• Member Since 24th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen 27 minutes ago

Wandering Pigeon

I came here to eat breadcrumbs and indiscriminately shit on cars. And I'm all out of breadcrumbs...


Marble Pie has a little problem at night, and the solution isn't something she's looking forward to.

Warning: contains diapers, implied diaper usage, ABDL themes

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )

Glad to see you back, and with a cute story to boot.

Silly ponies :derpytongue2:

Cute story! Thanks for making something about bedwetting that wasn't someone's fantastical view of it. I grew up wetting the bed and it was fucking awful.


seriously though, i'm glad you're back, and that you're doing okay.

This was an entertaining read :). Good to see another story from you.

A cute little story with an unexpected ending. :rainbowlaugh:

It ends to abruptly, what forces me to plea for more..... But what could happen to 3 adult mare who are always sleeping together in one bed, wrapped in thick diapers?

I would love more good job

I would have preferred an absence of the rain clouds (BARELY plausible as a product for use with mentally impaired seniors) and them each putting their OWN diapers on. IE it feels unrealistically humiliating even for the stark pragmatism of that family.

And yes I have some slight issues with night-time bladder control myself, and have known someone with much worse problems (intestine surgery to correct birth defect removed control).

at least Maud and Limestone were helping their sister, marble kind of reminds me of myself in the past, I was quite the shy kid, well there were those surgeries, in the past

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