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Dance Celebration Part 1

*Rainbow Dash’s POV*

*Stretched out and yawns* Another awesome day today, and gonna visit Ineighba to boot.

Bold asks "Momma?"

“Yeah, squirt?” I asked.

Bold asks "Can Mint and I come with you?"

Azure chuckles "What do you think Skittles?"

That made me giggle. “Since it’s just a friendly visit, sure thing.”

Spottedleaf pops up with her family.

Willowpelt asks "Could we come too?"

“Why not? In fact, think the whole gang can come along?” I wondered.

Spottedleaf spoke "Maybe the entire Alliance can come!"

“Whoa, let’s not go overboard here.” I said.

Azure spoke "But Rainbow, you oughta know Rising by now. If she invites just us, the rest of the Alliance is going to find out."

I spoke "Oh StarClan... I forgot about that..."

Nadia and Ozul showed up, back from their honeymoon, and it looked like Nadia had a big kitty bump.

Spottedleaf spoke "Nadi!"

Nadia giggles "Heehee, hey everyone. Our honeymoon to Abyssinia and Blobtopia was the cat's meow."

Spottedleaf giggles "Mareis would have been a great place to be, I was there once on my honeymoon with Frostleaf."

Danyelle asks "So, how many months has it been since you became pregnant?"

Nadia spoke "Heehee, 3 months."

"Three months?!" Those of us who didn't know gasped in total surprise.

Nadia spoke "Yep, Ozul and I are having a healthy litter of 7, 9, or 13 kittens. All hybrids too. The docs weren't sure how many there were exactly, but they did say there'd be a lot."

Danyelle's nose twitches.

Danyelle spoke "I smell twins."

Shizu and Rimuru showed up, with the female dog having a puppy bump as big as Nadia’s.

Danyelle spoke "*Nose twitches before she becomes shocked* Whoa, three months pregnant with twins as well? Did not see that coming."

Next thing we knew, Nadia and Shizu were butting a heads as their bellies rubbed against each other.

Ingot was tied to a tree since he was being an idiot as usual.

Rarity spoke "Hmm… Those two certainly remind me of you and Applejack, Rainbow Dash."

Sleuth was depressed.

Pinkie spoke "Hey, Sleuth. Cheer up! We’re heading to Ineighba!"

Sleuth sighs "Why should I? It's obvious that Goliath still loves Demona..."

Pinkie was about to say something, but I stopped her. “Not the best time now, Pinks.”

Cocoa soon pops up with Foxsong.

Foxsong was in pony form due to the foal developing inside her.

Cocoa spoke "Hey Dash!"

“‘Sup, you two.” I smiled.

Shizu spoke "How about we make a bet, Nadia Fortune? First one to give birth on due date wins."

Nadia asks "Hehe, really? Care to make it interesting?"

Shizu whispered into Nadia’s ear.

Nadia spoke "Alright, you got a bet."

Spitfire soon arrives with a very pale yellow alicorn foal with deep brown eyes and a silvery white mane on her back.

Spitfire spoke "Hey Rainbow."

“Hey Spitfire.” I smiled before noticing the foal.

Spitfire spoke "This little scamp is Silver Wind."

“Wait, colt or filly?” I asked, not sure.

Spitfire spoke "Colt."

“Nice.” I smiled as everyone was now ready to head to Ineighba.

OC-verse Danyelle soon arrives via warp ring.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "You better not leave me behind. I'm part of the Alicorn Alliance too."

But then Nadia and Shizu’s stomachs growled ravenously.

OC-verse Danyelle giggles "no offense to the wolfish ponies and the Mobian wolves but it seems like you two are hungry like a wolf."

Shizu spoke "Well, we’re both eating for three."

Nadia spoke "And if we’re this big after 3 months, just imagine how much bigger we’re get."

Spottedleaf spoke "About that... Cats and dogs back in my old world had a three month pregnancy. So the same rule still applies to Abyssinians and Diamond Dogs."

That left Nadia and Shizu confused as Vera showed up, carrying two potions.

Vera spoke "Hey guys."

As dumb luck would have it, both Nadia's and Shizu's waters break.

