• Published 22nd Aug 2020
  • 6,284 Views, 161 Comments

The Royal Apple - Mister E-Nonymous

Bitten by a copperhead snake, a boy wakes up in Equestria in an entirely new body unfamiliar to him, hoping that he would be sent back home so he could wait for his parents to come back to get him, but there are two big secrets that he didn't know...

  • ...

Chapter 16: Blueblood's Twisted Punishment

Chapter 16: Blueblood's Twisted Punishment

Canterlot's Royal Courthouse... September 15th, 10:00 AM...

(Apple Shine's Point of View)

In Canterlot's Royal Courthouse, we were all waiting for the judge to come up. After waiting a while, a judge then came in. A brown Earth Pony wearing a black robe and a wig that looks like Thomas Jefferson's hair.

The bailiff then said, "All rise for the honorable, Judge Gavel." We all stood up.

The judge then took to his seat and said, "You may all be seated." We then all sat down.

Then a prosecutor came in and said, "This court is now in session. This is a trial between the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Miss Buttercup Apple and Princess Apple Shine against the unicorn stallion known as Blueblood."

"That's Prince Blueblood!" shouted Blueblood.

"Not once we're done with this trial!" shouted Rainbow Dash.

"Order! Order in the court!" shouted Judge Gavel. Rainbow then took her seat again, crossing her forelegs. "Now, this court is now in session. Now, what are the charges of the one accused."

"Murder, foalnapping, and ignoring royal decrees," said Princess Celestia.

"Oooh," said the prosecutor. "That's gonna be tough for anypony to get out of."

"Indeed," said Judge Gavel. "Blueblood, do you have anything to say in your own defense?"

"First off, it's 'Prince' Blueblood!" Blueblood stated. "Second, those bumpkins weren't even supposed to be in that pie baking contest. I requested it by my aunt, but I never got a response."

"Blueblood," said Princess Celestia. "I invited those two to take place in the pie baking contest personally. Since the mother of the stallion is a friend of mine when the two of us were younger."

"WHAT?!" Blueblood asked. "Why?! You know how much those stupid bumpkins make my skin crawl!"

"Order! Order!" stated Judge Gavel.

"How about your charge of foalnapping?" asked the prosecutor.

"I was trying to save her from being a low leveled bumpkin!" said Blueblood. "She deserves better!"

"She's just a little filly, you know that?" asked the prosecutor. "She's the biological daughter of this, so called, country bumpkin you wanted to take away from. It's not wise to take a filly away from her family unless the family abuses her. Which they never had."

"I object!" Blueblood stated.

"Overruled," said Judge Gavel. "Now, the last accusation. Ignorance of Royal Decrees."

"My aunt doesn't know what she's doing!" said Blueblood. "She doesn't know what's good for the country of Equestria!"

The jury then booed. One of them stood up and said, "We find Blueblood guilty of all charges."

"WHAT?!" shouted Blueblood. "NO!!"

"Sadly, we don't know such a punishment that's worthy enough for you," said Judge Gavel.

"Do not threat, dear Judge Gavel," said Princess Luna. "I know of the perfect punishment."

Interrogation Room...10:30 AM...

Blueblood was taken into an interrogation room, where his forelegs were chained to the table. He had a magic cancelling collar around his neck. He was struggling to get out of there. We were watching from outside.

"Release me at once!" said Blueblood. "You're justifying my royal status!"

Princess Luna walked into the room and said, "You no longer have royal status. That is your first punishment."

"How dare you?!" asked Blueblood. "That princess doesn't deserve to be living with such filthy Earth Ponies."

"Hm," said Princess Luna. "So, you don't like Earth Ponies, huh? Well then, how about this?"

Princess Luna then lit up her horn, and then Blueblood started losing his broad body and his unicorn horn, leaving him in the body of a scrawny Earth Pony.

"What have you done to me?!" shouted Blueblood. "This isn't what I deserve!"

"I also heard from Rarity that you have no respect towards the mares you come across. That's why... you're no longer going to be a male pony."

"WHAT?!" Blueblood went wide eyed. Just then, Princess Luna lit up her horn which surrounded Blueblood, and then he started groaning in pain. He then started changing. His face changed into a mare's face, his voice changed, his body then became one of a females, even his private area, officially making him a her. She looked down at her own body and said in an elegant voice, "What have you done to me?! You've turned me into a disgusting mare!"

