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Gauntlet of Fire

*Wendy’s POV*

I don’t know why, but something’s telling me that a big event will happen today.

Nashi was itching at her scales since they were glowing.

My skin was really itchy too, before Spike showed up with Natsu, Lucy, Charred and Kaminari, in the same situation as Nashi and I are.

Even Igneel, Amethyst, Gajeel and Metalicana were having the same issue.

Grandeeny spoke "Uh Wendy, you're a feathered dragon... You don't have scales."

And to my surprise, Erza also had itchy skin since she was half dragon.

Same with Faunia to my surprise too.

Even the tribrid, Emerald Aura, had the same issue.

A gloved hand with a paintbrush showed up before it spun around, painting something, causing Peacock to appear as she put the paintbrush away.

Peacock asks "What’s going on? Ya got dragon fleas or something?"

Erza spoke "Oh StarClan no, it's the call of the Dragon Lord."

Grandeeny spoke "Little is known about dragon culture since my daughter and future son in law were raised by ponies."

Emerald stopped itching at that in shock. “Wait… Dragon Lord?!”

Grandeeny spoke "Correct, it's a long flight to the Dragon Lands though since some of us lack wings or aren't strong enough to make the flight there."

Emerald exclaims "What’re we waiting for?! Let’s go!"

With help of the older adult dragons, the others and I arrive in the Dragon Lands.

I couldn’t stop sweating at how many there were! “So much dragons!”

An orange dragon teen with blue eyes and purple fringe asks "You lot new in the Lands?"

Grandeeny spoke "You could say that for most of us."

The dragon teen spoke "The name's Smolder. I should warn you, my older brother is here somewhere."

Smolder's nose twitches.

Smolder asks "Why is there a pony and a bipedal cat here?"

Erza spoke "Don't ask."

Smolder sighs "Diamond Dogs too? What has the world come to?"

Samson growls "Got a problem with my host, lizard?"

Erza growls "Or the fact I'm half dragon?"

Smolder spoke "Course not but my brother might say otherwise, he hates ponies."

Emerald spoke "Oh if he tries messing with my friend, he’s getting a major foot to the face!"

Emerald kicked the air in a Kung Fu pose at that to demonstrate.

Erza spoke "I'm not like other Diamond Dogs though."

A voice scoffs "Tch, what's a pair of ponies and a mutt doing here? This is for dragons only."

Smolder groans "*facepalm* Oh great... Garble's here..."

Samson growls "You got a problem with that, newt boy?"

Grandeeny roars at Garble, making him back off.

Samson spoke "Tch. He got lucky for now."

I laugh "Looks like some dragon's gonna need herbs for that burn!"

Grandeeny however was silent.

I ask "Mom?"

She was looking a specific direction.

I soon turn my attention towards whatever my mother was looking at.

The others and I were greatly confused.

Igneel laughs "It's been too long since I saw you last Torch!"

“Torch?” The others and I asked as the dragon took a glance at Igneel before looking away, back at the group of dragons before we noticed a female dragon about Lucy's age with him.

“Who-Who is that?” Charred asked in awe.

Igneel spoke "That's Ember."

Grandeeny spoke "M-my other daughter..."

“…What?” I asked in shock and confusion.

Grandeeny spoke "Yes, your… big sister."

Spike spoke "Woah...."

I… I…

*Spike’s POV*

Wendy passed out from the shock.

Smolder asks "Uh... She okay?"

Igneel spoke "Turns out, learning about a sibling she never knew proved too much for Wendy to process and passed out."

Lucy spoke "Spike reacted the same way when he found out about you, Natsu and Amethyst."

The horn that was still on the rope around Lucy's neck was somehow familiar to Torch.

But Torch decided to move on with the event.

Amethyst spoke "Spike, you'll have to work with Natsu since you don't have your wings yet."

“Okay, mom.” I responded as I noticed Charred’s back, tail, scalp and flame sacs looking a little red.

Grandeeny wingslaps Charred.

Charred asks "H-Huh?"

Grandeeny spoke "Ember's rather picky when it comes to guy dragons."

A black dragon with heterochromatic eyes in red and blue had crashed into Ember since he wasn't paying attention to where he was going.

The two scoffed as the male dragon flew away.

Grandeeny asks "See what I mean?"

But Ember had gone after the black dragon.

Ember asks "Where you going?"

The male spoke "Waiting with the others for it to start."

Ember spoke "Tch. Fine."