The two were rushed to the hospital as their husbands and Vera accompanied them. The Abyssinian and Diamond’s Dog’s bellies were really jiggling with punches and kicks from the insides, like they were getting bigger. After a few minutes, we heard light mews and barks we entered the room, seeing kittens and puppies. Nadia held two kittens, one girl and one boy in her arms, and it was the same with Shizu. All of the babies were moving fine.

Nadia spoke "*Tiredly* So who…"

Shizu asks "*Tiredly* …Was first?"

Nurse Redheart spoke "Actually, surprisingly, you both gave birth to your children at the same time."

Shizu asks "*Starts to smile* So we… tied? *Smile drops* Wait… not good."

Nadia spoke "*Tired groan* Guess we’re both doing it since… *Pant* we both lost."

Foxsong spoke "I think I just felt a kick."

Redheart spoke "Sorry about that, I guess something about the spell was on the fritz, miscounting the amount of babies."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Even folks with a keen nose can screw things up."

Danyelle's left ear twitches before she started growling.

OC-verse Danyelle pulls her counterpart aside just before Redux Danyelle pops up.

OC-verse Danyelle asks "What did you see in your vision?"

Danyelle spoke in a low tone "It was hard to tell but it was an amalgamation of monsters... enough to freak any Fluttershy out..."

“Danyelles, can we please not now? We’re trying to get ready to head to Ineighba.” I pointed out.

Nadia spoke "Vera, Shizu and I need you to do something."

Vera asks "What is it?"

Shizu and Nadia whispered into the Draconequus’ ears.

Vera spoke "Since you both agreed for the loser’s penalty, I guess so."

Vera snapped her fingers, causing to big cylinder-shaped containers of whipped cream to appear with hoses that were connected to a single opening on each of the containers, as the other end of each of the hoses were like double straws.

Nadia spoke "Ozul, come here for a sec."

Shizu spoke "Rimuru, if you could come to me."

Ozul spoke "Okay."

Rimuru spoke "Sure."

Ozul and Rimuru went to their wives before the two girls each grabbed a hose. Then the two couples put their mouths on the double straw-like ends of the hoses while Nadia and Ozul had their noses touching each other, same with Shizu and Rimuru. The two couples then started drinking the whipped cream as they got bigger and fatter. About like a minute later, the containers were empty, as Nadia, Ozul, Shizu and Rimuru were each 1,000 pounds obese, having finished drinking the whipped cream before the babies looked hungry.

OC-verse Danyelle's right eye was twitching in annoyance.

Danyelle spoke "Vera! What did I tell you about making THOSE kinds of bets when OC-verse Danyelle is nearby? You reverse it right now before I SNAP YOUR WINGS OFF!!!"

Vera spoke "Hey, I didn’t know about the bet until Nadia and Shizu told me after the bet was done."

OC-verse Danyelle threw a fiery punch at a wall in anger, causing a hole to appear.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I'm not paying for that damage since the money I have doesn't work in this universe."

Vera spoke "I’ll handle this."

Vera got to rebuilding the holed-up wall as Nadia and Shizu started nursing their children.

Danyelle grabs Vera by the neck and strangles her.

Danyelle snarls "Next time, keep your obese crud out of OC-verse Danyelle's line of sight whenever she visits."

Vera spoke "*Unfazed* Noted. Now please let me go."

Redux Danyelle spoke "I should probably let Jasmine know when I get back home and..."

Redux Danyelle's fur bristled up since she had seen something in her sight sharing with Icy River.

Redux Danyelle spoke "Alicorn Alliance! We got trouble in Ineighba! More oni have appeared!"

I couldn’t help but facehoof. “OH COME ON!!! Can’t we catch a break!?”

OC-verse Danyelle and Redux Danyelle use Chaos Control to teleport the combat ready fighters to Icy's location.

A silvery white chakat with sapphire blue eyes was fighting a smaller oni.

The chakat spoke "Bout time you lot got here! More oni suddenly appeared and no matter how many the guards and I cut down, more keep appearing!"

“From the looks of things, Seiko and Miran are still in the city.” I noticed while pounding some Oni.

The chakat spoke "That may be so but these damned oni keep spawning!"