"And since you don't understand foals, you're going to have to start life all over." Luna glared at Blueblood.

"WHAT?!" asked Blueblood. "You can't de-age me like that!" She then rolled her eyes and said, "Oh, wait. You won't be able to stop me. Eventually, I will grow up and then take you down and have your royal status stripped and I'll be back on top."

"Not unless you will be doing nothing while an actual foal's consciousness takes over your body while you watch from within. And that foal will never be able to hear your voice from within, or be able to see your memories."


We were watching from outside. I couldn't believe that Blueblood was going to get a really big punishment. Being turned into a baby earth pony filly while he watches from within.

"That is what he deserves for treating all of those ponies he has been mean to," Rarity said.

"Ah agree," said Buttercup. "But, where does the foal go when the process is done?"

"Since Blueblood has disrespected Ponyville, he'll be there for the rest of the foal's life," said Princess Celestia. "Although, it's gonna be hard to find somepony who wants a foal, and is good with young ones."

My eyes then widened. I had an idea. I looked up at Princess Celestia and said, "I think I know just the pony who would be able to take care of the foal."

Ponyville... September 22nd, 2:30 PM...

It's been a week since the punishment of Blueblood, now known as Blue Belle. Right now, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and myself were having some ice cream. Grandma Buttercup was watching us. Since she has a lot of time to catch up with her children.

"So, what ever happened to Blueblood?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Oh, Blueblood got a proper punishment and won't be able to do a thing about it," I told them.

Just then, Cheerilee came walking past us and she had a stroller with a foal inside. Mrs. Cake walked up to her with Pound and Pumpkin in a stroller.

"Oh, hello there, Cheerilee," said Mrs. Cake. "I didn't know you were with foal."

"Oh, I wasn't," said Cheerilee. "Last week, somepony just left this little foal on my doorstep in a basket full of baby toys. All I know that this little foal's name is Blue Belle, and she's going to be living with me. I've never told anypony this, but I've always wanted a little foal of my own."

Inside the stroller that Cheerilee had, it was the baby female Blueblood, and as I recalled, now known as Blue Belle.

"Oh, she is such a cutie, isn't she?" asked Mrs. Cake. "Well, I hope that the two of you will be happy."

"Oh, we will," Cheerilee said. "I'll make sure that she'll be fed, happy, and will grow up to be a very nice pony."

"I'm sure you'll be a good mother," said Mrs. Cake. "Well, I hope that one day, we could have our little foals do a play date."

"I hope so," said Cheerilee. "Right now, tomorrow I gotta get ready for class."

Then the five of us walked up to the stroller and saw Blue Belle looking at us. I wonder what she's thinking.

Blue Belle's Subconscious... 2:32 PM...

(Third Person Point of View)

Blueblood couldn't believe that he was trapped in the body of a foal. He couldn't believe that his body was now being controlled by an actual foal, and he couldn't do anything but watch. And he was wearing what the foal was wearing.

"It's that little princess that ruined my life!" he said. "Give me back control of my body you worthless foal! This is my body! I need to have revenge on that no good princess and take my kingdom back! He then looked at the outfit that the foal was wearing. A pink shirt with a diaper, and pink baby hat that matched the shirt. But then he heard the foal start crying. "No! I did not command you to cry! Stop it! It makes us look pathetic!"

"Oh, what's wrong, little Blue Belle?" Cheerilee's voice said. "Oh, I smell it. You made yourself a little stinky. Let's get you cleaned up." He didn't want that to happen.

"No! Don't you touch me, you pathetic mare!" Blueblood shouted, but all Cheerilee heard was the baby crying. "I am Prince Blueblood! Don't you are not allowed to..." He was then cut off when a pacifier was put into the baby's mouth, which also popped into his mouth. While the baby was suckling on the pacifier, Blueblood had no control, and he was also suckling on it with no way to stop it.

"Now, let's take care of that diaper problem," Cheerilee's voice came.

Sweet Apple Acres... 7:30 PM...

