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Return of Harmony

Author's Note:

Start of Season 2

*Yui's POV*

It was only a matter of time before my dad broke free of his prison. So I went to warn Celestia about it.

But when I got to her, I was kinda outta breath. Maybe I shouldn’t have eaten so many of those goodies from her dimension.

Pandora asks "You okay sweetie?"

“Yeah. I’m fine, mom. Just thinking I need to exercise more is all.” I answered.

Much to Pandora's surprise, Celestia's belly was bigger than it normally was.

And so was Luna’s belly.

Celestia giggles "You seem happy sister."

Luna giggled back. "And you seem as happy as I am."

Celestia giggles "That makes what, twelve or so alicorns now?"

Luna giggles back again. "Who can say for sure. *Mischievous smirk* But are you thinking what I'm thinking, Celestia?"

Celestia smiled with that same mischievous smirk, "Oh, I am, Luna. I most certainly am. And I think Pyre and Noble will love it."

I ask "what are you giggling about?"

Celestia spoke "Oh, you are too young for that at the moment. But when you fall in love with someone, we'll invite Cadence so we can talk."

Luna spoke "Let's just say that Celly and I have special plans for our husbands in a single room. One neither of them will forget ever."

I spoke "I may look young but I'm 2000 years old."

Pandora spoke "Now now, Yui. You haven't found love yet."

I spoke "I know mom but there aren't that many Draconequi left."

Pandora asks "Now who says your true love has to be a Draconequus?"

I spoke "Immortal remember? I want a partner to stay by my side for years and not wither away of old age."

Pandora spoke "Still. That seems rather unfair."

A random guard spoke "Princesses! I bring news! Discord has escaped!"

“Talk about timing.” I noted.

Pandora spoke "About time too. Let's go Yui, I think it's time we had a little family reunion."

And so, I head off to Ponyville with my mom.

But then I suddenly got worried as I felt something wrong.

“We need to hurry!” I urged.

Pandora spoke "Full speed ahead!"

The two soon arrive in Ponyville, only to find it chaotic.

Spottedleaf was hissing at Featherwhisker since her personality got flipped.

Azure’s personality wasn’t flipped, but he was as slow as a sloth now. Even his voice was deep and slow.

The infants were left alone though but the nine of them were huddled together in a group since they were scared.

Quick Fix "Ow!"

Quick Fix had one tail, but four wings.

Flintfur was cowering behind Twilight's house.

Pandora spoke "DISCORD!!!"

But then a beam whizzed past us as we saw Discord with dull emotionless red eyes. Something’s wrong with my dad!

OC-verse Danyelle flew out of a warp ring before hitting Discord with Chaos Heal.

Then something fell off the back of Discord’s neck before it exploded, erasing itself.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "That should take care of whatever the hell that was."

But then Discord was suddenly sleeping.

Ears twitching, OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Whoever is hiding, show yourselves!"

But then a small robotic bug appeared.

Thanks to her lightning-fast reflexes, OC-verse Danyelle burns the robot with her fire.

It soon self-destructed.

Pandora snaps her fingers, causing a bucket of ice water to fall on Discord.

Then Discord was seen, frozen, shivering and wide awake.

Pandora asks "Discord?"

Discord groans "*Unfreeze* Wait, Pandora?"

I spoke "*tears in eyes* Daddy..."

Discord asks "Wait… Yui?"

I dropped my pony disguise.

I spoke "I missed you..."

Discord spoke "Y-You grew so much…"

A frightened meow was heard since Hawkbreeze was scared of how mean Fluttershy had become.

Discord asks "Huh? What happened?"

Yellowfang snarls "YA CAUSED THIS TA HAPPEN!"

Discord spoke "Wait-what?! Last thing I remember I was still trapped in stone, then I found myself sleeping in the air here."

Yellowfang snarls "YA FOXHEARTED LIAR!!"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I don't believe you."

Discord spoke "No! I’m serious! Everything went black after something latched onto the back of my stoned neck!"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "And when I sensed it, I came to this world immediately and hit you with a Chaos Heal attack which caused it to fall off and explode..."

Discord sighs "Oh well."

Discord snapped his fingers, returning everything to normal.

Discord spoke "It’s still good to be back. But it’s better to be back with my family."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "And that's what really matters."

Mom suddenly smirked before putting her hands on Dad’s shoulders. “You know, Dissy. I have plans for the two of us tonight, and I think I know exactly what we’re gonna do.”

That got Discord’s attention.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "The folks of my world call me the Nekomata of Redemption."

Discord spoke "Hmm… Maybe your counterpart here could be the Abyssinian of Redemption, or it could be Spotted. But anyways you’ve gained my attention, Panny, so what do you have in mind."

Pandora purrs "Well… *As she and Discord wrapped around each other* We’re going to pay a little visit to Celly and Lulu, and then I’ll tell you the rest, you big bad boy."

Discord spoke "Oh, how I love it when you get all naughty, Pandora."

I spoke "Dad! Not in front of the kids!"

Pandora spoke "Oh, don’t worry, Yui. Your father and I are only giving each other some love."