Danyelle spoke "Sounds like we gotta find the portal spewing them out and close it."

The chakat spoke "These monsters are being summoned, if we find the asshole behind the mess then we can stop the oni!"

Pinkie spoke "I can find it!"

The chakat spoke "It's not that easy pink one, the summoner is always on the move and they keep to the shadows. Oh, I'm Silverfeather."

Ozul suddenly popped out of a rift that appeared. “Finding someone in the shadows is as easy as fighting someone in the darkness.”

Silverfeather spoke "It's not that easy sir, the summoner constantly erases their tracks thus making it harder to catch. Even the police have a tough time catching the jerk."

Ozul spoke "Maybe... *Liquid-like darkness covers him with abyssal dots like stars before a rift opened behind him as he slowly stepped backward into it until his upper half poked out* But the summoner can't hide for long."

Ozul then let go, falling into the rift before it closed. Looks like he went aether-charged.

All three Danyelles were suddenly grabbed by the oni and dragged away somewhere else.

Silverfeather spoke "Well, shit... Seems like the summoner doesn't like the fact that three powerful females are in their way of domination."

*In an unknown location*

The three Danyelles were rudely dropped on the ground in front of the summoner.

OC-verse Danyelle groans in pain.

Redux Danyelle growls "what the hell are you going to do to us?"

A scarred wolftaur male snaps "I can't have powerful ponies or whatever you three are getting in my way of taking full control of all of Neighpon!"

But then four gunshots were heard as the scarred wolftaur roared, falling to its knees with his ankles bleeding.

But the oni were in the way, shielding their master.

The wolftaur laughs "You can never stop me from taking over Neighpon! And once I kill the behemoth guardian, there will never be another one for 500 years!"

A voice spoke "Found you…"

The area they were in was suddenly surrounded by a dome of darkness.

But a powerful spell kept Ozul away from the three females.

The wolftaur laughs "You're a fool for coming alone! It just so happens that I'm using the guardian's power to keep you in submission! And I, Drago Wolfsbane, will destroy the entire alicorn alliance and there's nothing you can do about it!"

A voice spoke "Orgia mode engaged!"

Drago was suddenly tackled by a figure that had a blue glow, knocking the wind out of him as he was sent flying back, but landed with a wince.

The being spoke "You severely underestimate us."

The four saw Aigis, but she had mechanical wings and a mechanical horn, with them and other parts of her glowing blue.

But a powerful oni swats Aigis away, causing her to crash into a wall.

Drago spoke "As if you pests can lay a hand on me!"

But a portal opened right behind him as Chameleo lunged out before delivering two-fingered strikes all over Drago, causing him to freeze before he fell down, still frozen.

Chameleo spoke "Like we haven’t faced enemies like that who’ve said that before."

Several chains of pure darkness restrain the two attackers, stopping them before they attacked Drago.

Drago spoke "You jerks obviously don't know what it was like for me! I was exiled from my pack for use of the dark arts and oni summoning! And I was the one who wiped out my former packmates in a single day! Now I am stronger than you will ever be!"

All three Danyelles spoke "You can still start over, you know."

But then Chameleo vanished in a puff of smoke, revealed to be a log.

Chameleo spoke "Here’s a quote an old friend of mine said from his wilder days, “When your opponent starts boasting, he’s already lost.”

Chameleo delivered a swift neck chop, knocking Drago out cold.

But Drago kicks Chameleo hard in the stomach, sending the Pokemon flying.

Drago scoffs "What makes you think you can save me? I won't lose to a stupid ninja!"

But then Chameleo vanished in another puff of smoke, revealed to be a shadow clone.


Chameleo spoke "I’m not hiding, I’m fighting as a ninja should. Always keep the enemy guessing."

Unknown to Drago, Danyelle made a call, contacting Cadence and requesting her to come to her location as Chhameleo landed a kick on Drago, keeping him distracted.


Inescapable chains tie Chameleo off, stopping him from using any of his ninja powers.

Chameleo spoke "Well, your plan won’t work anyway, Drago. You’re not that different from Mz. Ruby."

Drago spoke "Get a good long look at these wings and this horn then! They were from the mare I killed!"

