Yukari and Yoso asks "Specially cooked!?"

Shinjiro spoke "Hrgh..."

Akihiko spoke "I want..."

Shinjiro asks "Pancakes, right? Yeah, yeah. Now shut up. ...What about you, Ken?"

Ken spoke "Eh...? Um... ...Omelette with fried rice."

Shinjiro spoke "Alright."

Junpei spoke "I want curry too! And croquettes and gyoza and ramen! C'mon, what about you two?"

Hapu spoke "Heehee, home-style cooking."

Yukari spoke "Anything's fine."

Shinjiro spoke "Alright, alright! Just leave it all to me! Cripes..."

Junpei asks "Woohoo! A man never goes back on his word, okay!?"

Shinjiro retorts "Will you give it a rest!?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at how well they got along.

Leafstar spoke "Regardless of what the shy one says, I mostly favor birds... Uncooked though."

Vince spoke "I'll have curry with a side of fish."

Spottedleaf spoke "Anything but apples.... Don't tell Applejack this but I'm sick of apples."

I spoke "Rabbit, uncooked."

Sunao spoke "*Chuckle* I suspect their party is going to be a lot of fun."

Shima asks "Why don't we have a party too, once we get out of here?"

Emerald spoke "Ooh, good idea! That'll be the perfect time to bust out my cooking skills and..."

Seiko spoke "Wh-Whoa, wait a second."

Kaze asks "What're you saying!?"

Karei spoke "*Communications* We're telling you, just leave it all to us!"

Kanji spoke "If we start takin' stomach medicine now and stay well rested, we might get off with a slight illness..."

Emerald asks "Hey, what do you mean by that?"

Teddie spoke "I-If you wanna do a party no matter what, then you better defeat me first!"

Emerald spoke "*Readies herself as Heifa giggled* Okay, sure. Just stand right there."

Teddie spoke "No no no, I'm just kidding! I don't wanna be kicked AND force-fed the world's worst food!"

Foot, meet mouth.

Shima asks "World's worst food...?"

Teddie spoke "That's what Kaze said!"

Kaze asks "WHAT!?"

Way to pin it.

Kiko spoke "Uh-oh..."

Emerald spoke "Kaze, stand right over there."

Kaze whines "WHAAAAAT!?"

Seiko spoke "..I'll make sure you get a proper burial."

Miran spoke "Oh boy... this won't end well."

I spoke "Dude, it's your funeral..."

Zen chuckles "Hm… Hahaha."

Shima spoke Oh… He laughed!"

Zen was confused.

Shima asks "No, it’s nothing. Let’s do our best, okay?"

Zen spoke "Yes."

Spottedleaf snickers "I heard from Redux-verse Danyelle that her universe's Ein got beat up with a blue punch buggy!"

"HA!!!" I couldn't help but laugh before we went up the stairs to the ninth floor.

Fuuka spoke "*Communications* This floor seems vast too. Be careful you don't get lost!"

Karei spoke "*Communications* Senpai, are you okay? Don't push yourself too hard... I don't want you to die!"

Seiko spoke "Yeah... I appreciate that, Karei."

Karei spoke "*Communications* W-Wait...! That's not what I want to hear from you right now!"

Seiko spoke "...Alright. In that case, I'll save my thanks to tell you in person."

Zen was quiet.

Seiko spoke "C'mon... Just a little more now."

Zen spoke "Yes... Rei... Wait for us. We're coming for you... I... will keep my promise."

Amaterasu barks in agreement.

We moved forward, finding switches and rides, beating Shadows and having conversations as we later reached the stairs and went up to the summit, with the stairs heading outside just ahead. Earlier, we tied up all loose ends, by completing side missions and requests, which included beating FOEs and golden enemies at the Labyrinth ends, even the Reaper as we got a broken chain as proof of our victory over the Reaper. But now we were really ready.

Fuuka spoke "*Communications* One moment, guys! I'm getting a powerful reading from the next floor up! It's probably that spider Shadow! Please be careful!"

Kori spoke "So, above us is the top of the tower..."

Amaterasu growls.

Spottedleaf spoke "Be ready guys, I will be using my secret weapon for this fight."

Zen was silent.

Yukari asks "What's wrong?"

Zen asks "I was thinking about what to say to Rei... Will I be able to giver her a reason why she lived...? I never lived myself... Do I even have the correct answer...?"

Yukan spoke "It's all up to you."

Hapu spoke "Heehee... There isn't a right or wrong answer to a question like that."

Seiko spoke "Just tell her how you honestly feel, in your own words. She doesn't need some grandiose speech. You've been together so long that you'll get through to her."

Zen asks "My... own words...?"

Sunao spoke "What's important is that you face her. It's your attitude itself. Even the clumsiest attempt will do. The precise wording is beside the point here."

Zen spoke "After watching you all here... I've come to understand something. To live is to change. Your encounters with others change you... This is true for Yukari, Kori, and even myself. We all changed because we met each other..."

Kori spoke "Yes... You're right."

Zen spoke "Even the smallest interaction is part of a great flow, passed from being to being. We all affect each other, and things change naturally... That is how the world works. Which means... one's life is not merely one's own problem. Living changes beings around you, who in turn change you. That's why... one's life is by no means only your own."

Yukari spoke "Yeah... That's how I see it too."

