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Circus Performer, a Gang Member?

*Crosswind’s POV*

Well, Applejack, myself and our group were headin’ to New Mareidian on our zeppelin.

Appleseed was playing with hir mother's tail.

“Somethin’ wrong, AJ?” I asked my mate.

Applejack spoke "It’s just… when we told Granny Smith that we were headin’ ta New Mareidian, she was mighty worried, like if she remembered something horrible."

Pebble spoke "Eyup and I got a call from your ma about something."

Applejack asks "Which was?"

Pebble held up his magic compact, showing an image of two more alicorns. One of which was very familiar to Applejack.

Flattening my ears, I spoke "freak out in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

Applejack fainted on her hooves and didn’t fall down to the floor.

I ask "AJ?"

Applebloom showed up. “Somethin’ happened?”

Pebble spoke "We got two more alicorns, mare and stallion... But, Applejack fainted when I showed her an image of the stallion."

Applebloom asks "Who?"

Pebble spoke "Red fur, orange mane, apple cutie mark."

Applebloom gasps "That’s Big Mac!"

Pebble spoke "The other one is that Starlight found. She used to be a unicorn with a talent for making baked goods, and her name’s Sugar Belle."

My left ear twitches since I heard carnival music.

Izzy spoke "Wow! There’s a circus tent in New Mareidian! We gotta find seats to watch the show!"

I spoke "But getting tickets is hard though, even with three princesses around."

Applejack woke up. “We should at least check it out though. In case anything’s wrong.”

Pebble spoke "I can blend into the shadows though."

Since his affinity was darkness, Pebble disappears into the shadows before sneaking past the bouncers.

“Smart cat.” I noted.

Applejack spoke "It's all on him now since them bouncers won't let us in without a ticket."

*Pebble’s POV*

There, I’m in. Now to find out what’s going on.

I kept hidden as I checked things out.

I watched the whole show/performance, and I had to admit, it was pretty spectacular. But what stood out was a diamond dog bitch that had black fur with some of her hair tied up in a sharp ponytail, wearing purple eye-shadow, while her outfit was a bright orange strapless low-cut mini-dress, with a band of cloth with an orange and black triangle pattern around her upper-arms, billowing cream sleeves, maroon appendages on the cuffs, and a black choker, black thigh-length boots, with an orange diamond pattern along the length of each boot, that are pointed at the ends, that were similar to medieval crakows.

I followed the performers to another tent, before I saw the diamond dog talking to a female Ornithian/Dragon Hybrid with white and black scales and feathers, wearing iron wristbands, red sleeveless Chineighse top, black Chineighse long pants with both the top and pants showing her hips a bit.

The hybrid spoke "Wow! Nice job, Shizu! You really wowed the audience."

The diamond dog known as Shizu hugged the hybrid. “Aww, thanks Feng. But you were pretty awesome out there too.”

A purple furred Diamond Dog bitch spoke "I heard rumors that a trio of princesses have shown up but they weren't allowed in."

Shizu gasps "What?! Are those bouncers crazy?!"

Feng asks "Yeah, that’s really not fair. Whaddya ya say the three of us find them?"

A red furred Diamond Dog male spoke "But they didn't have tickets though. Plus Hakurou would have my hide if I let them in without a ticket!"

A pink furred Diamond Dog bitch spoke "You're one to talk Benimaru, I saw you eyeing that purple alicorn."

Benimaru spoke "Can it Shuna."

Feng giggled at that.

Benimaru spoke "Do not make Shion stuff a Mystery Food X down your throat Feng."

Shion growls "Shut up Benimaru!"

Benimaru spoke "Make me bitch."

The two Diamond Dogs got into a fight cloud as they argued.

Shizu sighs "Cut it… OUT!!!"

Shuna spoke "They fight like this all the time..."

The two dogs kept fighting with each other.

A rope had snapped.

I leapt out of the shadows, tackling Shizu out of harm's way.

Shizu gasps "What the?!"

Shuna asks "You okay Shizu?"

Shizu asks "Yeah, but what was that?"

Benimaru spoke "Seems we got a killer on the loose."

I tried to find who was responsible, but I couldn’t sense it at all.

Shion suddenly goes missing.

Shizu asks "Shion?"

Shuna was shaking.

Benimaru spoke "Something is picking us off one by one!"

Shizu was getting angry.

A light blue furred paw was on Shizu's shoulder.

A light blue furred Diamond Dog male spoke "Calm down Shizu, we'll find Shion."