Bloodied pale green wings and a broken horn were thrown on the ground in front of Chameleo.

Drago spoke "That mare thought she could stop me but she failed to!"

Chameleo spoke "That’s because she thought she had to fight you alone. But you won’t beat us."

Drago scoffs "Once I deal with you brats, I'll go after that stupid mare's little cousin!"

Chameleo spoke "From how similar he is to a friend of mine, you’re as good as beaten."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Quit pissing him off more Chameleo! A starving wolftaur is dangerous!"

But then Vera popped up. "Maybe he's a little hangry."

Vera brought out a big steak, catching Drago's attention. "You see this big fat juicy steak, Drago?"

Vera moved the steak a bit, causing Drago's eyes to follow it.

Drago spoke "Yeah... *Shakes head* No! You won't tempt me!"

Vera spoke "Hmm, I guess not. *Carelessly throws steak away* What a waste though."

Drago's hunting instincts took over as he immediately chased the steak. "NO! IT'S AN AWESOME STEAK!!!"

Drago leapt and caught the steak before he immediately started eating it.

Danyelle spoke "Dude's been having trouble hunting since Rising Sun-hime put the ban on such a thing."

Right after the steak was gone, Drago pins Vera down.

Drago growls "You cheeky bitch."

But then Vera snapped her fingers, causing a pile of steaks to appear as that immediately caused Drago to jump into it and dig in.

Danyelle giggles "Like Green Gourmet would say, the way to a male's heart is through his stomach."

After finishing the pile, Drago looked normal, despite his two comically distended bellies, before he suddenly started whimpering with tears threatening to fill his eyes, as if he remembered something he'd forgotten before.

Redux Danyelle's eyes flash white, triggering a past vision.

Past Drago spoke "*Breathing* Come on, Drago... Keep it together..."

A female voice spoke "Dinner time!"

Past Drago spoke "Coming, dear!"

Past Drago moved before meeting up with a female wolftaur that seems the same age as Past Drago. The couple then dug in, eating the meat.

Past Drago spoke "Mmm! You hunt the best meat, sweetie!"

Female Wolftaur giggles "I try, honey.

The time skipped a bit until Past Drago and his mate were seen talking.

the female Wolftaur spoke "Drago, it's getting worse."

Past Drago spoke "Baby, I've got it under control."

the female Wolftaur spoke "But you're getting more violent with the rest of the pack. And it started when you began using dark arts negatively."

That seemed to have made Past Drago realize something. "Skye... If it looks like I'm gonna go completely crazy, I need you to leave the pack."

Past Skye asks "What?"

Past Drago spoke "You heard me. I'll need you to get away as fast and as far as you can!"

Past Skye spoke "But Drago-"

Past Drago spoke "I can't lose either of you!... *Sigh* I don't think you or the pup can be safe with me anymore..."

Redux Danyelle thinks "So he sent her away to protect the unborn pup."

Redux Danyelle watches the rest of the vision.

After seeing everything she needed to know, the vision ended.

Redux Danyelle teleported somewhere before reappearing with a wolftaur bitch and a nine year old female wolftaur.

Then Cadence showed up

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Talk about timing."

Drago was still whimpering, focusing on the taste of the steak.

Rising Sun spoke "Drago Wolfsbane! You are under arrest for assault on royalty, murder of an alicorn as well as murder of your pack."

But Drago didn’t hear any of that, still focused on the taste.

Cadence spoke "I should be able to snap him out of it."

Danyelle pushes the wolftaur bitch over to Drago.

Danyelle spoke "Say something to him."

Skye nodded as Cadence started using a spell to help clear Drago’s mind.

Skye asks "Drago?"

Drago spoke "*Freezes* S-Skye…? But I thought I told you to-"

Skye spoke "I did. And it’s been ten years since then."

The nine year old wolftaur girl had a flower tucked in the fur by her right ear.

Drago asks "*As his head continued to clear* Wh-Who is that?"

The young wolftaur spoke "I'm Rosebud!"

Drago asks"*Gasp of realization* Y-You mean..?"

Skye spoke "Yes Drago, this is our daughter."

Cadence was past halfway done as Drago started whimpering more with his emotional dam about to break.