Zen asks "Rei cried because she wanted meaning in her life. I couldn't give her that. But I see it differently now... The fact that Rei lived was itself the meaning in her life. To live is the duty of those who are given life... What do you seven think?"

Yukan, Hapu, Seiko, Goliath, Vince, Spottedleaf and I couldn't help but agree with that.

I spoke "Back when I was a normal cat, I killed others for fun... But I changed my ways."

Spottedleaf spoke "My first death was at the claws of a ShadowClan cat."

Zen spoke "I see... Well, it's not the only answer to that question, I'm sure. But I believe that there is a meaning for everyone. You seven have changed someone too. You're being kept alive by someone else. I choose to believe that this is the reason why you've lived... Then again, I shouldn't arbitrarily decide your meaning for you. ...Thank you. I must have been the one who called you here. Not as Chronos' pawns, but to help me... This is what I believe. Had I not met any of you or your friends, I couldn't have realized my own weakness, or truly saved Rei. Meeting you all was my destiny and my salvation."

Kanji spoke "Dude... You've become a real stallion!"

Zen spoke "A real stallion...? I don't understand. But I like the sound of it..."

Leafstar growls "We're getting close guys."

We went up the stairs, heading outside on the Clock Tower's summit as the Captor Spider was on the spire with Rei trapped inside it.

Kaze spoke "There it is..."

Karei spoke "*Communications* I'm getting a stronger reading! It's powerful, so be careful!"

Fuuka spoke "*Communications* Rei-chan is inside that Shadow!"

Junpei spoke "Hey! Rei-chan!"

Aigis spoke "Rei-san! Please answer us!"

Teddie spoke "Wake up!"

Fuuka spoke "*Communications* It's no use...! Rei-chan's reading is still weak!"

Akihiko spoke "Then we have to hurry and defeat it. Enough talk. Come at us!"

The Captor Spider then jumped down, ready to fight us as we saw its far right front leg being blue, which means ice, its middle right front leg, which means fire, its middle left front leg being light-blue, which means electric, and its far left front leg being green, meaning wind as all four front legs had shields.

Zen spoke "*Wielding two crossbows* Rei... We'll save you. Not with my power alone, but with everyone's... Through all of our strengths combined... We'll save you!"

Karei spoke "*Communications* We've got to save Rei-chan! Let's do it, no matter what!"

Spottedleaf throws a glowing orb to Zen.

Spottedleaf spoke "Use that to unlock a powerful attack!"

Spottedleaf shatters a smash ball before glowing with a rainbow aura.


Several ghostly Abyssinians that were from ThunderClan surround Spottedleaf as they all charge up a Lightning Neko Roar before firing it at the Captor Spider.

That hit the Captor Spider hard before it crawled into the face of the clock tower as it brought its front legs out, shielding its head.

Fuuka spoke "*Communications* Hold on! The spider's using its legs to protect its head!"

A warp ring opens up behind the the spider before a spinning blur slams into the back of the spider's head hard.

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "Thought you guys would need help!"

Spottedleaf spoke "Perfect timing!"

Redux-verse Danyelle flew into another Spindash, cloaking herself in flames before clonking the spider hard.

A slightly bigger spindash rams into the spider since OC-verse Danyelle had also came to help.

OC-Verse Danyelle spoke "Don't forget about me!"

A blazing ball of plasma hits the spider hard, inflicting damage.

Danyelle yowls "AND ME!!!"

Karei spoke "*Communications* We gotta take out those front legs!"

Danyelle hits the electric aligned leg with lightning magic, Redux-verse Danyelle hits the fire and wind aligned legs with with firebending and airbending while OC-verse Danyelle strikes down the ice aligned leg with firebending.

After the Freezing leg and Whirlwind leg were hit, they took a lot of damage while the Lightning Leg and Blazing Leg took little damage.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "You two cats are so dense!"

Danyelle aims her lightning at OC-verse Danyelle in anger but the blue nekomata dodges, causing the wind leg to get hit instead.

In fact, the Freezing and Whirlwind legs looked like they were about to fall apart, but the Whirlwind leg did it first since it was hit by that wind attack earlier.

Redux-verse Danyelle whipped up a tornado before launching it at the light blue leg, severing it.

The force also caused the Freezing leg to fall apart.

A sudden Ice Beam from Redux-verse Danyelle hits the Blazing leg, inflicting damage.

And the Blazing Leg looked like it was about to fall apart.

A second Ice Beam from Redux-verse Danyelle hits the Blazing leg, causing it to fully fall apart.

Leafstar spoke "The front legs are down!"

Without its front legs, the Captor Spider fell down, becoming wide open.

Fuuka spoke "*Communications* The head's wide open!"

Seiko spoke "There! Now's our chance!"

Both Redux-verse Danyelle and OC-verse Danyelle strike with Chaos Spear.

Sunao spoke "Our morale is high!"

We agreed as all of us charged at the Captor Spider in an all-out attack, beating it as the Shadow vanished with Rei slowly descending to the ground.

Danyelle spoke "If I hadn't got in touch with my counterparts, this fight would have been dragged out longer."

Zen asks "Rei! Rei, are you alright!?"

Rei asks "Zen…?"

Aigis asks "Thank goodness…! Are you okay? Can you walk?"

Rei spoke "No…"

Emerald spoke "You can’t? Here, take my hand!"

Rei spoke "Run… Please… run…!"

