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Best Night Ever

*Spottedleaf’s POV*

Well, tonight’s the night.

Featherwhisker asks "Why are you and ther others getting dressed up?"

“Tonight’s the Grand Galloping Gala.” I answered.

Twilight pulls me aside.

Twilight spoke "Spotty, you do realize that neither Yellowfang nor the silver-gray tom have been to the Gala before right? It's an unknown concept for them, just as it had been for you 10 years ago."

“I know.” I responded.

Twilight spoke "The night after the ordeal of nearly losing Fluttershy, I had a dream. I saw my two foals that hadn't survived and both of them looked as healthy as full grown ponies. Plus Moon Flower had a warning for me too."

“What was it? It could’ve been a vision.” I noted.

Twilight spoke "It was but I couldn't understand what she warned me about."

“Whatever it was, it couldn’t have been good.” I said.

Twilight spoke "I just hope we don't run into Blueblood tonight..."

“Ditto. I can’t stand that royal pain in the flank.” I agreed.

Twilight spoke "He was the reason why Flash had been assigned as your bodyguard."

"What?! But he's your husband!" I pointed out.

Twilight spoke "I meant back when we first moved to Ponyville..."

"I know. But still..." I noted.

Twilight spoke "You're not much of a fighter though Spottedleaf. And remember the last Gala? The fur on your back had gotten caught up in the dang zipper and I had to take the scissors to your fur just to get you out of the dress afterwards."

"Please don't remind me." I groaned.

Twilight spoke "Sorry for bringing it up."

"No biggie." I responded.

Twilight spoke "Moon also warned me about a dark tabby with rather long claws..."

For some reason, a shiver shot down my spine as my fur stood on end.

Even the fur on Yellowfang and Featherwhisker had fluffed up since they were also afraid.

I spoke "We should be careful, we don't know where and when Tigerclaw will attack."

Twilight spoke "Right."

I spoke "But Yellowfang, Featherwhisker and I aren't fighters though so we might need help."

Frostleaf showed up. “I’d be more than happy to help, Spotty.”

*Swoon!* My husband, Frosty…

My eyes flash white all of a sudden as I found myself in my old form since I had gotten a message from StarClan.

I ask "Anycat there?"

An unknown voice meows "…Spottedleaf…"

I ask "Is that you Bluestar? Or is that Firestar?"

The voice meows "…My daughter…"

I gasp "Adderfang?"

Adderfang meows "That’s right, Spottedleaf."

I soon saw Adderfang, before I saw my mom, Swiftbreeze.

I dart over to my parents before nuzzling them.

Thunder meows "Spottedleaf, you should be wary of dark claws hiding in the shadows."

I ask "Dark claws?"

Thunder meows "Indeed."

Swiftbreeze mews "We miss you so much, our little Spot."

I meow "It can't have been Scourge, I saw the darkness get ripped out of him by my new friends."

Adderfang meows "It could be someone else we don’t know."

Swiftbreeze mews "*Sniff* Oh my. And by your scent, you have a mate now."

I giggle "And I'm in a new Clan now, the current lead is Blizzardstar. but it's not the same Blizzardstar that was a ShadowClan leader."

Adderfang asks "Oh?"

I meow "And if you see Firestar, tell him that I'm doing well."

I soon found myself snapping back to reality.

I spoke "Twilight, I got a message from my parents. They said to be wary of dark claws hiding in the shadows."

Twilight asks "*Confused* Uh… Not to be rude, but is that some kind of riddle?"

Featherwhisker spoke "It was an omen from StarClan."

Twilight spoke "Oh."

To Twilight's surprise, the knots had been brushed out of Yellowfang's fur since the dark gray she-cat was wearing a gala dress.

After the incident with Opal and a few mice, Swiftrunner offered to pull the carriage to Canterlot.

"Sure thing, Swift." I smiled.

Twilight spoke "We should get ready."

*Meanwhile in Canterlot,*

Scourge had locked himself in a room since he had gotten into trouble with Blueblood.

Blueblood asks "Where is that little brat?"

Scourge scarcely thought to himself, "Please! Someone! Anyone! Help me!"

I teleported from where I was to in front of Blueblood.

Ears flatten, I growl "Back off Blueballs, he's JUST a frightened child!"

Blueblood scoffs "Hmph! He is just a monster, you rat!"