Ember stayed put while the black dragon went to the group.

Grandeeny giggles "If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I can tell you have it bad for that male. Don't you Ember?"

Ember snaps "*Irritated and angry* Huh? What’re you talking about?"

Amethyst spoke "That's no way to talk to your mother young lady."

Ember turned away with a scoff as Grandeeny turned away, as if she knew why Ember was acting like that.

Wendy asks "Sis?"

Good to see Wendy’s awake, but Ember didn’t give a glance. It’s like something happened to her to make Ember like this.

Lucy grabs Ember and drags the blue dragoness over to Grandeeny.


But then Lucy got wingslapped by Ember, who turned around without a single glance.

Ember spoke "Not anymore after what she did."

Grandeeny looked like she knew what Ember meant and looked away.

Lucy snaps "For the love of StarClan, ENOUGH!!!"

A ghostly image of Lucy's mother appears, shocking everydragon present.

Layla spoke "Ember, you shouldn't take your anger out on Wendy though. She's just a child after all."

Ember scoffs "Tch. I’m not angry."

Wendy started crying loudly.

Grandeeny grabs Ember before spanking the dragoness's rear.

Grandeeny growls "Just because I'm not hard headed as Torch or Metalicana is, doesn't mean I can open a can of whoop-ass on your sorry rear! Got it Ember?"

But then Grandeeny backed away from doing that as Ember got up, unfazed.

Ember growls "This behavior is exactly why I’m not acknowledging you or those two. You left me alone for years and years, and for what? An unhatched dragon egg that was who knows where?"

Grandeeny now seem guilt-ridden at that.

Wendy ran off somewhere to be alone.

Natsu punched Ember in the face, causing her to spit out a tooth.

Natsu spoke "For StarClan's sake... Your attitude is hurting Wendy! If Leaf found out about this mess, she's not gonna be a happy cat."

Ember started growling, as if something was starting to well up inside her. As Natsu kept trying to talk some sense into her, Ember’s anger rose up before it reached the breaking point as she kicked Natsu where it really hurt in pure rage. “If I didn’t let those poachers get away, she wouldn’t have gone off to find that egg in the first place!”

Ember’s face was filled with rage with frustrated tears and gritting fangs as I saw on both Torch and Grandeeny’s faces that they knew, but didn’t blame Ember. Looks like Ember’s the one who had a lot of self-doubt and guilt in her.

Nashi was cowering behind Lucy in fear.

A sudden Chaos Barrier restrains Ember from lashing out.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I heard it all since I was practicing my magic."

The nekomata walks over to Ember before hugging the dragoness, calming her down.

OC-verse Danyelle asks "Now, what made you go after those poachers in the first place?"

Ember spoke "I… I was still just a hatchling… If I only was scared of them… If I just went after them… mom wouldn’t have…"

Ember fell to her knees in regret and frustration, biting her lips to hold her emotions in.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Showing emotions isn't a weakness. As I told the Gilda from my universe one time... The past can hurt but the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it."

Ember suddenly flew off, before I recognized the direction she was headed.

The others and I followed after Ember.

OC-verse Danyelle flew with the group of dragons.

We stopped at where Ember landed and hid from sight, keeping watch as we saw her walking up to a crying Wendy before she noticed her.

Wendy sniffles "What do you want?"

Ember was silent and still, as we could tell she wasn’t sure what to say or do at all.

Wendy spoke "For the last ten years, I kept thinking about who my parents were since I was just an egg when I was taken..."

Ember clenched her claws at that.

Wendy spoke "Lucy lost her mother because of those poachers you know? She may not show it but she's scared for the safety of the other dragon eggs that have yet to hatch."

Ember was growling at herself, but Wendy didn’t know that.

Wendy puts a hand on Ember's shoulder.

Wendy spoke "But that's in the past now. I was thinking that some of the dragons can form a guard to protect the unhatched eggs."

Ember snaps "STOP REMINDING ME OF MY FAILURE!!! Do you have any idea, how useless and pathetic I felt that day when those poachers took you?! Because of my cowardice, I… I can’t even bring myself to take a glance at you!"

Wendy counters "Igneel and Amethyst also suffered when they lost Spike! So STOP PINNING THE BLAME ON YOURSELF!!! YOU'RE NOT A COWARD EITHER!!!"

Ember asks "How would you know?!"

Wendy spoke "Natsu told me about it just after he moved to Ponyville from Neighpon."

Ember asks "And what does that mean about me not being a coward, huh?! HUH?!"