Emerald asks "…Huh?"

Fuuka spoke "*Communications* Be careful! Something’s coming…!"

The clock then struck 12 as the bell tolled.

OC-verse Danyelle had transformed into her Danyterasu form while snarling.

But then the minute hand floated off the clock as it stabbed into a gear before the ground that the gear and other gears it was connected to was broken off as the gears floated away with us on them! But then something emerged from the minute hand and revealed to be a mechanical humanoid alicorn stallion.

Zen spoke "…It’s been a while."

Clockwork God spoke "I am Chronos… Creator and giver of time… The time to reap the seeds I have sown has come…"

Zen spoke "This is the personification of my power as Chronos… An unfeeling god that only obeys its duty, and reaps what time is left… This was me before I met Rei. It will be powerful. Tremendously so."

Kori spoke "We have no intention of backing down after coming this far."

Akihiko spoke "Sorry, but I don’t pray to no gods."

Aigis spoke "The phrase “giving up” is not in my internal dictionary!"

Junpei spoke "Hate to break it to you, dude, but we’ve got power too."

Isamu spoke "Get ready to get your ass kicked!"

Shinjiro spoke "This’ll be a breeze for us."

Koromaru and Tasuma barked in agreement.

Yoso spoke "We’re stopping you here and now!"

Yukari spoke "Yeah, I’ll never back down. I’ll fight… for everyone’s sake!"

Dorai spoke "Think you can beat us? Think again!"

Ken spoke "Me too. I’m here because everyone else is with me… That’s why I’m gonna fight!"

All of us agreed to beat him too.

Zen spoke "Everyone…"

Yukan spoke "Believe in yourself."

Hapu spoke "And believe in us."

Zen spoke "Yes… …I’m weak… But that weakness has taught me much. That I’ve been running away, that it’s my companions who support me… The feelings I believe in, and what I wish to protect… Our enemy now is the “me” that used to run away. I will defeat myself!"

Clockwork God spoke "You, who were once a part of me… Return to me. Otherwise, you shall return to the embrace of eternity…"

Fuuka spoke "*Communications* It’s coming! Please…! Save Rei-chan…!"

A mask appeared on the Clockwork God’s face as the minute hand on his forehead pointed down before he clapped his hands together, causing the gears to move as we readied for battle.

Zen spoke "Philei… Forgive me… for I was not able to save you back then. And forgive me… for saving you now…! Let’s go!"

This was it! The final battle!

Fuuka spoke "*Communications* This is the final battle! Please win this!"

Aigis spoke "I will perform at full power!"

Danyterasu snarls "I'M NOT GONNA GIVE UP!!!"

BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHn6S3tdpeQ

Danyterasu punches Chronos hard with a Fire Punch.

The Clockwork God countered with a Vorpal Blade attack, cutting Danyterasu as the rest of us attacked him. But then the Clockwork God swung its arms, with the motions forming a clock with a skull in front of it as numbers at five or higher appeared on each of us before they went down by one.

Karei spoke "*Communications* What was that!? There’s a weird counter on Senpai and the others!"

Zen spoke "That’s the Gear of Life… It counts down, and claims your life when it reaches zero."

Karei gasps "*Communications* No…! Isn’t there anything we can do!?"

Zen spoke "Revival skills and items can prolong the counter… But it cannot be completely removed until it claims you."

Karei spoke "*Communications* Then we’ve gotta pay attention to those counters, not just our health!"

Zen spoke "He governs death and time… Be careful."

Danyterasu countered the attack with Dialga's Roar of Time, cancelling out the Gear of Life.

Danyterasu spoke "You forget! I have Pokemon allies!"

But then the Clockwork God suddenly stopped time as he attacked Dialga four times with Agidyne and Bufudyne, causing Dialga to faint after the attack bombardment before he placed the Gears of Time back on us.

But Danyterasu had gone into Crossfusion Double Soul Dialga Soul before roaring so loud that Chronos' attacks cancelled out and stopping him from putting the Gears of Time on anyone again.

Mega-Danyterasu Dialga Soul spoke "Nice try jerkface! I've got skills you've NEVER SEEN BEFORE!!!"

But then an hour hand suddenly pierced through Mega-Danyterasu Dialga Soul, cracking the diamond and disabling Roar of Time.

Zen spoke "I told you to be careful! He governs Death and Time! He knew of your abilities!"

Mega-Danyterasu Dialga Soul had suddenly gone into Arceus Soul mode before thrashing Chronos with several Judgement attacks.

Mega-Danyterasu Arceus Soul spoke "I WON'T BACK DOWN!!!"

But then Mega-Danyterasu Arceus Soul was slashed by many Vorpal Blade attacks, causing her to nearly lose consciousness.

Clockwork God spoke "The time has come. The time to fulfill your role. The time to return to your original form. You have forgotten your role. You resisted your duty even after regaining your memory. You have reduced yourself to a mortal. You have reduced yourself to that which is unnecessary. I shall erase myself. I shall erase you, a part of me. I shall return everything in this world to ash. The time has come."

Fuuka spoke "*Communications* The enemy lost some health, but you can’t win alone!"

Vinyl sang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuwnltTO1V4 as the voices of her friends and allies call out, restoring Mega-Danyterasu Arceus Soul's health and power.