I snarl "Do you WANT to be electrocuted again?"

I flare my wings out wide, startling the snobbish unicorn stallion.

Blueblood scoffs "HMPH!!! I don't have time to deal with a commoner!"

A fist had punched Blueblood in the face, knocking him backwards.

Stepping through a warp ring despite being in werehog form, Sonic growls "Watch who you're calling a rat you jerk."

Blueblood spoke "Grr! Another monster!"

Sonic roars loud at Blueblood, causing the stallion to wet himself.

Sonic spoke "I can't control how I look and the only monster is you!"

Sonic punched Blueblood, sending him away.

Sonic spoke "Once a spoiled jerk, always a spoiled jerk."

I ask "You okay Flintfur?"

Flintfur stammers "U-Uh-huh."

I unlock the door with magic before walking with the newly named Flintfur over to where Celestia was.

I spoke "Princess Celestia, we need to have a talk about Blueblood."

Princess Celestia sighs "What did my nephew do this time?"

Flintfur stammers "H-he called me a r-rat..."

Princess Celestia facehoofed at that.

I spoke "But he got punched by a lycan though."

Flintfur spoke "H-he doesn't like me at all..."

Celestia sighs "I seriously need to have a chat with that nephew of mine soon. I'm terribly sorry about that. But Blueblood never trusted the underclass, no offense to anyone here."

I spoke "He doesn't like me either since I'm not technically a verified princess."

I unfurl my left wing, revealing that I was half alicorn to Celestia.

Celestia's jaw dropped at that.

Flintfur's fur bristles up suddenly as he hid behind me.

I growl "Clearly, you didn't learn your lesson though Blueballs!"

Celestia spoke "I'll take care of this."

Celestia teleported herself and Blueblood to a private room.

I try to calm Flintfur down.

I spoke "Oh hi Princess Luna."

Luna asks "What's going on?"

I explained what Blueblood had said.

Ears flatten, I spoke "He called Flintfur a rat... But then, this odd lycan punched him through a wall."

Sonic asks "Well you don't really know me, but remember Azure?"

Luna spoke "There's something familiar about you but I can't quite put my hoof on it..."

OC-verse Danyelle grabs Sonic by the tail, dragging him back through a warp ring.

OC-Verse Danyelle spoke "Sorry about that."

I spoke "No worries."

*Meanwhile in the garden*

Flowerstep spoke "Listen Fluttershy, you have to let the animals come to you since they don't know you. Let them make the choice."

Fluttershy spoke "O-Okay."

Philomena was soon on Fluttershy's head.

Fluttershy spoke "Aww…"

Flowerstep spoke "You just have to be patient with animals."

I flew down to Fluttershy while carrying Flintfur in my arms.

I spoke "Hey Fluttershy, I'm glad you're okay."

Fluttershy spoke "Hi, Spottedleaf."

I spoke "If Yellowfang, Featherwhisker and I hadn't worked our tails off to save you, who knows what could have happened."

Fluttershy spoke "Please. Don’t remind me. I wanna live for my family and friends, so I know I have to get stronger."

I spoke "Medicine cats like me, Yellowfang and Featherwhisker aren't fighters though. If I die in battle, I can't go to StarClan. You see that swath of stars in the sky? That's what I call Silverpelt, it's the home of the cats that are dead."

Fluttershy spoke "O-Oh… I-I’m sorry. I just don’t wanna worry my friends and family like that ever again."

I spoke "Plus I also got a warning too. I have to be wary of dark claws hiding in the shadows."

Fluttershy got scared at that.

I spoke "I know it wouldn't be Flintfur since he had the darkness in his heart ripped out when Luna got purified."

Flowerstep asks "But then who?"

Ears flatten, I spoke "It's somecat I once knew..."

Fluttershy asks "Huh?"

Flintfur stammers "Tigerclaw..."

I spoke "He's planning to strike soon..."

Flowerstep asks "Any idea on how to stop him?"

“Not sure. But I think we may need help.” I answered.

Flintfur spoke "I c-can't be of any h-help..."

“Don’t worry, Flintfur. We’ll keep you safe.” I assured the young tom.

After the disaster that was the Gala, the ponies and I spent the remainder of the night at Pony Joe's donut shop.


Author's Note:

End of Season 1

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