• Member Since 30th Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen July 19th


Is it wrong to think Cadence is best princess? Is it wrong to think Feather Bangs is best pony? I certainly don't think so.


Comments ( 13 )

You lost me at them dating for a year and never having sex. Hell, dating for a month without it is even pushing it. That is definitely not normal at all and can only happen if at least one person involved has spme serious issues.

A zecora fic that is not about zebra empires, futa, tg/tf, or a mix of all of the above. Finally. Been awhile since a vanilla-ish fic with her was posted.

Couldn't agree more

Making love for the first time is scary, exciting and nerve wracking.

Some people simply aren't ready for it and need time to feel truly comfortable. How long shouldn't matter if you truly care for them. It's less them 'having issues' and more 'needing time'.

I've been with my girlfriend for 3 years now and we still haven't had sex once.

I'm QUITE sure that you're the only one in that relationship not having sex.

I thought it was a good story.

I hope there a sequel with all of the joining a herd and be of this there all pregnant.

I'll consider a sequel to this. I'm just working on other things before I'm in the mood to write it.

Lost me at the Rape, because like many rape fics on this site, of course Feather is gonna be ok with it after the fact

Some of us have a more old fashioned view of courting.

This was a very hot and unique clopfic with a unique pairing. I love it.
Great work.

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