Vinyl: You're never gonna bring me down
You're never gonna break this part of me
My friends are here to bring me 'round
Not singin' just for popularity

Everyone: We're here to let you know
That we won't let it go
Our music is a bomb and it's about to blow

OC-verse Korra and OC-verse Mane Six: And you can try to fight
But we have got the light of friendship on our side

Redux-verse Korra and Redux-verse Mane Six: Got the music in our hearts
We're here to blow this thing apart
And together we will never be afraid of the dark

OC-verse Crusaders, MCAP Crusaders, Redux-verse Crusaders and Genderswap Crusaders: Here to sing our song out loud
Get ya dancin' with the crowd
As the music of our friendship survives survives

Genderswap-verse Stallion Six: Got the music in our hearts
We're here to blow this thing apart
And together we will never be afraid of the dark

Vinyl: Here to sing our song out loud
Get ya dancin' with the crowd
As the music of our friendship survives survives survives!!!!

Eyes glowing pure white, Mega-Danyterasu Arceus Soul spoke "You see Chronos, I have one thing you will NEVER TRULY UNDERSTAND AND THAT'S THE MAGIC OF FRIENDSHIP!!!"

Four beams of rainbow colored magic followed by a Chaos Blast Spear from Mega-Danyterasu Arceus Soul hits Chronos hard, destroying him.

But then Chronos suddenly turned back time, completely healing himself before making Danyelle’s CrossFusion completely disabled.

Zen: I tried to warn you! He governs Death AND Time! Don’t expect that attack to work a second time! *Turns towards Clockwork God* And unnecessary? You don’t understand at all!

OC-verse Danyelle had been reduced to the size of a six year old.

Twirama snarls "YOU MONSTER!!"

OC-verse Fluttershy pulls OC-verse Danyelle out of the fight.

Twirama fired a Tailed Beast Bomb at Chronos.

The Clockwork God countered with a Bufudyne, as the two attacks cancelled each other out.

Aigis spoke "Orgia Mode activated!"

Parts of Aigis lit up as she seemed faster and stronger than before as her attacks definitely damaged Chronos. We kept attacking the Clockwork God as he kept attacking us.

Clockwork God spoke "Players, you have done your part well. Yet, why do you not return from whence you came? The curtain has fallen... Why do those who are destined to perish defy me? You are creatures; your frail kind requires my protection. But if it is your wish, then I shall erase you as well."

Karei spoke "*Communications* Alright! You’re halfway there!"

Redux-verse Danyelle shatters a Smash trophy, calling on the powers of High Goddess Faust.

High Goddess Faust reverses all of the damage Chronos had done to the Alicorn Alliance and their allies, restoring OC-verse Danyelle back to normal as the nekomata retakes the Danyterasu form again.

Danyterasu takes on Crossfusion Beast out mode before roaring loud.

High Goddess Faust spoke "When a god decides to play naughty, I have to intervene!"

The alabaster alicorn goddess delivers a nasty piledriver on Chronos before breaking his arms and legs.

Clockwork God asks "I am Chronos... I was born from being, and accompany being on his journey... You wander an ephemeral dream... Your transience affords you uncompromising power... What is your life...? What is your death...?"

Fuuka spoke "*Communications* W-We’re almost there! You can do it, everyone!"

Zen spoke "I’ll show you what it means to live!"

Aigis spoke "I… overheated…"

Aigis suddenly became limp as it looked like she was unable to move for a while.

But High Goddess Faust didn't vanish, she was summoned by Redux-verse Danyelle.

High Goddess Faust spoke "As long as I'm around, you will NEVER win Chronos!"

High Goddess Faust delivers a god-tier Double Kick to Chronos's face, shattering his jaw.

Fuuka spoke "*Communications* We’ve changed too… Zen-kun, Rei-chan, everyone from Yasoponi High, and the rest of the others… They’ve all become precious to us!"

Karei spoke "*Communications* That’s right! That’s why we’re here! Rei-chan and Zen-kun are one of us!"

Aigis spoke "Creatures’ true strength comes out when they help others, especially when they care deeply. I want to be the same!

Seiko spoke "The connections we make give us strength… And we’ve forged new bonds in this strange world.

Yukan spoke "And we will stare death in the eye to save our friends."

Hapu spoke "You won’t be able to beat us!"

Sunao spoke "We’ve also changed by coming to this world. That is why we stand here, and that is why we will fight you!"

Zen spoke "Chronos… Do you understand what you were lacking? I didn’t have it until now either. The power in a fleeting life… The beauty it holds. Do you see…? They have taught me much. And so, I am here to defeat you and negate myself. I will save Rei… That is the duty I have undertaken, of my own will."

But then Zen shot a Smash Ball Spottedleaf tossed out before he froze time as he shot at the Clockwork God on all cylinders on a 20 meter radius. Zen then let time flow again as all of the shots hit Chronos right on as he fell down with his wings falling apart, causing the gears to stop.

Chronos gasps "This couldn't... how could it be...?"

Zen stepped up to Chronos. “I’m sorry… Your duties have come to an end. *As Chronos’ mask lifted with the minute hand pointing upwards again* You must return… from whence you came…”

Zen reached out his front right hoof in Chronos’ forehead as a glow was emitted with fierce winds.

Chronos spoke "Gaaah… The time… has… *Shatters before his pieces were scattered away by the fierce wind* come… at…last…"

That was it, Chronos was beaten.