(Apple Shine's Point of View)

Mom and her friends had to go out of town and back to the Crystal Empire for some reason. Since Grandma Buttercup moved back in, Mom and I are going to have to share the same room while Grandma was moving into Applejack's room.

"Do you really have to go, Mom?" I asked.

"Ah do, Apple Shine," said Mom. "Don't worry. Ah'll be back as soon as Ah can."

"Okay, Mom," I said before hugging her. "I love you."

"Ah love ya, too, Apple Shine," Mom said. She then saw the clock and said, "Oh, applesauce. Ah'm gonna be late. Ah'll see ya when Ah get back." She then ran out the room. I walked out of the room, and watched as Mom headed down the stairs, and then closed the front door behind her as she left.

Just then, Grandma Buttercup walked up to me and said, "Don't worry. She'll be back. She always came back, hasn't she?"

I thought about it and said, "Yeah. I guess she has."

"How about I make you some of my sweetest Apple Pie?" asked Grandma Buttercup.

"That sounds nice," I said. We then headed downstairs and to the kitchen. From now on, I hope that nothing bad will happen.


Author's Note:

Blueblood has gotten what he truly deserves. Applejack's mother has returned. And Apple Shine will no longer have any trouble with any other dignitaries that think she deserves better.

No sequels to this story.

Comments ( 29 )
Comment posted by Lunar eclipse airsoft deleted Sep 12th, 2020

Wait... What happened? Okay it wasn't a terrible story; I got some joy out of it. It's just... Nothing really happened, when something did happen it was solved pretty quick. And I'm also confused with the ending; you left it very open ended, like you were planning on more chapters or a sequel but you've said otherwise. All in all; not bad, it was something new to read and was some decent entertainment.

Great story and good luck on the next story

Comment posted by Confused Horse Noises deleted Sep 12th, 2020

oh come on do a sequel

so you set up a great story and then end it like this. Imma be honest, I'm disappointed. You seem to have left it extremely open ended as though you had intended to write a sequel, but you yourself are saying there will be no sequels. Not to mention you suddenly MASSIVELY increased the pace of the story for this chapter. It's like you hadn't planned out the ending and had a sudden urge to end the story as is.

Also, that sure is a twisted punishment. Despite the acts that Blueblood did, Luna's punishment is objectively evil, as she has subjected him to an inescapable fate worse than death. That and I'm a huge proponent of protecting bodily autonomy at all costs. Dehorning a unicorn is one thing, but altering their intrinsic aspect of being "unicorn" goes too far from an ethical perspective. It's cruel and unusual and effectively taunts the pony in that they have had a core part of their identity taken away in an irreversible (without sufficient power) manner. The same can be said of the forced change of biological sex. Not to mention trapping someone in their own mind is a terrible torture I would not wish even upon my worst enemy. It's a truly evil act as it strips an individual of free will while someone who is not them pilots a body that truly belongs to THEM. I'm surprised that nobody objected in any way to this, especially twilight considering that she probably knows how this stuff works. To be completely accepting of that kind of punishment is a sign of lack of empathy. I can understand Apple Shine being too young to understand the consequences of such a punishment, but even if she sees him getting his supposed just desserts, Applejack being someone who greatly values family, honesty, and friendship would definitely object to the fact that practically nobody was told what specifically happened to Blueblood, which would leave any of his contacts or "friends" (if you could even call them that, maybe they're just as self absorbed and actually see each other as friends) completely in the black as to what happened to him, especially considering that now there are in all likelyhood a shitload of assets without an owner. Sweet Apple Acres and the Apple family could have used those assets as a nest egg, especially considering how the farm itself constantly seems to have issues going on from family members needing medical help (Granny Smith needing a new hip) to the buildings literally falling apart. So all in all Justice wasn't even served in the first place IMHO.

But other than that you seem to have written this (unfortunately) last chapter okay.

Please do more! Maybe a time skip Were blue bell is an adult and Apple shine is an official princess and blue blood escapes or something. This story is open for a sequel.

This was soooo good! Makes me want a sequel to this! To me the ending kinda sounded like a cliffhanger. Please do more. I know and you know that others will want more.