Shizu spoke "Rimuru…"

Rimuru spoke "Shizu..."

Rimuru shares a gentle kiss with Shizu.

Shizu asks "*Frustrated* Gah! What was that for?!"

Rimuru chuckles "Don’t worry. I was only joking."

Shizu spoke "You’d better."

Man, Shizu, Feng and Rimuru are like siblings.

Applejack spoke "Oh wow, Ah can tell that was a total lie."

Rimuru asks "Huh?"

Applejack spoke "Ah'm Princess Applejack, alicorn of honesty. Ah'm no Cadence but even Ah can tell that the light blue furred male has it bad for the black furred bitch."

Rimuru was definitely caught off guard by that.

Shizu had a bright blush on her face.

Shizu asks "C-Can we just find Shion already?"

Izzy spoke "Yeah but we don't know where she is."

Applebloom spoke "I have a bad feeling about all this..."

But then Applebloom clutched her chest in some kinda pain before she went somewhere as we followed her.

I spoke "I think we might be dealing with an untouchable prick soon."

We followed Applebloom as she froze after digging up something as we saw… a coffin?

Applejack spoke "Somethin’ odd’s goin’ on here."

My fur was fully bristled up since I had a bad feeling.

I spoke "I think the mafia's pissed that there are so many alicorns now..."

Shizu spoke "Wait, Vitalneigh never mentioned that."

We carefully opened the coffin to see… a corpse of an alicorn mare with her closed eyes, but her mouth was sewn shut and some kind of serpentine creature that goes through her right ear and out of a hole on the left side of her head coiled around her, while neither of them were rotting one bit. She must’ve been shot through the head. We noticed her having lavender blue fur, faded bluish-purple mane and tail with bangs kept to the left side of her face, covering her left eye while having a right pigtail as she was wearing’ a lower half of a dress endin’ in frills and a dress like top with a skull coverin’ her chest while her hind legs with in red stockings with white stripes as a little below the shoulders of her front legs were disconnected white sleeves with red stripes and some flared fur at the hoof-end of those sleeves, concealing her front legs.

I spoke "Oh StarClan no...."

Rimuru spoke "This was probably a warning to all alicorns..."

Applejack spoke "Ah'd better patch through to Celestia and tell 'er what happened."

Applebloom however kept looking at the body as her cutie mark briefly became distorted before it was back to normal.

I ask "How long ago was this mare killed?"

Applebloom spoke "14 years ago. Don’t ask me how Ah know. Ah just… know."

I ran some tests on the dead mare before having the samples shipped off to Celestia for further tests.

I spoke "14 years you say? That was four years before Spottedleaf came to this world."

But then Applejack’s compact went off as she opened it, seeing Celestia.

Celestia asks "How did you find her?"

I spoke "Applebloom found her in a coffin. My guess was that the nameless mare died from a gunshot wound four years prior to Spottedleaf's reincarnation. I suspect that there's a mafia that hates the fact more and more alicorns are appearing."

Celestia spoke "I know when she died because… I knew her and the parasite that hosted her father before… New Mareidian isn’t the best place to discuss this. You and your group are to come back to Canterlot so we can discuss this privately."

I spoke "With all due respect Princess, we have a small pack of Diamond Dogs that can't leave the circus because of the mafia... A light purple furred bitch was recently taken hostage."

Celestia spoke "Tch. That fool Lorenzo. Even now… Very well. You are to save the diamond dog and find a way to take the circus with you on your way back."

Shizu spoke "Hold on a sec! What the hell’s goin’ on here?! Take the circus with you? We’re not going anywhere! Not after Vitalneigh saved my life!"

Celestia spoke "You don’t know, do you? *Sigh* Applejack, please try to convince her to calm down. If push comes to shove, you may have to fight her."

Shizu spoke "Oh you’ll be fighting me alright!"

Rimuru spoke "Shizu, calm down. It would do us no good if Lorenzo killed us..."

I ask "Think about it miss, would you want pups to grow up in a place like this?"

Shizu spoke "But Vitalneigh took me in after my home was destroyed! Even though he is Lorenzo’s son!"

Celestia spoke "Believe me when I tell you this, Vitalneigh is just as manipulating as his father. He let you take that job in the mafia because of your abilities with your Living Weapon Vice-Versa as he saw them as a way to maintain his own and his father’s control over the mafia."

Shizu spoke "No… You’re lying…!"