Twirama spoke "Thank the stars above! It's finally over!"

Twirama lets out a happy roar, causing everyone to cheer.

Redux-verse Twilight spoke "If OC-verse Danyelle hadn't put the call out, we wouldn't have won. It's because of her quick thinking that we're all here now."

Moonshadow spoke "I agree!"

But Zen looked at the clock tower as the gears started moving back to it.

Vince spoke "It's all over."

*At the festival*

Azure chokes on some corn.

Azure asks "You want to run that by me again?"

Redux-verse Sonic chuckles "It's no big surprise though, I've got more than 4 wives. You can blame Equestrian marriage laws..."

Redux-verse Aria tackle-hugs Redux-verse Sonic.

Redux-Verse Sonic spoke "Whoa!"

Redux-verse Aria giggles "Pinned ya!"

Redux-Verse Sonic chuckles "Hehe, oh really?"

Redux-Verse Aria spoke "Yeah really.

*Back with us*

We got back to Rei on the Clocktower as Emerald and Yukari helped her up.

Zen spoke "Rei…"

Rei spoke "I… What have I done…? I’m sorry… I’ve caused so much trouble… I… I’m… *With tears* …already dead…"

Zen spoke "Rei…"

Rei asks "I… I shouldn’t exist… Things would’ve been better if I was never born! *Voice breaking with tears* Everyone got to school and had families! But I died all alone! Why was I born…? All I had in life was suffering and jealousy…! What reason was there for me to be born!?"

Yukari spoke "Rei-chan…"

Zen spoke "Rei… You don’t need a reason for your life. No one has such a reason. You existed. You lived. That’s all that matters. There is only one of you. Since being was born and forevermore afterward, the fully before me now will be the only Rei in existence. You are no one else. Everything you do, only you could have done."

Rei spoke "But I…!"

Zen asks "Didn’t the beings around you change a bit because you were there? In your life, there were those who found joy and sorrow in your words. I’m certain that you changed someone in that way. You gave someone life. And I’m certain that they changed you in turn. Your mother, nurses, friends… Whether you intended it or not, they were changed. They gave you life. Even if you disappear, the world you were from goes on. But that world is the one you lived in. Even if only a little, it changed because you lived it in. You were there as a small cog in that world. A being’s life isn’t defined by grand accomplishments. You lived. Does that itself not give meaning to your life?"

Rei asks "I… lived… Did I… live…?"

Hapu spoke "You lived courageously."

Rei was quiet.

Kori spoke "I didn’t know you when you were alive… but I can tell by watching you now that you lived to the last."

Rei spoke "……*Wipes tears* Thank you… I think… I just wanted someone to say that to me…"

Zen spoke "You did live, Rei."

Rei spoke "Mm-hm… Thank you…"

Zen spoke "To think that all you wished for was to hear these words… I made you suffer for so long… I’m so sorry."

Rei spoke "*Tearfully* Zen… I’m happy. I lived my life. I lived it… to the fullest. Thank you for waiting for me, Zen… I’ll go with you."

Zen spoke "…Yes."

Sunao spoke "Ah… The sky…!"

But then the purple sky suddenly turned back to its normal blue as the sun shined.

Shima spoke "What a beautiful blue sky… I feel like I haven’t seen it in a while."

Teddie spoke "*Out of his Bear suit* That’s right. The world is always shining like this… you just don’t normally notice it. No matter what problems you face, you can overcome them as long as you take the hands of the ones you love…Miracles aren’t something intangible. They can be grasped, as long as you have the courage to reach for them… All the people at your side will give you the push you need to do it."

Heifa spoke "*Out of her cow suit* Heehee, oh Teddie."

Emerald asks "…What?"

Kanji spoke "*Sniffling his nose* Dude… What a great speech…!"

Yukari asks "Oh, was I supposed to be moved…? All I thought was, “What the hell is he talking about all of a sudden?”

Teddie asks "*Back in his bear suit* Hrm? Didn’t my passionately spiritual message strike you directly in your hearts?

Heifa spoke "*Back in her cow suit* It did for me."

Spottedleaf dropkicks Teddie at Heifa, causing the two to kiss.

Yukari asks "Whoa, where’d that come from? Am I the horrible one…?"

Kaze spoke "*As Teddie and Heifa disconnected* It was obvious you were trying to make some sappy, heart-wrenching speech."

Kori spoke "W-Was he…? I nearly fell for it…"

Yukari spoke "Oh, we have our own pure heart…"

Kori spoke "Very well then… It’s been a while since we had an execution."

Teddie asks "Exe…!?"

Kori spoke "*Draws rapier* Would you rather be a throw rug or displayed as an ice sculpture…? Now, choose!"

Heifa spoke "Don’t even think about it!"

Zen spoke "Heh."

Rei spoke "*Smile* Ahahahaha."

Fuuka spoke "*Communications* You did it, everyone! The Shadow readings inside the school have disappeared!"

Junpei spoke "*Sigh* …It’s really over."

Seiko spoke "Well done, Spottedleaf."

Yukan spoke "Yeah, you did good."

Hapu spoke "You were amazing out there."

Spottedleaf spoke "Thanks, guys."

Zen spoke "What I’m feeling right now… this must be loneliness. …It’s time to say our farewells."

We soon were back in the school.

Elizabeth spoke "Everyone, thank you for your hard work. The exit doors are open. You may go through them whenever you are ready."