Discord asks "Oh! Right! I haven’t seen those two in quite a while! Should we all visit them?"

I realized that my dad was also referring to the Elements of Harmony as a part of “we all.”

A mare's voice spoke "STONE HIM!"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "SIT GIRL!!"

Twilight was soon face down on the ground.

Spottedleaf spoke "I think you jumped to conclusions again, Twi."

Danyelle spoke "I agree."

Spottedleaf spoke "But I guess we could visit Celestia and Luna."

Danyelle's left ear twitches before she flew off into the Everfree Forest.

Danyelle thinks "{Where is that sound coming from?}"

The winged Abyssinian's left ear twitches again when she heard the sound of a foal crying.

Danyelle gasps "{Oh no! She's about to be eaten by Timber wolves!}"

The winged Abyssinian flew at the foal, grabbing her before the timber wolves could attack.

Holding the crying foal close to her chest, Danyelle growls "BEAT IT YOU WOODEN MUTTS!"

The Timberwolves growled as they lunged at the Abyssinian.

Danyelle threw a lightning bolt at one timber wolf, causing it to explode.

Danyelle asks "Any mutt else want a lightning bolt in the face?"

The other Timberwolves growled as they retreated.

But then Danyelle heard coughing.

Moving the foal onto her back, Danyelle lifted the log off the injured mare.

Danyelle spoke "Miss! Hang in there!"

The dying mare spoke "*Cough!* I’m sorry… *Cough! Cough!* But it’s too late for me. With my wounds and my illness, it would be a miracle itself to live for another few minutes."

Danyelle spoke "Like hay I'm gonna let you die!"

Danyelle picks the mare up and flew as fast as she could while carrying the foal straight to the hospital.

After a few minutes, Danyelle was requested to see the mare with the foal.

Danyelle asks "How is she Redheart?"

Redheart spoke "*Shakes her head* Not much time left. She was poisoned, but the poison itself we know nothing of. She asked to see you and this foal one more time before she…"

Danyelle spoke "Cuss it all! We need someone with poison affinity to help her... Or maybe..."

Featherwhisker skids to a stop while carrying a good handful of yarrow.

Featherwhisker asks "Would this help the poisoned pony?"

Danyelle spoke "I’m not sure, but I hope so…"

Featherwhisker spoke "Only one way to find out."

The silver-gray tom crushes the yarrow to a pulp before feeding it to the poisoned mare.

Featherwhisker spoke "I'm gonna need something for her to throw up into!"

Redheart brought out a bucket.

Featherwhisker puts the bucket under the mare's chin before she threw up the toxins in her body.

The mare spoke "*Cough! Cough! Cough! Cough! Cough!* That reeks!"

Putting a lid on the bucket after taking it and passing it to Yellowfang who took it away, Featherwhisker asks "Are you okay?"

The mare groans "Ugh… What happened?"

Featherwhisker spoke "I suspect you might have eaten a toxic plant though."

The mare asks "Huh?"

Featherwhisker spoke "Meadow saffron is rather toxic to all animals though and I had to get it out of your stomach with some yarrow I had on paw."

Danyelle was carrying a sleeping Cozy in her arms.

Featherwhisker spoke "If it wasn't for this brave cat reacting when she did, you would have died."

The mare spoke "Thank you. Thank you so much…"

Danyelle spoke "No problem miss, I had to scare off those timber wolves too."

The mare spoke "Oh! I’m sorry, I forgot to introduce myself."

Danyelle spoke "I'm Danyelle Hikari."

Jewel spoke "My name is Orchid Jewel, and the foal you’re carrying is my blood daughter, Cozy Glow."

Danyelle asks "If it's too painful to talk about, what happened to your husband?"

Orchid looked away with a scowl at that.

Cozy started to cry.

Orchid gently grabbed Cozy and rocked her softly, calming her down as the mare quietly shushed. “It’s okay, Cozy. He won’t be here to hurt you.”

Ears flattening in anger, Danyelle spoke "Judging by your behavior, your ex-husband was a jerk."

Orchid spoke "Yes. All because our child was a Pegasus filly. But I love my daughter with all my heart, no matter what Pony she is."

Danyelle spoke "If that jerk comes near you or Cozy, I'll electrocute him to the point he can't move."

Orchid asks "*Smile* Thanks. I appreciate that. But… *Gloomily* Will I ever find love again?"

Featherwhisker spoke "I'm sure you will miss Orchid."

Orchid spoke "*Light blush* T-Thank you."

Danyelle slightly giggled before she flew back to us, ready to visit the Celestial Sisters.

Featherwhisker spoke "I'm not much of a fighter but I will do what I can to keep you and your daughter safe."

Danyelle asks "Hey Pinkie, do you know anypony named Stardust Sweeper?"

Pinkie spoke "Hmm… Nopey dopey! Doesn’t ring a bell!"

Danyelle spoke "Maybe the Princesses might know."

“Well, let’s get going.” I said as we went off to Canterlot.

After a while, we got to the throne room before I noticed the pudgy locked door shaking, so I decided to look into it.

Spottedleaf spoke "I have a bad feeling about that door..."


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