Wendy slaps her sister on the back of the head.

Wendy spoke "You're the only blood related sister I have..."

Ember asks "Again, what about that says I’m not a coward? Tell me how. How? HOW?!"

Wendy spoke "For StarClan's sake Ember, you're no coward. You tried to save me and Spike when we were taken but you never gave up."

OC-verse Danyelle pushes Torch and Grandeeny over to where the two young dragons were with magic.

Grandeeny spoke "Ember, I'm sorry... I know it's hard for you to forgive me but even after Wendy was taken, I never stopped looking for her. It took me ten damn years to find her..."

Ember was silent, mentally struggling with herself.

Wendy spoke "I want the four of us to be a family again..."

Ember roared in fury! “How can we be a family when I was the one who tore it apart in the first place?!” Then Ember flew off in rage and all-consuming guilt.

Grandeeny spoke "Torch, I don't think Ember can handle the stress of being dragon lord on top of what she's already dealing with."

Torch spoke "I wasn’t planning on letting her join the event, but she’s quite stubborn and dead-set on becoming the Dragon Lord."

OC-Verse Danyelle spoke "I think there’s a reason why to that."

Wendy spoke "She wants to make things right again."

OC-Verse Danyelle spoke "Not only that, she wants to prove that she isn’t just smart but also brave as well."

OC-Verse Danyelle's eyes shimmer suddenly as she takes notice of poachers.

OC-Verse Danyelle yowls loud to get Ember's attention.

OC-Verse Danyelle yowls "POACHERS!!!!!!"

Ember froze at that, remembering that day she felt.

A sudden Fireboom streaks across the volcanic sky as a blue blur slams head first into a poacher, knocking the pony out cold.

OC-Verse Danyelle was hissing at the other poachers, putting herself between them and a batch of eggs.

The poacher spoke "Oy! Get outta the way, ya dirty feline!"

OC-Verse Danyelle hisses "NOT A CHANCE IN TARTARUS!!!"

A white wolf was beside OC-Verse Danyelle while growling at the poachers.

A random poacher spoke "Uh boss, that's the Alpha-Queen Nekomata of Redemption... We shouldn't mess with her."

Lead Poacher spoke "*Laughter!* Oh come on! Ya obviously drank too much, ya mugger! There’s no way that-GRHK!!!"

Ember was suddenly there, having punched the leader right in the gut before he was sent flying.

Grandeeny and the other dragons had surrounded the eggs, protecting them.


Lead poacher asks "Eh?"

To the lead poacher's horror, the horn that was from the Celestial dragon that he had killed 11 years ago was on a rope around the Celestial Fury's neck.

Lucy growls "Remember this horn you jerk?"

Lead Poacher spoke "Grr! Guess I should’ve finished you off when I had the chance!"

Lucy attacks the lead poacher, biting and clawing him.

Lucy growls "Your death will be by MY FANGS!!"

Peacock showed up. “Whoa! This could get ugly!” Peacock said as she suddenly brought in a curtain hanging in the air, covering Lucy and the lead poacher.

OC-verse Danyelle paralyzes the other poachers with an alicorn level stun spell.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "That should stop them from attacking."

Another Celestial Fury spoke "Lucy and I wanted revenge against those stupid poachers for the last 11 years."

“Huh?” I asked in confusion as the female celestial fury’s wings looked more spiny and soft, like a fish’s fins.

Natsu spoke "Jeez Laura, you forgot that true Sea Furies don't do well in volcanic regions."

Laura giggles "Hey, can you blame me for liking the ocean so much?"

Natsu teases "Don't look now but some Gronckle's taken an interest in you."

Charred looked away with his flame sacs and cheeks red.

A dying scream was heard since Lucy had killed the lead poacher.

Lucy spat out the chunk of flesh and bone she had torn from the lead poacher's back.

Lucy spoke "Good riddance..."

Peacock spoke "Wow, now that was savage."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Just goes to show, you don't mess with a mad dragon out for revenge."

Lucy spoke "I waited 11 years to get my revenge on the jerk that killed my mom and now that I got it, my mother's spirit can rest in peace."

Laura spoke "Yep. Now that we got that out of the way…"

Torch nodded as he went on with the event. A bit later, he threw the bloodstone scepter into a volcano on an island.

Amethyst kept an eye on Nashi while Natsu and Lucy took part in the contest.

Grandeeny spoke "It's been too long though Torch, we should catch up after the gauntlet's over."