Yukari spoke "Ready…"

Karei asks "…Nope, not ready yet! We haven’t had enough fun here yet! Or spent enough time with each other, either. Right, Rei-chan, Zen-kun?"

Rei asks "Huh…?"

Theodore spoke "Well then, we will maintain the exit as is for a while longer."

Rei asks "Oh…! Thank you! Then I… um… I want to walk around with everyone. I want to walk through the school with you guys… Please?"

Karei spoke "Of course! There were actually some displays I wanted to check out!"

Emerald spoke "Ohh, right. You haven’t been in any of them."

Karei spoke "Yeah. It was fun chatting with Fuuka-chan, but I wish I could’ve been with you guys!"

Fuuka giggles "Me too. You seemed like you were having so much fun going through that haunted house…"

Emerald asks "Did… you not hear us screaming in terror the whole time…?"

Fuuka asks "There don’t seem to be any Shadows around anymore, so we want to go too… Can we? Please?"

Spottedleaf spoke "It wasn't just us though. The Redux-verse, OC-verse and Genderswap-verse helped out too."

Twirama calls out "Come on guys! Let's have fun!!"

Redux-verse Twilight was in her hybrid form while eating a cob of corn.

Redux-verse Twilight spoke "Oh stars, this is good corn!"

Danyelle giggles "Heehee, okay. Let’s all go together."

Fuuka giggles "Great! Tell us everything that happened along the way."

Karei spoke "It’s decided, then! Please be our guides through the labyrinths!"

Twilight spoke "Least that madness is over."

“Yep.” I agreed as we went into a labyrinth called the “Group Date Cafe.” And yeesh, pretty awkward, even though the Shadows have completely disappeared.

We later went into the Evil Spirits Club.

Azure laughs "Ya, ya, ya, ya, yo! Everybody put their hooves, paws and claws together and clap 'em as loud as you can. Flap 'em, clap 'em. I don't care, slap 'em!"

Courtesy of Bubble Berry and the three Pinkies, the party was in full swing as everyone had a great time.

And not only were we having an awesome party, but we were now exploring the labyrinths freely.

Junpei asks "Looks like there aren’t any Shadows here anymore, so you’ll be fine now, right Yuka-tan?"

Yukari spoke "Don’t make fun of me. I just don’t like dark places. Actually, Kori-senpai was more freaked out than me. I’m positive."

Kori spoke "…I have no idea what you’re talking about."

I then decided to pull a “look behind you prank.”

Vince and OC-verse Sonic were both snickering.

“Behind you!” I yelped in fake-fear.

Kori spoke "……! H-Hmph. I won’t fall for such cheap trickery."

Aigis spoke "*Holding a doll with a springy left eye* Kori-saaaaan, help meeeee."

Kori spoke "*Fearfully runs* Nooooooooooo!"

Akihiko asks "…How did you scream like that?"

Shinjiro asks "*Hand on his own face* That’s your question…?"

Pony Marie asks "Hey, what’re you so scared of? Do you seriously think some ghosts are gonna pop up?"

Roll was flying about while singing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4X7ZvpwBiKA as folks cheer.

Blue Flame phases halfway through a wall, scaring Kori even more.

Pony Marie asks "…Oh. Hey, could Rei’s name be from the word for “ghost”?"

Rei asks "Eh?"

Zen spoke "…No.

Pony Marie asks "Then, what’s it mean?"

Zen spoke "…I won’t tell you.

Pony Marie spoke "*Blowing bubblegum* Hm… I thought it would’ve made for a good rhyme."

Rei asks "Oh, um, Marie? Can you teach me how to write poems?"

Pony Marie spoke "*blushes a bit out of embarrassment* Huh? What’re you talking about? Poetry isn’t taught. The words are supposed to just flow naturally.

Rei spoke "That’s so cool…!"

Theodore spoke "Interesting… Words flowing naturally from the mind… That’s quite deep."

Margaret spoke "Yes, deep indeed."

Elizabeth spoke "Too deep for me."

Pony Marie spoke "Hey, what’re you listening to us for!? C’mon, let’s go to the next one! Pronto!"

Miran spoke "Hehe, you never change, Marie."

We were soon at the food court on the rooftop.

Redux-verse Zoey was tearing into a tuna sandwich while a small black furred Mewtwo-alicorn hybrid with hot pink eyes was eating a fish.

Emerald sighs "So, this is the last time we get to eat the amazing food here… Okonomiyaki, yakisoba, ice cream…"

Ken asks "Huh? No mention of the meat?"

Isamu spoke "Yeah, you talked a whole lot about different kinds of meat, so Ken and I remembered all of them, Chie-chan."

Kaze spoke "What a useless lesson… Then again, we’re awfully familiar with the different types of protein now too."

Shinjiro spoke "He wouldn’t shut up about soybeans and milk and crap, right? Tch… Sorry about that. Try to forgive him."

Danyelle spoke "You know Kaze, I could ask Rising Sun to host a festival just like this in Ineighba with all kinds of food."

Kiko spoke "Don’t try to take him from me."

Teddie spoke "Gakky; you’re too soft on Akky. Don’t be so lenient, or he’s gonna get an even more swelled head."

Aigis spoke "According to my data, it says that you beg Kaze-san for ice cream every day, Teddie-san. In other words, you are an Ice Detective."