Danyelle's ears were on high alert.

Rosebud then ran over and hugged Drago.

Rosebud spoke "Dad, I love you."

That blew Drago's dam wide open as the spell was complete, fully clearing Drago's mind as he sobbed happily, hugging Rosebud back as the oni vanish.

Danyelle asks "Does anyone hear music?"

Rising spoke "Oh, the Love Meets Bonds Festival is coming up in a few days."

OC-verse Danyelle and Redux Danyelle ask "The what?"

"Oh, that's right! That's the whole reason we're visiting Ineighba again! I totally spaced from all this!" I remembered.

Danyelle spoke "Hey Rainbow, I think we should invite the folks from the Neoverse, Mewverse and Genderswap-verse too!"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I dunno, might overcrowd Ineighba."

Twilight spoke "Given that my OC-verse counterpart has a beast form..."

Danyelle spoke "Twilight, you're a smartass."

Twilight giggles "Better a smartass than a dumbass."

I then headed out before encountering Seiko and Miran at the train station, and it looked like the town didn't change at all.

A familiar voice spoke "I have seen the light! I've learned the most important lesson from the events last year!"

I looked and saw a familiar stallion delivering a passionate address to the crowd.

Shokubutsu spoke "Unfortunately, this world is full of things meant to deceive creatures. The things you do in pursuit of justice may actually be a terrible mistake... One creature is not enough to judge these things! It was a group of males and females who taught me that. In their spirit, I want to join hooves, hands, claws and paws with all of you to rethink this town's future! I want Ineighba to be a town free from deceit and distractions that keep you from focusing on the things most important to you!"

A housewife earth pony mare asks "Hey, you three? Do any of you know who that is?"

"Yes." Seiko, Miran and I answered.

The housewife earth pony mare spoke "He was arrested during those terrible murders last year, right? And now he's running for mayor... That was a surprise! He's so passionate, though. At first, no one wanted to go near him, but look at him now. I've been to a few of his speeches. I think he might be a pretty nice guy."

Shokubutsu spoke "If we can all work together on this, and not get so sidetracked by passing trends, this town will regain its former glory! So please, lend me your strength! Please...!"

Well, looks like Shokubutsu changed for the better. Later, the three of us went to Kojiro's house, but it seemed like he was busy, so we went to the central shopping district.

An abyssinian tom with a straw hat spoke "Hey, what do you think of beefsteak onigiri? We can freeze it and sell it nationwide through Amazing Commodities..."

A thinking male diamond dog spoke "I dunno... Those are handmade, aren't they? I don't think we can mass produce them... On the other hand, maybe "limited quantities" and "handmade" are good selling points that can revitalize this town."

A housewife pegasus with manebraid spoke "I thought of moving away once... but I don't think I could bear to be away from here."

A housewife unicorn with dyed mane spoke "I understand completely... This is where we were born and raised. We'll have to work together if we don't want it to fall apart."

A sweaty young earth pony stallion spoke "Great news! Junes said we'll have their full cooperation!"

A young female changeling spoke "Yessss! Good thing we went to talk with them! If only we'd done it sooner..."

A troubled male griffon spoke "But... what are we supposed to sell in a "locally produced goods" section? I guess the steak kabobs are good, but what other stuff is there? We're not famous for anything else..."

A loud old male hippogriff spoke "It can be anything, you half-wit! Vegetables, fish, even ramen! As long as it's something we put our backs into, it'll sell like hotcakes! You gotta work hard so you don't embarrass Junes! We can't be weak now!"

Hehe, looked like everycreature's getting along. Seiko, Miran and I then went to Junes' food court as Danyelle caught up with us.

The other alicorns that had come to Ineighba had followed Danyelle.

While eating a salad, Twilight spoke "Great StarClan! This is really good!"

Applejack spoke "Hehe, glad to see Junes hasn’t changed."

But Seiko, Miran and I thought we saw something in the bushes.

Yosuke spoke "Ow! You’re going to give us away, idiot!"

Teddie spoke "Only because you were slow! Slow like a jar of molasses!"