I like the story so much and wish you luck in your further works

Comment posted by Hammer-strike deleted Oct 23rd, 2020

A sequel must be made! This is a good story, and I want to see how Buttercup readjusts to her normal life. :trollestia::pinkiehappy::raritystarry::twilightsmile::yay:

Mom made her friends are to go out of town and back to the Crystal Empire for some reason.

Story base seemed interesting tell I saw that he was a she now. I am not sure why but I can not for the life of me stand stories of our MC being gender bent. So I bet this is a wonderful and awesome story but at las Tis not for me. Keep doing what ya love and keep writing!

Aww no sequels to the story you ended it right as the season 4 finale started. I was hoping to see it with Apple Shine and Pear Butter in it. I was also hoping to see Apple Shine go to the EQG world for Rainbow Rocks story. I was also hoping to see her grow up with the Apple Family. But most of all i'd love to see more of Blueblood's suffering as "Blue Belle. I hope you change your mind because like i said "besides my gripe i still think this is a good story" and i stand by that i enjoyed the story and would love to see a sequel.

Oh yeah that is better.

Было очень приятно и неожиданно увидеть продолжение этого рассказа с вашими другими. Например в какой-то день портал в замке искорки зажёгся и из него вышла яблочный блеск

Great story and nice ending …… Hahaha They turn him into a earth pony and mare and a foal also his is trap inside his subconsciousness and cannot control his own body and have to watch everything plays out in front of him hahaha you deserve the punishment oh good job.

Good story, not really sure about the last punishment of being a voice in the head, but a okay story

Apple Bloom is the sister of Applejack, but Apple Shine is the daughter of Applejack, it's in the beginning, Nightmare Moon used a spell that made Applejack have a baby in 5 minutes and that baby is Apple Shine, so Apple Bloom is the aunt, not the big sister

This is the sweetest story love it will stay in my favorite thank you

How I feel about the interruption trope: https://youtu.be/sXE8LdXzeHM
Its to the point to where I usually read the story to chapter 3 and then skip to chapter 10 just to avoid unnecessary hair pulling... its a decent story otherwise.

Had a good premise. Utterly destroyed in execution.

Blueblood deserved that punishment, Blueblood and Sevngallop are my least favorite characters from MLP. Please make a Sequel to this story

Just then, Grandma Buttercup walked up to me and said, "Don't worry. She'll be back. She always came back, hasn't she?"

Springtrap: THAT'S MY LINE

"First off, it's 'Prince' Blueblood!" Blueblood stated. "Second, those bumpkins weren't even supposed to be in that pie baking contest. I requested it by my aunt, but I never got a response."


"WHAT?!" Blueblood asked. "Why?! You know how much those stupid bumpkins make my skin crawl!"

That's right.

"I was trying to save her from being a low leveled bumpkin!" said Blueblood. "She deserves better!"

Closed mind and inexcusable.

"My aunt doesn't know what she's doing!" said Blueblood. "She doesn't know what's good for the country of Equestria!"

Blueblood is definitely mentally insane.

"Release me at once!" said Blueblood. "You're justifying my royal status!"

He never was a real prince from the beginning, all this time he is monster.

"How dare you?!" asked Blueblood. "That princess doesn't deserve to be living with such filthy Earth Ponies."

Not pure evil but the hate sink villains are also beyond redemption.

Princess Luna then lit up her horn, and then Blueblood started losing his broad body and his unicorn horn, leaving him in the body of a scrawny Earth Pony.

Not cutting off his horn, but that is better.

"WHAT?!" Blueblood went wide eyed. Just then, Princess Luna lit up her horn which surrounded Blueblood, and then he started groaning in pain. He then started changing. His face changed into a mare's face, his voice changed, his body then became one of a females, even his private area, officially making him a her. She looked down at her own body and said in an elegant voice, "What have you done to me?! You've turned me into a disgusting mare!"

Oh, much better.

"WHAT?!" asked Blueblood. "You can't de-age me like that!" She then rolled her eyes and said, "Oh, wait. You won't be able to stop me. Eventually, I will grow up and then take you down and have your royal status stripped and I'll be back on top."

Nice try but...

"Not unless you will be doing nothing while an actual foal's consciousness takes over your body while you watch from within. And that foal will never be able to hear your voice from within, or be able to see your memories."

Farewell Blueblood, now no one will remember you. Muahahahahaha.

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