Sunao spoke*"Bead of sweat* What a wide range of usage for that “Ace Detective” joke…"

Danyelle spoke "Stars no Kiko, I'm a married she-cat with two kittens. I would never take someone else's love interest away."

Kiko spoke "Good."

Rei spoke "Let me try! Ice Detective...! *Pose!*"

Zen asks "...Like this? *Does the same pose*"

Junpei spoke "That ain't it!"

Yukari snickers "Snrk... Th-That's so lame...!"

Emerald giggles "Y-You shouldn't laugh... Heehee...!"

Snowfall giggles since Scorching had punted Kaze in the rear, causing him to crash into Kiko thus kissing her.

Spottedleaf giggles "Heehee! Look at those two hippogriffs."

Shinjiro spoke "Sheesh, it's almost over with and we're still clownin' around."

Kori asks "...It is almost over, isn't it?"

Shinjiro spoke "Anyway, thanks for your hard work, Yukan, Hapu, Seiko, Spottedleaf."

Yukan spoke "Well, I kinda wanna go and sleep."

Hapu spoke "I'm just glad I could help."

Shinjiro chuckles "Hahaha! You never change. That's what makes you two so reliable. When we go back, our mission goes on... I'm counting on you two."

Yukan simply nodded with a smile as Hapu blushed a bit with a smile.

We toured the Culture Festival with everyone and had fun with the party for along time before we were now at the food stalls hallway.

Spottedleaf asks "Hey Zen, do you know anything about a monster called Erebus?"

Zen spoke "No, I haven't heard of or know anything about it."

Spottedleaf spoke "Luna told me and Rainbow about it one time."

Spottedleaf opens a small window of magic to playback the dream she had.


Luna spoke "I know you think that those two statues might mean those ponies are dead, but they may return when the yearning for death fades."

But then we heard a monstrous roar before we saw what Rainbow couldn’t describe.

Luna spoke "That is Erebus, the will of the masses yearning for death and Nyx."

Spottedleaf was hissing as her fur fluffed up.

*end dream*

Zen spoke "...I have a feeling that they will be fended off."

Karei asks "Hey, I've got a great idea! Why don't we take a picture of all of us?"

Yukari spoke "Ooh, good idea! Let's see... There's no cameras here, so cell compact it is."

Emerald spoke "Okay then, everyone gather around! Wait... there's too many of us!"

Fuuka spoke "We won't fit if we line up... Besides, I'd like one where everyone is casual and relaxed."

Yukari spoke "Then, I guess everyone do whatever you want? C'mon, Team Velvet Room, you guys get in here too."

Trixie spoke "Yes!"

Elizabeth asks "Is that the device that takes souls from beings...?"

Theodore spoke "What are you talking about...? They're inviting us to join in, so let's do so."

Pony Marie spoke "Eh? M-Me too!? Well... okay. Yo, Theo, move out of the way. You're blocking me."

Aigis spoke "I will be conscious of the camera!"

Teddie spoke "I guess I'll let you and your she-dogfriend share the spotlight, you little mutt."

Koromaru and Tasuma barked happily at that before jumping on Teddie and Heifa as they licked the two beings.

Heifa spoke "Heehee! Easy, girl!"

Teddie laughs "Bleah! Y-You don't have to lick me! Please, not the faaaace!"

Fuuka spoke "I have a timer set, so get ready! Here it comes..."

We soon took a commemorative picture with everyone.

Margaret spoke "...I wonder if this will disappear as well."

Shima asks "Huh...?"

We were confused by that.

Twirama spoke "Even though it was brief, we all worked together to stop that mad god."

Spottedleaf uses a camera she had on hand to take a group shot of everyone together.

Spottedleaf laughs "Good thing I had a camera on hand!"

"But what're you talking about?" I asked.

Margaret spoke "This place will soon collapse and return to nothing. What happened in this world will be but a dream, destined to vanish by tomorrow. From within you as well..."

Sunao asks "Are you saying... that our memories will disappear?"

Margaret spoke "This world does not exist in the normal flow of time. That is why what was impossible became possible. Those rules won't apply once we step outside. The memories formed here cannot be taken back to your worlds."

Junpei asks "Wha...? Wait, for reals...?"

Ken spoke "But that's..."

Yukan spoke "I'm sure we'll meet again someday."

Hapu spoke "I believe that."

Seiko spoke "Yeah... I think so too."

Karei spoke "But we were getting to know each other so well..."

Fuuka spoke "Karei-chan... Still, I don't think it'll be like we never met. I'm glad that I met all of you. I'm sure that everyone feels that way, too. We became friends and companions... And feelings like that get sealed in the depths of our hearts. That's why, even if we lose our memories... I'm sure it'll be fine."

Seiko spoke "She's right. What happened here will have an effect on us from here on out... I truly believe that."

Putting the camera back in her hammerspace to prevent the photo from being erased, Spottedleaf spoke "If and/or when I have another kitten and it comes out a girl, I'd name her Rei."

Rei seemed a bit embarrassed at that, but also glad.

Kori spoke "If our meetings have changed us... then those changes cannot be undone. Even if you don't have the memories of the meeting itself..."

Yukari spoke "...Yeah."

Kori spoke "Let's go back. We'll go home and have our party. ...We won't forget."

We went into the Velvet Room as we were ready to bid farewell to Rei and Zen.

