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Baby Cakes

*Foxsong's POV*

I excitedly spoke "Howdy Pear Butter! I have great news! Mrs Cake had twins!"

Next thing I knew, Pear Butter held onto my face very tightly in excitement.

Pear Butter excitedly asks "Areyouserious?! Wherearethey?! Wherewherewhere?!"

Applejack spoke "Ma, calm down. Yer scarin' the mare."

“Newborn baby nursery at Ponyville Hospital.” I answered before Pear Butter flew off as fast as Rainbow Dash.

Applebloom asks "Big sis, is it just me, or did Ma act like Pinkie for a sec there?"

Applejack spoke "She and Mrs Cake have been friends fer years."

*At the hospital*

Spottedleaf had to restrain Pinkie since the hyper pink pony was giving Redheart a hard time.

Rainbow Dash asks "Anyone else feeling a huge breeze coming in?"

Spottedleaf spoke "Incoming alicorn!"

Next thing the group knew, they were knocked into a pile by a hyper-excited alicorn mare.

Twilight spoke "Spottedleaf, you have five seconds to get your butt out of my face."

Spottedleaf spoke "Sorry!"

The group struggled to get out of the pile while Pear Butter and Pinkie, who somehow managed to avoid the collision, were staring through the windows with lots of excitement and huge smiles and eyes.

Yellowfang ties Pinkie up with rope.

Pear Butter excitedly spoke "Wherearethefoals? Iwannaseethem!"

Yellowfang spoke "Cool yer jets Pear, yer givin' Redheart a hard time."

Pear Butter spoke "S-Sorry. It's just... Mah best friend just had her first foals, twins even."

Applejack spoke "Ya reacted the same way when Ah had Appleseed though."

I spoke "And I swear, she's behaving like a filly who just got her cutie mark..."

Then Carrot Cake showed up.

Twilight spoke "I find it odd that my daughters and niece are alicorns yet my brother and I are unicorns..."

Yellowfang spoke "My son's the first natural born reverse gryphon though."

Applejack spoke "Not ta mention, Apple Brandy may be a hippogriff but he's also half Changeling."

Spottedleaf asks "Maybe it's because of genetics?"

Twilight asks "You sure Spots?"

Danyelle spoke "Think about it girls. The odds of an alicorn in a unicorn-Pegasus pairing is one in three. But if one parent is an alicorn already, then the odds of an alicorn foal is one in four if the other parent isn't an alicorn. Plus Mrs Cake has Pegasi in her family while Mr Cake has unicorns in his family. That explains why Pound Cake is a Pegasus while Pumpkin Cake is a unicorn."

Spottedleaf spoke "Wait a minute! I just remembered that Strawberry meowed!"

Twilight spoke "Shining did mention that my 30th great grandfather on my dad's side of the family was an Abyssinian... His kids were hybrids but 26 or so generations later, the Abyssinian genes became diluted."

Spottedleaf spoke "Well this is a bit complicated."

Yellowfang asks "But Spots, weren't yer parents both tabbies?"

Spottedleaf spoke "They are but they carried the genes for silver-gray, tortoiseshell, bi-color and mottled black."

Twilight spoke "And you're a tortoiseshell."

Spottedleaf spoke "It's odd though, you have pale mulberry fur yet your parents have light gray fur and dark navy blue fur."

Danyelle spoke "Perhaps the Pegasus and unicorn genes are recessive traits in Mr and Mrs Cake."

Twilight spoke "Danyelle, you're a genius!"

Danyelle spoke "Come on, Twi-chan. You’re smart too."

Twilight spoke "Yeah but you figured out the genetics before I did."

Spottedleaf giggles "Both of you come here."

Spottedleaf grabbed both Danyelle and Twilight as they laughed with smiles on their faces.

*One month later,*

Twilight had arranged a playdate for the foals. And much to her surprise, Luna had come by for a visit with her daughter. A wolfish alicorn filly named Moonlight Shadow.

Luna spoke "Hello, Twilight."

Twilight spoke "Hello Luna."

Luna asks "May I ask why you are here with your children?"

Yellowfang spoke "Playdate for the foals and cubs."

A month old gryphon cub was curled up near Gilda since she had adopted it.

Gilda asks "Hey girls. Ya have room for one more?"

Galahad crawls to hide behind Gilda.

Gilda spoke "Come on, Galahad. No need to be scared."

Twilight asks "Wasn't he the egg you found back during our sleepover?"

Gilda spoke "Yeah."

Twilight asks "But what happened to his parents?"

Gilda sadly spoke "They’re… gone."

Twilight and Yellowfang both spoke "Oh..."

Galahad was rather shy.

Gilda spoke "Still, I think Galahad needs to make some friends."

Strawberry meows at Galahad.

Twilight spoke "Oh hey Pinkie."

We walked it, only to see Pinkie and the twins.

Pinkie spoke "Hi, girls!"

Spottedleaf asks "Where’s Mr. and Mrs. Cake?"

Pinkie spoke "Off on a delivery they remembered a few minutes ago."

Applejack had brought her baby brother and her child over for the playdate.

Applejack spoke "My ma went with them too."

Gilda asks "She wanted to catch up with Mrs. Cake?"

Applejack spoke "Eyup."

Gryphon-Jack was on the roof of Sugarcube Corner while thinking about her home since Celestia still hasn't found a way to send her back.