Kaze spoke "Shut up! They’re going to hear! *As Seiko, Miran, Applejack and I approached the bush* Ugh, we blew it… Oh well… Here goes! One, two…! *Pops out of bush* Wah!"

Teddie spoke "*Pops out of bush* Baaaaaaaahhhh! It’s a bear!"

A silent awkward wind blew at that as the rest of the investigation team showed up.

Emerald spoke "What are you guys doing?! This isn’t anything like we planned! And what’s with the “Bahh! It’s a bear!”?! Ugh! You make it sound like we’re the ones getting ambushed!"

Sunao sighs "I knew we’d run into snags…"

Kaze spoke "I'm sorry…"

Teddie spoke "I’m sorry…"

Karei asks "*Excited* Aaaahhhh! Senpai! You and the others are here, you’re here! Did you miss me?"

Looks like the Investigation Team changed a bit.

Seiko asks "Heh, we missed all of you. But what’s going on?"

Looking at Emerald, Silverfeather asks "Do you or your friends know anything about a wolftaur named Drago Wolfsbane?"

Emerald spoke "No, first we’ve heard of him."

“But what’s all this about?” AJ asked.

Kaze spoke "Uhh, we heard you guys were coming, so we planned a little surprise. I mean… things got kind of nuts when you last visited in May. We thought instead of you guys coming to each of our houses, we’d spice things up this time."

Kiko spoke "*Giggle* It has been some time."

Emerald spoke "Yeah. And we thought you guys’d miss us a little if you couldn’t find any of us."

Kanji spoke "It didn’t go quite like we planned, but… It’s been a while, you guys."

Shima asks "Were you surprised?"

Pinkie spoke "Totally!"

Shima spoke "You were!? Success! Pfft… Ahahahahahaha!"

Emerald spoke "Sorry, she laughs for even less reason than before…"

Karei asks "Whoo! So hey, Senpai, how do I look? Did you think I was someone else? Is your heart melting?"

Kaze spoke "Oh, come on, you know who’s changed more than anybody else here!"

Kanji somehow had black fur, a different hairstyle, wearing glasses and a collared t-shirt. “Gah! Will you asshats lay off!? You’re gettin’ a little rude there!”

Shima spoke "Ahahahahahaha…!"

Sunao spoke "Well… we have all changed a little. None of us can remain in stasis forever."

Shima spoke "Ahhahahahahahahaha! Pffff… hee… hee…"

Emerald spoke "Stop laughing already…"

Kaze spoke "None of us want to be the guy who’s always talking about how great things were back in the day. As long as we’re all here, keeping an eye out for each other, we can change."

Teddie spoke "Kaze’s still a show-off! Not me, though! I’m different now! Why, I’ve powered up so much that I’m probably a grizzly bear!"

Kaze spoke "Huh, sounds powerful. I’ll stick you with all the manual labor, then."

We couldn’t help but laugh. Glad things haven’t changed much.

Twilight spoke "Not to mention, there was a murder..."

Twilight sets the severed wings and horn down in front of Kaze's team.

Kaze asks "…Where did you get those wings?"

Twilight spoke "I picked them up after a male wolftaur had been arrested."

Kaze immediately calmed down.

Danyelle spoke "Well, after we snapped him out of it, it was more like he turned himself in.

But then Seiko's compact rang as he opened it, revealed to be Kojiro calling.

Kojiro asks "Oh, hi... it's me. Did the surprise go well?

Miran asks "Wait, you were in on it?!

Kojiro spoke "Hahaha, don't say that to a detective. But give me a break. They forced me to act like I wasn't home. I'm a pro when it comes to seeing through a lie, but when I'm the one who has to put on an act, I don't last five seconds...

"Hehe, just like you, AJ." I smirked as Applejack pouted in embarrassment with a blush.

Kojiro spoke "Anyway, bring them all back here. I've got a good meal waiting."

The call then ended.

Seiko spoke "Well, there's a meal at Kojiro's place soon, so let's head there."

Kanji spoke "Oh, really!? Let's eat!"

Karei spoke "Hey! Kanji! This is to celebrate Senpai and the others coming back!"

Kanji spoke "Shut up! I know!"

Danyelle notices a yellow kirin mare with warm brown eyes and a golden yellow mane.


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