Rei asks "Everyone, thank you for everything until now. Um... Would you mind showing me your map?"

Yukan and Hapu asks "The map?"

Rei spoke "I want to see it... before I go."

Yukan and Hapu showed Rei the map they kept.

Rei spoke "*Tearfully* ......Thank you so much..."

Aigis asks "Rei-san... Why are you crying?"

Sunao spoke "...Zen-kun told me a little of Rei-san's life before she passed away. When she was young, she loved picture books, and dreamed of a happy marriage to her Prince Charming... And though she dreamed of going to school, she fell ill, and had no choice but to live at a hospital... She then passed away and a ceremony to put her soul to rest took place in this land. This parallels all the labyrinths that we found ourselves in. In other words... Rei-san... We experience your life for ourselves. Seen in that light, the maps we drew could be considered the tracks of Rei-san's life...

Zen spoke "...Not only Rei's. They are also the tracks of your lives as you navigated the labyrinths. One could say that everyone draws a map as they live their lives."

Junpei spoke "I feel like they're all mazes, though."

Zen spoke "I'm sure that you'll find it within yourselves to proceed down any path. You're not alone, after all."

Seiko spoke "Yeah... That's right."

Zen spoke "Allow me to thank you as well. And to apologize. I was the one who caused all this, yet you helped me. I will now take Rei and depart... to eternity."

Aigis asks "Eternity...?

Zen spoke "Where all life is born and returns to... I, too, will return there along with Rei. I'm no longer the Chronos that beings desired and gave birth to, you see."

Rei spoke "*Tearfully* Zen..."

Zen asks "Rei. Just as you lived, so did I live with you here. You gave me life. Did I live the best I could?"

Rei spoke "Mm-hm...!"

Zen spoke "Let's go... Philei."

Rei spoke "Philei... That's the name you gave me then..."

Zen spoke "It's your name... It means "love."

Rei spoke "Zen..."

Teddie spoke "Ooooooh... *Sniff* This is so mushy... *Sniff*"

Karei spoke "Geez, Teddie! This is the good part!"

Teddie spoke "*Sobbing* But... But... I can't believe we can't ever see them agaaaaaaiiin..."

Rei spoke "*Tearfully* Haha... I... I had a lot of fun. Thank you so much. Thank you...!"

Yukari spoke "This... really is goodbye, then..."

Aigis spoke "Rei-san, Zen-san... Farewell..."

Rei spoke "Bye-bye..."

Zen and Rei took each other's hooves as they went up the stairs before they completely faded away.

Fuuka spoke "*With tears* They're really gone."

Elizabeth spoke "It is time for us to go as well."

The Redux-verse gang had gone back to their universe as the OC-verse gang went back to theirs.

Vince spoke "Lest we forget..."

Scorching was teasing her sister.

Scorching spoke "You're one to talk Popsicle, you've got a huge crush on that Gareth guy!"

Snowfall spoke "Sh-shut up!"

Scorching spoke "Make me!"

The Icefire Sisters were soon in a fight cloud as they tumbled head over tails as they rolled towards where Mystery was, getting Gareth caught up in the tussle.

Soon enough, Snowfall was on her back while pinned down by Gareth.

Snowfall asks "Do you mind?"

Gareth spoke "Sorry."

Junpei spoke "So long, guys!"

Shinjiro spoke "Hey, thanks."

Ken spoke "Thank you so much!"

Isamu spoke "Yeah! It was so awesome!"

Kaze spoke "Welp, see ya!"

Kiko spoke "Until next time."

Sunao spoke "For now, please excuse us."

Teddie spoke "I'll see you next time, ladies!"

Heifa spoke "Heehee! You never change, Teddie. Later, you guys."

Kanji spoke "Thanks for everythin'!"

Akihiko spoke "We'll meet again soon."

Koromaru and Tasuma yip "Arf! Arf!"

Yukari spoke "See you again! For sure!"

Dorai spoke "Yep, next time."

Goryuu spoke "Hehe, no doubt."

Emerald spoke "Yeah, see you soon!"

Shima spoke "Thank you... It was fun!"

Kochuu spoke "No argument there."

Karei spoke "We gotta chat again sometime!"

Fuuka asks "Let's meet again for sure, okay?"

Yoso spoke "That's a promise."

Aigis spoke "This is not goodbye for us!"

Kori spoke "Well then, until next time."

Our group said their goodbyes as Twilight, Spottedleaf, Danyelle and I shook hands/hooves with Seiko, Miran. Yukan and Hapu.

Yukan spoke "Once we leave here, it's back to battle for each of us. We all have things we need to finish up."

Hapu spoke "Yeah, our jobs don't really end."

Seiko spoke "I'm proud to have met you all, and to have fought alongside you, as companions."

Miran spoke "No kidding, it was fun while it lasted."

Yukan spoke "...Take care."

Hapu spoke "...Until then."

Seiko spoke "We'll meet again... some day."

Miran spoke "This is goodbye... for now."

The four left through their respective doors as we left through ours, leaving only Elizabeth, Theodore, Margaret, Pony Marie and trice left.

Trixie spoke "This truly was a grand show, and it reached quite a spectacular close... When the curtain rises, it must also fall... I guess that's how the world works. When one show ends, another shall begin. When the finale comes back to the prelude... See you later."

The Velvet Room Residents then left through their respective doors before they closed.


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