Torch spoke "*Smirk* Indeed."

Grandeeny giggles.

Igneel groans "By the dragon gods..."

We got ready to head to that island.

Wendy spoke "You're going down Garble!"

Garble spoke "Heh, I doubt that, pipsqueak."

Peacock and her gang were sitting back and watching the event while eating popcorn they got out of nowhere.

Erza growls "You forget, that's Dragon Lord Torch's youngest daughter you're picking on."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Oooh, popcorn!"

Garble scoffed as he flew off as Smolder sighs with a facepalm at that.

Peacock asks "Want some?"

Erza flew off after Garble with her fellow Breezie Tail guildmates.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Sure!"

*Lucy's POV*

I spoke "hurry up Laura!"

Laura spoke "I’m trying!"

Laura was helping Charred catch up with us.

Natsu snickers "Great StarClan.... He's got it bad for Laura..."

I spoke "Shh! Not the time, Natsu."

Natsu chuckles "It's only a matter of time before we see any eggs from those two. Even that blue hairball knows it."

OC-verse Danyelle sneezes out a bit of fire.

Peacock asks "Someone talked about ya, huh?"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Yeah and...."

OC-verse Danyelle's eyes flash white, seeing something that happened not long ago.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Dragon Lord Torch! We have a BIG problem! The Alpha of all Dragons is dead!"

Torch groans "*Facepalm* Now of all times…?"

A rogue Bewilderbeast roars loud, taking control of all the smaller dragons.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "This is bad.... With no alpha, the rogue Bewilderbeast can easily take full control!"

Sadly, even Ember and Garble were under the rogue Bewilderbeast's control as they and the other dragons were hovering around the larger dragon.

But out of nowhere, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkzf7bw5IuU was heard as Nightclaw challenged the rogue Bewilderbeast.

Avery spoke "Squawk! Nightclaw’s flying in head-first!"

Peacock spoke "Hot damn! We better get ready to help him if he needs it!"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "No, this is his fight and his alone..."

But since Snowflake was under the rogue's control, Nightclaw had no other choice but to surrender.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Crap! This is worse than I thought!"

OC-verse Danyelle roars louder than she ever could, challenging the rogue.

Ember and all of the other dragons snap out the trance before siding with OC-verse Danyelle.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "The Alpha is the one that controls all dragons! FIRE!!!"

OC-verse Danyelle and all of the dragons blast the rogue with fire attacks, driving it off.

Peacock spoke "Alright!"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "That's why I'm known as the Alpha-Queen!"

Nightclaw looked pretty down about not being able to fight that rogue.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "But since I can't stay in this universe permanently, I have to pass the mantle of Dragon Alpha to someone else."

Snowflake nuzzles Nightclaw.

OC-Verse Danyelle asks "And I think I know exactly who. Nightclaw, you alright?"

Nightclaw chuffs.

Charred spoke "Ugh… He’s saying he’s okay. But my head was ringing all of a sudden."

OC-Verse Danyelle spoke "That was because of the Bewilderbeast's dominance... Its power is overwhelming since it is known as a Dragon Alpha. But only another alpha can challenge it."

Kaminari spoke "Really? Can’t say I was under its control, but I couldn’t really move either."

OC-Verse Danyelle spoke "Given that I'm an alpha class Mobian due to my height, I had to challenge the Bewilderbeast to win back the freedoms of the other dragons."

Ember groans "That was crazy...."

The black dragon spoke "You’re telling me.

Dan spoke "Your voice reminds me of someone I know."

The black dragon asks "Hmm? What’re ya talking about?"

Runo pops up with a young boy in her arms.

Runo spoke "Jeez Shun, you can be such a pain at times."

Shun asks "Huh?"

Shortly after the gauntlet was over, OC-verse Danyelle had roundhouse kicked Shun at Ember thus causing the two to kiss.

The two were definitely shocked at that as Wendy couldn’t help but laugh.

Natsu and I were both laughing as well, same with all of the other dragons.

Even Torch and Grandeeny were amused by that.

Metalicana chuckles "That was pretty metal if you ask me."

Grandeeny giggles "Still, Torchy and I have much to catch up on. And I know exactly where we can do that."

OC-verse Danyelle had teleported the four dragons straight to Vera's hotel.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Well, I should get going."

Peacock spoke "Welp… That’s all, folks!"

OC-verse Danyelle headed back to her universe to prepare for Sonic's birthday.


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