Shizu was definitely conflicted, telling us that she was definitely naive.

Applejack spoke "Listen Shizu, we alicorns are tryin' ta find a way ta stop the mafia since they don't like the fact that there's about 60 of us now. And that's not countin' the foals though. Ah'm not one ta lie to anycreature."

Rimuru spoke "Give Shizu some time. I never trusted the Medici Mafia in the first place however."

Benimaru spoke "Shuna and I are both orphans though but we don't trust the mafia."

Shuna was shaking since she was scared.

I disappear into the shadows before reappearing inside a barrel so I could overhear Lorenzo's plans.

Lorenzo spoke "Grr…!!! Those pesky alicorns! They’re becoming rats!"

Vitalneigh spoke "Indeed, father. I believe it is time to find the Life Gem and reclaim it as well as finding her and the Skull Heart in order to make sure none of them are a match for the Medicis."

Lorenzo spoke "Then bring me Shizu as soon as her next show tomorrow night is over! That cat burglar must be taken care off for good!"

A female voice spoke "I’d be wise to watch my words, Lorenzo. There could be unwanted ears listening."

Lorenzo gasps "A spy?! Here?!"

The female spoke "Don’t worry, I’m make sure our shadowy friend is brought to light."

Vitalneigh spoke "As always, you never fail to impress, Black Dahlia."

I shot a shadow bullet through Dahlia's head, killing her.

I made my escape, not knowing what really happened.

Vitalneigh spoke "So the cat has some claws."

I made it back to the others.

“We got trouble.” I said.

Applejack spoke "Oh fudged up cracked knives..."

Applejack immediately pulls a conference call to all the other alicorns, asking them to come to New Mareidian right away since a war was close to breaking out.

Celestia spoke "I thought I told you New Mareidian wasn’t the best place to discuss this."

Applejack spoke "Ah know but the stupid tom set off a war wit the mafia! They won't let us leave now!"

Applebloom spoke "Wait… They’re… doin’ nothin’."

Shion snaps "LET ME GO YA F-ED UP JERK!!!"

The mafia goon snaps "Eh shut ya trap, ya mook. You and yer group are gettin’ too suspicious, so the boss wants us to make an example o’ ya."

A warp ring opens up before OC-verse Twilight and OC-verse Danyelle step out from it.

OC-verse Twilight snarls "Let the bitch go right now you jerk!"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "OR ELSE!"

Mafia goon retorts "Or else what?"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "You're asking for it jerk."

A swirl of fire engulfs OC-verse Twilight as she transformed into Twirama before roaring loud at the goon, causing him to wet himself in fear.

The Goon yelps "Fine! Take her! I’m getting outta here! *Fearful yelp*"

Twirama snarls "And the other slaves are to be freed as well!"

But the goon was already long gone.

Twirama growls "What a wuss."

A voice spoke "Squigly!"

We heard groggy groaning.

Twirama's fur was fully fluffed up, as was my fur and OC-verse Danyelle's fur.

We turned around and to our shock, was the alicorn corpse we saw earlier as she was moving like a living being, same with the serpentine creature.

The serpentine creature spoke "Ah, thank goodness. You have awoken."

The alicorn mare thoughtspoke "Le… viathan…? *Smile* You really did stay with me."

We were surprised at her thought-speaking.

Leviathan spoke "*Smiles back* Naturally."

Twirama asks the mare via telepathy "{Who are you?}"

The mare thoughtspoke "Oh! My apologies for not noticing any of you. Ripplebreeze Contiello, but please, call me Squigly."

Twirama spoke via telepathy "{I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle but call me Twirama so I'm not mistaken for another Twilight. The gryphon-nekomata-alicorn mix is Alpha-Queen Danyelle.}"

Leviathan spoke "I see. That is admittedly quite a lot to comprehend. My goodness, Squigly! It seems you have had some changes while we were resting."

Squigly gasps "When did I get wings and a horn?"

I spoke "14 years ago but Princess Celestia was unaware."

Twirama spoke "{He said that it was 14 years ago.}"

Leviathan spoke "Please pardon my response, but Squigly already heard what you said once."

Squigly nodded in agreement.

I spoke "I'm Pebble Heart."

The rest of us introduced ourselves to Squigly and Leviathan as the latter was revealed to be a serpentine parasite.

Leviathan spoke "However, if Squigly and I have returned, there can only be one reason. But for now, she doesn’t seem to be taking any action at the moment. I suggest we retreat for now and discuss the situation."