Gryphon-Jack sighs "Ah just hope mah friends are okay."

Lamorak spoke "We'll find a way to get you back to your world."

Gryphon-Jack spoke "Thanks, Lamorak. Guess yer not full o’ hot air after all."

Wave spoke "For a 14 year old, he's still a hothead... And I heard rumors that Stormcloud's got a crush on you."

Feathers fluffing up, Stormcloud shouts "NO I DON'T!"

Gryphon-Jack asks "*Confused* Pardon?"

Wave giggles "Stormcloud's a stubborn guy."

Lamorak spoke "Ya know, I’ve been hearing weird rumors."

Azure throws Stormcloud at Gryphon-Jack, causing the two to lock beaks.

Gryphon-Jack kicked Stormcloud off, knocking him out cold.

Gryphon-Jack angrily spoke "Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kick ya to the moon!"

Rainbow growls "Leave my husband alone!"

Applejack spoke “*Bead of sweat* This is really awkward, stopping a counterpart of mine and my Rainbow Dash. Both of ya simmer down!”

Rainbow growls "She started it!"

Applejack spoke "Besides, the youngins can hear y’all!"

A sound proof barrier was in the nursery since Twilight had set it up.

Applejack asks "Wait, what about Sugarcube Corner?"

Rainbow spoke "Twilight put up a sound proof barrier."

Applejack spoke "Ah know that."

Lamorak groans "Ever since Gryphon-Jack came here by accident, Stormcloud became smitten with her."

Gryphon-Jack spoke "Ah already got mah own problems to deal with!"

Gryphon-Jack flew off.

Stormcloud sighs "Guess that didn't work out..."

The depressed male flew off in a different direction to be alone.

It was as though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1yO4S07b9o was heard as Stormcloud flew off since he was nothing but an outcast due to the scar on his face.

Lamorak snaps "Oh great! Look what you did, pincushion!"

Azure snarls "You stay out of this featherduster!"

Lamorak spoke "Fat chance, rat! Because of what ya did, my brother thinks he’s an outcast now!"

Spottedleaf teleports outside.

Spottedleaf snaps "ENOUGH!! Can't you see that Azure was only trying to help?"

Applejack spoke "*Facehoof* Oh fer StarClan’s sake, all of ya calm down!"

Wave whacks Lamorak on the head.

Stormcloud was rubbing at the scar on his face.

Stormcloud sighs "She hates me..."

Cadence grabs Gryphon-Jack with magic before dragging her back over to the group.

Gryphon-Jack spoke "Ah already told y’all, Ah have problems of mah own to worry about!"

Cadence spoke "Celestia's been working her tail off trying to find your homeworld on top of running a kingdom AND raising a foal. But that was no way to treat Stormcloud!"

Spottedleaf spoke "StarClan's sake, your actions alone made Stormcloud think that he was an outcast!"

Gryphon-Jack spoke "But-"

To our surprise, Applejack tail-slapped her own counterpart at the back of the head.

Spottedleaf spoke "Go apologize to him!"

Applejack spoke "Listen, other me, Ah know yet worried about yer home, yer friends and family. But that ain’t no excuse to get angry and take it out on others."

I spoke "Not to mention, Stormcloud's physically and emotionally hurt. It'll be hard for you to regain his trust."

As Gryphon-jack breathed, calming herself, Pinkie mentally thought, “Where’s a Chill-out Stick when ya need one?

Twilight thinks "We need to find a way to send Gryphon-Jack home."

Gryphon-jack spoke "Uh… Stormcloud? Ah’m mighty power sorry for actin’ like that. It’s just Ah miss mah home, family and friends so much, I got a little nutty. Still… *Hugs Stormcloud* Ah just hope we can still be friends."

Stormcloud spoke "It's okay..."

Gryphon-Jack spoke "Ah know you’ll find yer special someone."

Stormcloud spoke "I already have but... She'll be going back to her world soon..."

Gryphon-Jack spoke "Oh… Right."

Stormcloud spoke "Yeah but there's not much I can do about it...."

Gryphon-Jack spoke "It ain’t like there’s really gonna be a bridge between the two."

Rainbow spoke "Maybe the other Danyelle can come up with something."

Danyelle spoke "Uh, Gryphon-Jack’s from a Gryphon-verse. My counterpart’s from the OC-verse."

Rainbow spoke "I know that but she has those gold rings with her at times."

Danyelle spoke "You might be onto something Rainbow-chan!"

Spottedleaf spoke "If that doesn't work, then Vera can set up a two-way portal to the gryphon-verse in her hotel."

Vera popped her head out of the chimney, wearing a hard hat. “Already working on it. The job’s harder than I thought though, so it may take some time. I just hope Grypharda’s working on it too.”

Stepping through a warp ring, OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Plus we'll need a way to connect my universe to the Chuddle Hotel of this universe without wasting warp rings."

Vera read something before it vanished completely. “Well, that’ll take some time. But don’t worry, patience is worth it.”

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I don't have a lot of patience though."

Stormcloud asks "So Jackie, what do you want to do?"

Vera spoke "Come on now, an acorn can only become the mighty oak, not a cherry tree."

But then Gryphon-Jack fell asleep, being exhausted from all the stress.

Danyelle spoke "True but the funny thing is, my counterpart can't swim."

Stormcloud massages Gryphon-Jack's back.

Gryphon-Jack started purring in her sleep with a smile.


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