Squigly spoke "Leviathan is right about that. So we must go to a different location and figure out what we must do."

Twirama spoke "But as leader of the OC-verse's Pony Guard, I don't run from a fight."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "But think about it, the Mafia aren’t doing anything, so there isn’t a fight happening right now."

Twirama retorts "You're one to talk fuzzball, remember the exploding cake?"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Don’t get me started on that!"

I ask "Exploding cake?"

Twirama and OC-Verse Danyelle spoke "Don’t ask."

Applejack spoke "Ah bet it had somethin' ta do wit' the Roar."

Celestia called again.

Applejack asks "Hey Celestia, pay no mind ta the nine tailed fox thing behind me. What's up?"

Celestia spoke "I just sensed a new alicorn with you."

Squigly asks "That voice… Celestia?"

Leviathan spoke "Celestia, it has been quite some time."

Celestia asks "Squigly? Leviathan? Is that really you?"

Squigly spoke "Of course it is, Celly."

Applejack spoke "She's been one fer 14 years."

Celestia spoke "It must’ve happened after… Return to Canterlot with Squigly, Leviathan and the circus with its performers now."

I can tell Celestia was dead-serious about that, seriously spooking Twirama.

Twirama charges up her magic before teleporting with the diamond dogs, Abyssinian, nekomata and the four alicorns straight to Canterlot.

Twirama asks "Okay, what next?"

Celestia asks "Huh? Who’re you?"

Applejack spoke "Different Twilight but she goes by Twirama so we don't mistake her fer our world's Twilight."

I looked outside as I saw the circus that was at New Mareidian in Ponyville.

Twirama shifts back to partial kyubi form since her full size left barely any space for the others.

OC-Verse Danyelle spoke "Thank you."

Twirama spoke "Fuzzball."

Even our zeppelin was with us outside the castle.

Celestia spoke "Look, thank you for teleporting them here so quickly, but this isn’t your universe’s fight, it’s ours."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Twirama and I know that but it's kind of our fight too since Zelestia asked us to help you out. We can't say no to a Zone Cop, especially not one that's the chief."

Vera appeared. “Geez, can’t Zelestia relax and let the sands fall where they may?”

A clothed foreleg clonks Vera on the head, knocking her out.

Stepping through a portal, Zelestia spoke "I can't have a moment's break since there are countless zones out across the multiverse. There's one zone where roles are reversed, meaning good guys are evil and bad guys are good."

Vera spoke "Now THAT is a true mirror universe where everything is opposite. I just hope there isn’t a Mirror of Mystery."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I've beaten Scourge up a few times whenever I saw the green hedgehog... But given that Moebius is tethered to my universe's Mobius, anyone that turns bad in my world... the opposite will happen in Moebius. But if someone turned good, the opposite will happen... Basically... If my universe's Chrysalis turns good, Anti-Chrysalis turns bad."

Celestia spoke "But enough of that!"

Zelestia spoke "Agreed but with the other alicorns still scattered, you will need help from the Nine Tailed Terror."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Okay, but we could be on a time-limit here, because we might get sucked back into our universes for quite some time."

Twirama spoke "But my counterpart doesn't have a kyubi form, and you know that Dany!"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I do, but there is also a ton more alicorns, not to mention stronger fighters among them."

I spoke "But Fluttershy's not a fighter, she'll be too busy protecting the children. Someone will have to take her spot in combat."

Applejack spoke "But the others might be busy and it could take a while for them ta come back."

OC-verse Danyelle teleported off via Chaos Control, tracking down the rest of the alicorns and bringing them all back to Canterlot.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I got them all."

Applejack just facehoofed.

Rainbow Dash asks "What gives?! We were doing something actually important ya know?"

Rarity spoke "That was indeed rude."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, definitely gotta agree with that."

Talk about terrible timing.

Twirama explained the entire situation to the other alicorns.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "So yeah, the Medici Mafia is pissed that more and more alicorns are appearing. If my dimensional scream is right, they plan to wipe out all of the alicorns...It doesn't matter if the alicorn is adult, teen, child, foal or even a hybrid... Tribrid in my case... The mafia won't care!"

A voice spoke "Really? The Medici are on the loose? Bloodying those goons sound like a hoot! Even during Skullgirl Season!"

Twirama asks "…I see some new faces. So what happened?"

Pinkie spoke "Long story."

Danyelle spoke "We have to stop them!"


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